Addicted to art


Hoyas dream was to become a well known artist. He could already imagine his paintings being sold all around the world.

His father was opposed because he thought Hoya wouldn't be able to live well off.

Nonetheless, Hoya continued painting and thought that was all he wanted until he met Areum.

A girl full of secrets. Will her secrets destroy him or will he give Areum a chance to redeem herself?




Credit to Illuminate Graphic Shop for the amazing cover photo 


Hoya looked at his girlfriend. All he wanted was to run. Run away from what he was seeing. They were engaged! Was that all a lie?

"Areum?" The startled look on said girl as she turned around showed she had been caught.

"Hoya, I can explain." The man swaying behind her showed no sign of surprise. What was going on? Did he know? She had to be kidding him. After all he had sacrificed for her and this was how she was paying him back.

Hoya shook his head and exhaled deeply.

"Areum, what is going on?" He wanted to cry. Scream. Kick at anything in his way, but the house was clean, like always.

"If you sit down I can explain." 


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