// monsta x

Familiar Face

"It's time to go to class," Miyoung said as she dragged the girl out the door.

"I'm not really in the mood," Aeri pouted as she dreadfully dragged her feet out the door.

"Are you ever?" Miyoung rolled her eyes as she closed the door behind them.

Aeri and Miyoung had been friends since high school. They met on the first day of high school and they instantly clicked. Ever since then, they became best friends and there were no secrets between the two. When Miyoung had broken up with Joo Won, Aeri had been there for her and now that Aeri was in pain, Miyoung was always there for her. The two decided to buy an apartment together when they moved on to college. It was close to campus and it was cheap. 

"Come on, let's go," Miyoung sighed as she dragged a whining Aeri.

Since their apartment was close to campus, it only took them around 5 minutes to get to class. Miyoung had ran off to the bathroom before class started and Aeri sat in the corner of the room next to the window. She looked at the clock. There was still 5 minutes left before class. Aeri took out her phone and plugged her earbuds in. She put her phone on shuffle as she stared out the window.

(Can You Hear My Heart? - Epik High ft. Lee Hi - Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo OST Part 6)

그대 듣고 있나요 (Are you listening?)

나의 목소리 그댈 향한 이고백 (To my voice, to this confession for you?)

"Let's spin the bottle!" Jayoung said as she spun the bottle.

The bottle landed on Aeri.

"Have you ever had a crush on Hojoon?" Jayoung asked curiously.

Everybody in the room looked at Aeri curiously. They wanted to know. There had been rumors of the two dating and everybody wanted to know if it was the truth. Aeri looked at Hojoon as she blushed a bright shade of red.

"Nope," Aeri said.

"Really? Never?" Jayoung widened her eyes as she glanced at Hojoon.

"But I heard he likes you..." someone said in a whisper but Aeri had heard it.

Aeri looked at Hojoon who was now avoiding eye contact. She could see the hurt in his eyes and she immediately regretted it.

"Aeri!" a voice brought Aeri back to reality.

"Oh, you're back," Aeri said as she took the earbuds out of her ear.

"Were you thinking about him again?" Miyoung sighed as she sat down.

"H-how'd you know?" Aeri stuttered.

"There are tears in your eyes," Miyoung pointed at Aeri's eyes.

Aeri put her hand up to her face not realising she had teared up. She quickly wiped the tears away.

I need you, I need you, I miss you.

Don't forget me ever, never ever... 나를 (me)

Aeri couldn't help but repeatedly think of the song lyrics as class went by. Before she knew it, class was over and she could finally go home.

"It feels good to lie on my bed," Miyoung squealed as she jumped on her bed.

"I'm going to take a shower first," Aeri said as she grabbed her towel.

Aeri took a quick shower before coming out to find Miyoung on her laptop. Aeri took a quick peek at what Miyoung was doing and shook her head.

"You're watching KPOP again?" Aeri chuckled as she dried her hair.

"You just don't understand," Miyoung shook her head as she walked over to Aeri. "Take a look at this."

"I'm good," Aeri laughed as she pushed Miyoung away.

"Just this one time," Miyoung pleaded as she handed Aeri her laptop.

"Fine," Aeri sighed as she placed the towel beside her and sat next to Miyoung on her bed.

Miyoung was obsessed with idols while Aeri was clueless about them. She did listen to KPOP, but that was only when she liked the song. She didn't pay attention to the idols and she followed nobody in particular. When she heard Miyoung play a song that sounded nice, Aeri would ask Miyoung for the title and artist and download it.

"I swear you'll fall in love with them," Miyoung chuckled as Aeri settled down.

Aeri laughed at her friend knowing how obsessed with idols she was before looking at the screen. Aeri was not really paying attention to it until a particular boy came up on the screen. Aeri's eyes widened.

"Hojoon..." Aeri whispered.

"Hojoon? You're still thinking about him at this moment?" Miyoung frowned.

Aeri paused the video as she pointed at one of the boys.

"Who is this?" Aeri asked.

"That?" Miyoung looked at the screen. "Ah, that's Wonho. He's one of the members. He's hot right? I knew you had a good eye."

"Wonho?" Aeri frowned. "Why does he remind me of... Hojoon?"

"Hojoon?" Miyoung frowned as she looked at Wonho again. "I guess he does remind me a little of Hojoon, but they're clearly different people."

"No... they look the same," Aeri teared up. "They look the same..."

"Yah, Aeri," Miyoung grabbed onto Aeri's shoulders. "I think you're a little too emotional right now. Take a rest for today. I'll wake you up when it's time for dinner."

"What's that group called?" Aeri asked as she tried to her tears back in.

"... Monsta X," Miyoung replied.

Miyoung led Aeri back to her bed and tucked her in. Miyoung regretted showing that video to Aeri. Actually, when Miyoung first watched Monsta X, Wonho reminded her of Hojoon as well. As she kept watching their music videos, that thought slowly faded away and went to the back of her mind. She didn't see any signs of Hojoon in Wonho anymore and she had totally forgotten she even thought that way... until now.

"I'm sorry... good night," Miyoung whispered as she closed the lights in Aeri's room.

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lolexotics #1
Update soon :)