The Prince's Astronomer.

The Throne of Sons.

Wang So

He wonders what books would an astrologer esteemed as Choi Ji-Mong would surrounds himself with. He traces an index finger through the shelves, until it rests above a book with its streams about to snap from the constant use.

He gently takes the book out, aptly titled ‘The Diamond of My Flower Scholar’. Flips through the pages. Words are innocent enough. The images are not. He puts the book back. Takes another one.

“Get through it?” So scoffs. Yet he’s unable to tear his eyes away.

Of course, he shouldn’t really be surprised. Men have needs. Since he’s all alone in the tower, surrounded by women that belongs to Father, a book will have to do.

“That’s the latest book. Do you want to borrow it?” Ji-Mong pipes out, his head hovers above So’s shoulders. A cheeky grin rests on his face.

So tosses the book over his shoulders, at the astrologer. Looks around the room.

“Why did you ask to see me?” So asks.

Ji-Mong cracks the book open, his head to a side. His words are muffled by the book, “The servant who served the Crown Prince his breakfast was found hanging from a noose. The assassination was covered up by a suicide.”

Assassination? So’s ears perk up in interest, he shifts his gaze to Ji-Mong.

Ji-Mong continues, not even glancing at So’s direction, “Doesn’t that mean the culprit must be a royal family member? Particularly, one of the princes.”

He deepens his voice, in a half whisper, “Find the culprit.”

So bristles, “Find the culprit? Am I a dog? People keep calling me a wolf dog. Now you really think I’m a dog?”

Ji-Mong’s unaffected by his sneering, instead returns the book to its place, “Did you have fun killing that horse? You want to stop living as some hostage and live in Songak, right?”

Is he offering So a way to escape from the Kang’s clutch forever? So settles his eyes on the astrologer, tightens his jaw. Father’s trusted astronomer or not, So won’t stand being ridiculed by a man who loves a.

“This will give you that chance, Prince. Take that chance when you have it. Look at me,” Ji-Mong flicks his imaginary hair, “I said the emperor would realise his dream of unifying the Three Han states. Now look where I am,” presents his clothes for a good measure.

So directs an accusing finger between Ji-Mong’s eyes, “Don’t use those tricks on me. I’m not that little kid who liked it when you used to come find me.”

So jabs his finger at his clavicle. Taps him hard. Ji-Mong loses his footing a little.

“Do not think of playing me,” So warns, and walks away from the astrologer.

“It’s what the Crown Prince wants,” says Ji-Mong, no hint of playfulness.

So stops in his tracks.

Lo and behold, his eldest brother Mu, enters into the room.

Brother Mu towers over him and Ji-Mong, bear-like and muscular, even when he’s dressed in his green royal court robe. His clean-shaven face, supports a beard. On his face, sits a solemn expression.

So pays his respect for his brother. Ji-Mong moves to stand next to Mu. His face hardens with a rare expression So hardly witness, “We received a tip that there is a plan to kill the Crown Prince during ritual.”

“Oh … You want me to pretend to be you? Then, what will you promise to me in return?”

“How about you catch the culprit too? Then I will do whatever you ask,” Mu offers.

The chance is real. It’s a carrot dangling ahead. All So needs to do is accept the offer. The Shinju Kang clan will be a blot in his past.

“I will live in Songak.”

“That can be arranged,” Mu replies, firm and that smirk morphs into a relief smile. 

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LadySyndra #1
Chapter 9: Looking forward to the next chapter!!!
yultea #2
Chapter 6: I really love your writing on this version of Moon Lovers, hahaha! Oh, and would all characters here have their own chapter? Especially Yo and Won?
Gonna wait for you next update, authornim!
happydayz344 #3
I love Scarlet Heart Ryeo and i love this fic! The chapters are well-written and the premise is interesting as well-im also looking forward to it to the OCs (like the princess mentioned in the second chapter! There should totally be more princesses.) Also i wonder about the original haesoo! Court lady oh! And the other princes WITHOUT goo ha jin's influence!

Hahaha in short i love it and pls update soon!