For the heartbroken (Break ups)

What To Remember (Even at dark times, just talk!)

I know that this is very common in the 20th century nowadays....break ups, and I know some of you are going through this, (or maybe thinking about the pain of being dumped). But Pain is Pain, and that cant be changed. Hear me out, i've 'been through' break ups, well...imagining the pain to be exact, and its hard, before I was all like "I dont know why people fuss about break ups, he/she missed out on you so move on, find someone else." but now, since I thought about being dumped, I felt the pain myself, even without the experience of being literally being rejected by a guy (yes im a girl, or girl if you are a guy). And it hurt so much, I rolled up into a ball in bed thinking about the very idea of that being in that situation, and boy did it hurt. 

But dont worry, you know what I do when i feel the pain when I think about it myself? 

I dont listen to music, I dont stalk or look at their facebook, instagram, twitter, etc.. to check if they felt guilty or something. I look at pictures, of my favorite members in bands, or I play with my dog, draw, dance, and I like doing all of those things.

You getting it?

From what I believe, is that hobbies can help you, bring your mind some place else. Dont focus yourself on a computer screen (OK, maybe you can but NOT ALL THE TIME). And I THINK music is bad for these types of situations, the lyrics, if you're happy then you like the music, the beat. But if you're sad, you understand the lyrics. See where im going?. Music can actually hurt you even more, if you listen to the song, it can possibly pop up images from your past life with that person you loved, and that can make things worse, the more you miss him/her, more *clears throat* "regret" comes, and once it overtakes you, you can either continue but hide your emotions, or maybe it  can lead to......suicide, (I DONT LIKE SAYING THAT WORD).

Take time, you dont need to rush yourself when it comes to healing, healing takes time, and time can create many things, patience is another great key to healing you. If you are patient, time will reward you with either pain or happiness, think of it as a random box, it can have anything in it, good or bad, but remember this reader, something that happens now can effect your future, but that does not mean, that you can change it. You can control yourself in ways, your control area. If you know Bo Sanchez then you would know what im saying. (In his book, How to deal with difficult people, there was this part of the book, when your the vampire chapter aka book 2, it is stated that you have 2 area's, your 'Concern Area' and your 'Control Area'. Your Concern area is the place where you cant control, like traffic, you cant control that now can you?. While your Control area is the place you control, like if you want to help your friend in a project, you can, if they are willing though.)

Do you get what im saying??. 


Time will never stop moving, but you can earn something from it if you benefit yourself as well, you cant slow down time-- nor make it faster, but you can do anything with it, well not literally everything, but you can make it worth while. Everyone is going through this, its impossible for someone to not experience this. If you feel lonely, but you dont have anyone to talk to, from experience of heartbreaks, you can talk to the mirror, talk to yourself, but dont think of it as being so lonely that you are desperate for someone to talk to, DONT EVER DO THAT, just talk to youself, let your feelings out and hope that someone who cares about you runs into you doing that so they can ask 'whats wrong?'. Thats the scentence that is very rare, and can stop any misery if you answer it, cause that means that they are open, they asked you, and the WANT to know whats wrong, so answer them, dont hesitate, sure shed some tears, run into their arms, but dont forget to reflect yourself, dont forget to tell them 'whats wrong' cause if you dont, its gonna be a long time before you hear that word again, unless that person is really caring and asks you again as soon as possible.

Anoter note, dont EVER KILL YOURSELF. dont even think about it!, think about this, think about someone oyu really care for, like an old friend, or childhood friend. And imagine them going through your pain, and you caused that pain for them, that would make you guilty right? so if you kill youself, that wont change the world, that wont end your misery, there are no short cuts in life. (and no life hacks dont count in this situation...) if you 'end' your misery by killing yourself, you dont literally end it, you just erase yourself, but your left completely alone in a dark abyss, not even able to talk or to see light, so its better to suffer and wait than to stay in a dark pit completely alone, even from life.

- Yes I know, time can be very cruel -

NOTE: You can message me, add the title from this chapter (if its about this topic) and send what you want to let out, in this order:

(Title of chapter)

(What you feel or what you want to say and shout to the world)

(Question about life -optional-)

(What you want me to write next, like for example, 'Anxiety of death' - also optional-)


Sorry if I dont respond quickly, school is a pain....but dont think that I wont ever respond, I will, and also, if something is asked or talked about, there is always an answer from that person.

Let your feelings out, and dont hesitate to talk to me or to anyone else, remember, im always here for you as well reader. But I also hope that you will be there for me as well, cause im also human too.


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