Random Drabble 1


Title:  Random Drabble 1
Rating:  PG
Word Count:  381

“What would you do if I told you I was pregnant?” I ask Ji Yong as I sit down next to him with my legs on his lap.  He looks at me with curious eyes before he starts to rub my bare legs.

    “Why are you asking me that?  Are you pregnant?” Ji Yong jokes and I shake my head.

    “No... I’m just wondering what you would do if I told I was pregnant.  I mean, would you leave me, or would you stick with me?” I ask, a little curious.  “But just letting you know, if you do get me pregnant, you’re not allowed to leave me or I’ll go after you.”

    Ji Yong chuckles before he puts my hands in his lap, tracing my fingers.  “Well, if you were pregnant I would be beyond happy because then I get to marry you, and plus, we get to have a cute baby that looks like me running around,” he tells me with a happy grin on his face and I snort.  That baby is only going to be cute because of me!  “And our baby will be the coolest kid alive since, you know, I’m his father.”

    I laugh sarcastically.  “You forgot to mention that our baby will get most of his amazing looks from me.”

    “You wish,” he jokes and I jab his stomach lightly with my knee.  “Araseo, fine!  He’ll get his y looks from you and me,” he finally tells me and I nod my head, satisfied with his answer.  “But then we’ll have to protect him from all the little girls... which means we’ll have to make more babies.”

    I start to blush as I give him a confused look.  “How does having ‘more babies’ make us protect our son?”

    Ji Yong sighs, giving me a look that sends butterflies throughout my stomach.  “It doesn’t; I just want to have more babies with you.”

teehee, i'm sorry but i'm in a "slightly y/corny mood" today

i have so many ideas in my head that i want to write so i'll make them into random drabbles since they'll come out short and whatnot.

this drabble made me laugh, idk why c;

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the comments, the views, oh god you guise are cool beans ;3


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fantasticbabyx #1
Chapter 16: oh i loved loved this! thank you so much for sharing this story :)) <3
Chapter 16: Awww I actually smiled the whole way while reading this chapter. Thankyou for sharing such a beautiful story, great way to start the day! <3
Awwww it's a nice ending!! Thank you so much for this awesome story! I hope you'll write more stories like this in the future! :)
cvang067 #4
:3 it was a nice clean wrap up! hope you decide to do more in the future (:
mauisj1kyu #5
Loved each and every chapter but that last put the cream on the cake. Thanks for the great story.


/cries all over comment box
...and keep on writing when you have available time neh?
uh??its gonna end soon?... gonna miss your writing...wishing you good luck :)
Aww, good luck with your modeling and tae kwon do! I've really enjoyed reading these drabbles. <3
Don't be discouraged love. It happens. Life just goes on.