Be Happy, Princess

Thank You For Coming

Under the blazing afternoon sun, a man’s rich soiled locks were caked in his own sweat and blood. His common brown eyes were hazy and his heavy eyelids refused to stay open. He was hurt and could barely stand. A soft, sword cut was made across the left side of his neck and it stings; the pain was worse than receiving a papercut and or slamming one’s big toe into a table’s foot. But to maintain his position and secure his promise, he must endured and defeat the man standing before him.

As the two men observed each other in the middle of a busy, packed, and loud arena ring—the wounded was trying to recomposed his balance and focus as he relied on the weapon in his hand. The point of his unsheathed five feet long sword dug the Earth’s surface as he pulled himself upright, with a heavy inhale and exhalation his eardrums were immediately invaded by the people cheering.

Once his vision made way, he noticed his opponent was staring at him. The latter wield an iron ax, it’s head sat just right in the man’s hand. As the other showed off his skills, swinging the haft in perfect circles with one hand, the swordsman began to shift gear. Slowly he released the handle of his sword and allowed it to fall against the ground with a loud clunk. His rival instantly frowned and stood still, clutching the ax.

Without a word the empty-handed-man scanned the crowd seated all around them. Has the number in the audience tripled or was he seeing things? The arena looked bigger this time around. He winced a little as the sun rays attacked his eyes, but didn’t let it bother him for too long once he found her.

Sitting high up and apart from the crowd was the King and some of his loyal subjects. Placed on either side of the King’s seat were two chairs. One of the wood was covered with a bluish lavender cloth made to bring out the princess’s pink dress as she sits. However, looking over, he noticed her spot was empty and she was standing near the edge of the balcony. As he locked gazes with her from afar, he saw that she was wearing the same worried or concerned expression he has become accustomed to. Afterall he was mischievous and would worry the lass throughout their short time together. Wanting to soften her features, he forced the corner of his thick lips to curved upward.

However, when she didn’t return the smile, he realized she has been looking passed and behind him. Swirling around in slow, hefty steps he saw the facial structure of his rival. The man’s frown was gone and replaced with softer features. He, too, was looking at the princess. Lost and confused, the wounded begin to hallucinate.

Or was it a memory from the past?

The princess stood before him. Waving to him as she hid halfway behind a plum tree. She was smiling at him; the smile that grew on him the moment he laid eyes on her. The gesture that had him daydreaming and working sleepless nights just so she can rest in peace. Carelessly he approached her in cheery, light steps just to come into contact with the wood planted between them. “How do you do princess?” He asked with the grandest smile he could muster. In his line of vision, he could see the princess’s pale hands on the tree’s trunk and decided to rest his rusty hands over hers.

She didn’t budge or move her hands. And in the same tone she responded, “Well Sir Knight, you’re early yet again Dongwoo,”

He could feel butterflies in his stomach when she said his name. He loved the way she announced it. Or, was it her voice that he liked? He wasn’t sure, but it didn’t matter. As long as he can keep hearing it, it was all he could ever ask for.

“Ah, am I?” he playfully asked, though he knew she wasn’t going to buy him playing dumb.

She beamed beautifully, “Hm, I had a favor to ask of you but you didn’t give me enough time to prepare for it,”

This time the man, known as Dongwoo, cocked his head to the side in confusion, “A favor?”

The princess didn’t waste a second to answer, “Yeah,” before Dongwoo could furrow his brow she spilled the beans, “I’m with child,”

Dongwoo could taste the dirt when a swift kick from his opponent sent him falling onto the ground. He coughed to get the taste out of his system but it was no use, he could feel the Earth’s minerals in his mouth. As he swallowed, he felt the dryness of his throat before tasting his own blood. His teeth have made a cut on his lower lip when he fell against his own will. The alien noises from the audience brought Dongwoo back into present time.

The lad didn’t know nor did he care for the location of his enemy, all he knew was that his sword had been kicked out of his reach. Without a warning, someone turned him onto his back and before he could see the other man, he felt a closed, solid fist smashing into his jaw not once, twice but three times.

The sudden punches nearly knocked his consciousness out of him. But despite it all, he was still awake and surprisingly alive. However, he had started to lose his hearing. The people’s chant transformed into a loud, monotone buzz. He couldn’t make out a sound, not even the annoyed voice of the man he shared the arena with asking why he did it.

“With child?” Dongwoo asked, his jaw dropped a little in surprised. “But it has only been a week and—”

The man paused when the lass retrieved her hands from under his. Gently she rests them over his, he watched as she glanced down before looking him in the eyes. “Its not yours,” she answered under a whisper, “that’s why I have a favor to ask,” before she could lose Dongwoo’s attention, she quickly added, “please act as his or her father. Please fight in the upcoming tournament a year from now to win his majesty’s approval and marry me,”

Dongwoo couldn’t utter a word. It’s like someone or something had robbed him of his voice and mind. He was frozen. His mind blank. “W-what did you say?”

He observed as her naturally candy eyes watered up. Was the sixth princess’s ever so easily moved to tears in the past? “Didn’t you say you’ll marry me? That’s why I consented to you that night,”

‘Are you trying to guilt trip me?’ was what Dongwoo wanted to ask, but he couldn’t. When the sea witch took Ariel’s voice, she took Dongwoo’s as well. As a token of his love toward the princess.

Dongwoo tried to breathe. For the last few seconds, he had forgotten how to inhale and exhale. Was this the feeling of dying? Was death at his doorstep?

“Get up!”

Hovering over him was an angry man, Jongup. As the lad was once Dongwoo’s fellow soldier in the palace, he was also the princess’s baby father. When he first heard his contender was Jongup, Dongwoo’s heart ached a little. Why must the princess set them up? Why must the princess beg the King to put them up against each other?

“Hey! You!” Jongup grabbed Dongwoo’s collar, dragging him up into a sitting position. “Why did you agree? Why!?”

“I-” Dongwoo inhaled heavily, “I, I thought I should,” then with a short pause he chuckled, “I know what kind of person you are. You’re the type to hit and run, Jongup. That’s why I stepped up,”

This time Jongup blinked, his voice lower, “What?”

Dongwoo could barely manage his focus let alone his voice. He was speaking, but he wasn’t sure if he was making any sense, “The princess and I knew, you wouldn’t accept responsibility. But, I know, even though you’re the type to flee as soon as you arrived, you also hate it when you’ve been found out or replaced, the princess—” he stopped to catch his fading breath, “wants you. She’ve only longed for you. That is why I agree, I agree to come here because I knew you'd come. You’ve come to accept the princess and your child..., right?”

Jongup loosens his hold, his warm hands felt cold. He shivered. “You’d put your life on the line for something so childish…, something so dumb and as small as this?”

A brief smile was plastered across the sitter’s face as he reached up and placed his bloody, dirty hand on Jongup’s shoulder. Dongwoo fastened his grip, “T-thank you for the end, you really do have a heart…. Take care of my nephew…. Mother and I will watch over you,” Dongwoo’s eyes went still as if someone had pressed pause.

A rush of panic attacked Jongup’s heartstrings. Was the audience watching in silence or had he zoned out as a dead Dongwoo lie in his arms? Emotions flooded Jongup’s body; his limbs became flustered, his eyes welled up with tears, and his heart trembled in fear. “D-Dongwoo..?” Jongup lost his squatting position and fell to the ground bottom first, there he pulled Dongwoo’s motionless body toward him. “Hey, Dongwoo,” he patted the lad’s face, “Dongwoo, step brother. Quit playing, get up. I’m sorry,” his voice grew shaky, “Dongwoo! Get up man, you have to raise your son! How can he be your nephew when he calls you father you idiot!”

Jongup’s cries and screams went unheard.

Dongwoo was dead. The winner of the last round must be announced and awarded. The people did not understand the contestants' feelings and relationship, so they cheered. They celebrated the victorious. Only a little mourned for the dead.

Princess Eunji, the King’s sixth and youngest daughter, cried as she watched the scene unfolded below her. She could vividly see the colorless face of Dongwoo’s as Jongup buried his face into Dongwoo’s armor plate. “Thank you Sir Knight. I will follow you soon and for eternity I will beg for your forgiveness,” the princess mumbled under her breath. Then from the side, under her hood, she noticed some of her black hair had fallen out. With no hesitation she reached for her locks on her head and easily extract them. A dimmed smile grew on her face, “Yes, I will very soon follow you. Thank you for coming so that I could see your face one last time,”

As she looked up into the clear sky, the tears in her eyes twinkled under the sun. Brushing past her, she thought she could hear the wind howled, “Be happy, Princess. Remember princess, protecting yourself, protects me,”


A/N: I know this one shot was confusing but it was meant to be. Open ended ending, so if you would, I'll love to hear what you think may have happened in the end end. xD I'm also open to questions if anyone needed any clarification. Ha-ha sorry for the odd one shot.

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Chapter 1: I wasn't sure what to expect and this was definitely one that had me tilting my head while trying to figure it out. I definitely think the relationships are potentially beautiful, but with the glimpses that we're given, it's hard to understand the true nature of them beyond this blurred moment. I do think that the love Dongwoo felt for Eunji was sweet, but I'm more angry at her than anything. It feels like she used him in order to force about Jongup's hand, resulting in Dongwoo's death and their combined misery after the fact. Actually, it looks like she's using both of them since she apparently loves them enough to make the one fight for her so that her 'true' love will come back; then again, based on that last scene, it does appear as if she herself is going to perish so she will leave J alone and go to see D in the end. I mean, I'm kind of sad for her in that regard, but in making her choices, she is effectively destroying two men (or at least altering their futures in such a way that she will possibly not have to deal with the aftermath). I'm also confused about Jongup's relationship with Dongwoo because they're step brothers but he also went into that arena to fight (and kill) him. The reaction at the end shows that he cared, but the whole fight and the point leading up to it, to where it's obvious that death will be the outcome, is confusing. I like the description of how he's feeling and Dongwoo's emotion, but I do feel that I would have understood more if I'd had a larger glimpse of the bigger picture. I could just be missing things, which is entirely possible, for which I'm sorry if that is the case.

Regardless, I will say congratulations for finishing and good luck in the contest.

*PS - reading the other comments here, it's also interesting to see how different people see different elements in the same story. XD
Chapter 1: This was a bittersweet story. The relationships between Eunji and Dongwoo and also Dongwoo and Jongup were very nice and I loved how Dongwoo was going to marry her, but it's so sad, in the end! ='(. Good job, though. It was beautiful♡.
This looks interesting! The poster is beautiful, too♡.
Chapter 1: Great story..I think Eunji is dying.
Chapter 2: I rlly like Dongwoos character here author nim :] everyone but Dongwoo seems like an to the 6th princess. poor her