Dasher Boy

Falling Leaves, Can You Catch Them?

It was a brisk October morning and the glittering dew drops were still slumbering peacefully atop their blades of grass, giving the appearance of a sparkling field. The peaceful atmosphere was however soon broken by the trampling steps of a very panicked boy. Sehun's shoes hit the concrete sidewalk at a brisk pace, his uniform slightly wrinkled, his tie crooked, and his pin slanted. He was everything that the cool autumn air was not, loud and inpatient. No one could blame him of course, he was running late for his most important class. His roommate broke his alarm clock last night while drunk and Sehun woke up in too much of a panic to scold him. 

After trekking up 4 flights of stairs and navigating through 7 identical hallways, Sehun finally made it to the classroom where his class was held. He gave his professor a quick nod of acknowledgement who only threw a smug smile in response than proceeded to slump into his assigned seat unelegantly. The exhausted boy plopped his head on the cool wooden desk and let out a contented sigh. Just as he was about to relax his shoulders and curl further into his slouching position, a firm but gentle hand pulled him up. Sehun whined in protest at first but the curled smirk of the man who pulled him up shut him up immediately. It was his teacher giving him a very amused gaze whilst fixing Sehun's disheveled uniform. "You know considering your major Mr.Oh, I would expect you to know better then walk around an appearance less than impeccable.", said his teacher playfully before strutting off. 

Before Sehun could get out a retort, he heard a small giggle from his side. "Wow Sehun , you've hit a record, having to get our design teacher to fix your clothes." Tao said while unsuccessfully trying to stifle his laughter. Sehun rolled his eyes on the outside at his immature hyung but flushed deeply on the inside, at a prestigious academy like Cadunt Folia, such things were worth ridicule. Besides Sehun was an arts and design major, and to be more specific, a fashion designer. Yes of all people, Sehun should not be one to look a hair out of place but then again he blames that on his roommate. "Hey at least I'm simply unfashionable by accident, unlike you peacock oppa​~" Sehun teased. Tao did wushu and the outfits he typically wears can be described as, well, to put it kindly, flashy. One particular ensemble of his was a leotard esque tanktop with colors of blended blues, greens and turquoises much resmbling the feathers of a peacock, but to top it off, there was an glittering necklace peice attatched to the neckline, making it look even more ridiuclous. Tao walked into class one day wearing it and it kind of became a legend within their major. 

Tao raised a hand jokingly to chop Sehun, "Yah, respect your ge you bratty maknae!" Sehun rolled his eyes but let out a half-hearted apology anyway because Tao still looked good in that tank top. Before Sehun could reminisce about the iconic event more, Professor Wu, their professor clapped his large hands together to silence the class and proceeded to begin his lecture on the importance of texture and dimension in clothing. Tao and Sehun both took out their pens and paper, ready to take notes. Sehun wasn't and isn't a diligent student but he, as well as many other students, respect Professor Wu greatly. People outside of the school typically refer to him as Kris, his first name. However, if you say the name out loud, you're more than likely going to turn some heads because Kris is something of a international star. Actually he isn't something  of an international star, he is an international star.

Kris is a top model, in all his stunning 6'2 glory. Coming from China, but being raised in Canada, he has done countless endorsements and is actually worth billions of dollars. He has connections all around the globe and is known for being extremely multi-talented. His talents include drawing, singing, rapping, dancing, playing basketball and being fluent in 4 different languages. The only reason he teaches fashion design is because he has so much experience in the field and is also wildly creative and innovative. Although only a few years older than his students, Kris always dazzles them whenever he speaks English, Chinese, Cantonese or Korean. All the students admire him greatly.However, despite the amazingness that is Kris, his teaching never fails to amuse his students. Kris is an excellent artist but his style can sometimes be...abstract....and freeform....to put it simply. He likes dramatic silhouettes and funky proportions for the most part, even when showcasing his new designs as examples or teaching material. He made his artwork even more ridiculous after a student criticized his work. 

Kris of course didn't take offense by this but even assigned his students as homework to use a more abstract style and at least one bold color when drawing their designs for next week. Sehun let out a big sigh when he heard the assignment and plonked his head against the shoulder of his mannequin. Sehun's styles were always rather minimalist and high fashion while sticking to a more toned down color palette, he was not used to the more avant-garde styles his teacher was requesting. "Oh Sehun, do you ever stop complaining about life?" Tao sighed, packing away his things and cleaning up his shared workspace with Sehun. The currently moping boy only grunted in response, turning ever so slightly to glare at his best friend. "You know what mister, why don't you go to that new cafe that opened up on campus, I'm sure it'll soothe your nerves." Tao said,  tugging Sehun up by his uniform collar. Sehun stood up limply and leaned on the Chinese male for support, legs not yet prepared to be used. "Come on, I promise it's good. I went there  a couple days ago and their hot chocolate comes in like a million flavors and topping options, it's like gourmet." Tao says, the younger's  light brown hair. 

Sehun lets out a defeated sigh and pulls begrudgingly out of his friend's warm embrace. "I guess hot chocolate can at least temporarily soothe my nerves." Sehun says, playing with the hem of his shirt. "That's the spirit! Now come on, I'll point you in the right direction." Tao exclaims, grabbing Sehun's hand and promptly dragging him out the classroom. Their classroom was in a more empty wing of the school, along with the majority of the other art classrooms, allowing for much more peace. However, it also made the trip walking back to the central system of classrooms rather lengthy. Once they reached the fountain in the middle of the center courtyard, Tao let go of Sehun's hand, "Ok, so here's how to get to the shop. You go into the campus square past the restaurants and and clothing sections, than turn left at the skincare shop ok? Than you should keep going straight until you find it, or smell it because the aroma of chocolate hangs in the air like the tasteless perfume some of our female classmates wear. Luckily, it smells much better."

Sehun bid goodbye to his friend and walked over to the campus square, the school's personal marketplace and shopping center for the students. The autumn air has gotten even colder and Sehun rubs his slender fingers together for warmth. Moving quickly, he passes by the ever familiar name brand shops advertising their newest merchandise for the wealthy students to purchase. Sehun has seen it all before but he can't help but stop and smile when he sees the newest pair of Gucci shoes on display, wondering thoughtfully if Tao already had them. Sehun shakes his head and trods on, passing the fancy restaurants serving cuisine from top chefs from all around the world. Eventually, he reaches the little skincare shop and turns left as directed just as Tao said. A strong scent of chocolate also hits Sehun's nose just as Tao said. Sehun eagerly pushes open the door , entering the warm atmosphere of the shop. The inside is decorated marvelously, having the perfect combination between rustic and modern. The giant plush sofas all have low wooden tables in front and the whole color scheme is warm colors. There are a few Turkish rugs scattered about and the room is bathed in the yelliw, glowing light of hanging lights. Behind the counter, the workers are busy preparing drinks in tall mugs and in front of the fireplace, there are students preparing no doubt for an exam.

Sehun quickly decides that he likes the place and makes a mental note to come more in the future. He strides up to the cashier and orders a random drink, caring not to ask what it is. The exact amount of change is counted out and exchanged quickly, Sehun was aware of the long line of students behind him. While waiting for his order, Sehun stretches out on one of the armchairs, stripping off his blazer and scarf before completely indulging in the coziness of his surroundings. He could've lay there for ages had his order not been ready. Sehun gets up hesitantly but is all but glad once he gets his drink. It was sweet yet spicy and had a delicious undertone of nutmeg, hazelnut and touches of rich vanilla. The cream on top was the perfect consistency, airy and not heavy, just the way Sehun liked it. He smiled over the rim of his mug as the multicolored shavings on top of the cream reminded him of the first leaves to touch the ground. 

Sehun was sipping his drink and enjoying himself when a sweet and jingling voice cut through the muffled background noise. Like a songbird singing in the early hours of the day, it was clear and resonant. It was so different from the muffled voices of the shop that it had Sehun whipping his head around, trying to find it's source. He was disappointed to be met with the back of a head, covered by a shock of orange hair. Sehun squints his eyes and tries to maneuver into a position where he can see better but only ends up nearly falling off the chair. When he regains his balance and looks up again, the figure is gone and Sehun realizes that he'll be late for class yet again if he dawdles longer. Pushing the stranger out if his mind, Sehun darts out of the shop, sprinting to his next class.



First off, I'd like to apologize for posting this exactly a month after the first unsatisfactory chapter( can I even call it a chapter?). I'm actually really busy and  I'm literally typing this because I'm leaving for a week long school trip and I can't sleep from the excitement. Please bear with me if this chapter has mistakes as I have not thoroughly checked it. Also, I'm so sorry if this chapter felt unsatisfactory and a bit jam packed with information. In this story, I really wanted the school to be this kind of wonderland that has everything and it's basically a playground for the super rich. I'll be adding much more detail later and I strongly encourage you to visualize the scenery for yourself. I can't believe that this chapter turned out to be so long and I honestly didn't expect it to be this long. You are introduced to two characters this chapter, Tao and Kris, but there are many more people who will be part of Cadunt Folia Academy. If you're curious as to why this chapter is titled "Dasher Boy", it's because Sehun is always busy and "dashing around" This chapter and story is built on impulse and I'm sorta making things up as I go soooo..... Anyway I hope you  enjoyed this extra long chapter that I made to say sorry for my delay in updating. Also, while I can't promise you more often updates, I can promise you that I will never abandon this story and that it's always on my mind.

Thanks once again!~





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Chapter 2: This is cute ^-^ Love it!
Thank you for writing this story x3