Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: 

Chanwoo awoke to a large ‘bang’ the feeling of déjà vu hitting him so hard that he quite literally rolled out of the bed wincing when he felt his leg protest with a cry of pain. It took him a moment, honestly a couple of glances too, before his eyes adjusted to the dark that was blanketing the room and he actually remembered where he was while he simultaneously rubbed his injured knee. 

Right. He was still in some parallel universe living a life that wasn't even technically his. 

For a moment he stayed just staring up at the ceiling from the floor, wondering if he should just stay in his bed for the rest of the day, hopefully he’ll be swallowed whole and never move from here again. 

But he couldn't, Chanwoo couldn’t do it before in his own world- how could he possibly do it here where he was now literally a target?  

Groaning he stood up, sat down on his bed and rubbed his eyes before he glanced at the clock placed by his bedside rather conveniently, reading it carefully.

 2:00 PM 


Something felt off for him, the more he stared at the numbers, the more he felt as if something was being forgotten…was he supposed to do something important? He never woke up this late before, always forced to get up early for work, but there was something else he was forgetting. 

Suddenly his door shot open and banged on the wall so hard it made him push himself further back into the wall in fright, his hair completely disarrayed and his heart hammering fiercely in his chest. “Rise and shine, sunshine~” Jiwon whistled walking in with a dangerous look in his eyes- it felt as if a ice cold buck of water splashed on him metaphorically once he remembered what he forgot- because that's right, he was supposed to meet Jiwon hyung last night.   

And he hadn't. 

Swallowing his saliva nervously he greeted him with a slightly shaken voice “Hi hyun- Jiwon-sii” 
“Bobby” Jiwon murmured and he blinked at him, titling his head to the side in a quizzical kind of way, Jiwon sighed and stated “Call me Bobby” He nodded slowly although he would be lying if he would've said that, that didn't hurt. He only really called Jiwon Bobby when they were on broadcast, and that's because it was his stage name, but to hear that he has to also say it privately made his stomach roll. 

Suddenly Jiwon shifted in his place and opened his mouth to talk, but in all honesty the only thing Chanwoo saw was the shoulder holster that had two guns snuggled into the pockets quite comfortably. Compared to yesterday, Jiwon looked more professional, wearing a button down shirt and slacks that were a perfect fit, his shoes were patent loathers that were a glossy black that gleamed in the light and his hair was short sided but swept to the left neatly. 

All in all he looked exactly like how Chanwoo thought a mobster should look. 

Dangerous and charming. 

"Are you seriously not listening?” The aggravated growl startled him from his musings and he looked up at his hyung owlishly, offering a smile that was more of a sheepish grimace. Jiwon’s jaw tightened as he glared, the next words coming out of his mouth practically felt like he was trying to subconsciously stab him repeatedly “Get up, go shower, get dressed- you have 10 minutes” 

Immediately Chanwoo flung himself out of the bed, practically tripping over his own two feet as he rushed over toward the bathroom (honestly he was surprised he hadn't fallen from the discomfort that now really settled in on his knee, because it really felt as if something did actually break). Once he stepped inside he grimaced at how expensive everything looked and quickly got undress before cautiously stepping inside the glass doors that he assumed was the entrance to the shower. 

He flinched when cold water hit him immediately as soon as Chanwoo fit his body completely in, the urge to jump out hitting him like a startled cat, but he held it in and waited for the water to warm enough for him not to feel as if he was going to die hyperthermia. 

Who knew the shower was motion activated? 

It still only left him in awe though, how much money did Hanbin exactly have? He was the head boss, so obviously the money belonged to him- but how did he get it? 

Everything always worked in supply and demand, so what was Hanbin selling? What was Hanbin doing to be getting this type of funding in? Oh God, if it was drugs Chanwoo isn't even sure what he would do. The thought only made him wash himself more quickly and he jumped out, grabbing a white towel that was on a rack- because he seriously didn't want to think of his hyung doing all of these illegal doings.

What he hadn't expected though was for the door to suddenly open and for Jiwon to step in. Chanwoo froze, the towel quite literally only covering his private area as he stared up a him with wide eyes and mouth agape. Jiwon’s mouth was open, almost as if he was going to bark something at him again, before it closed and his lips curled up into a dirty looking smirk. 

“Well, that's a body I haven't seen in awhile” 

And ok, what? 

The way Jiwon was gazing at him made Chanwoo feel both flustered and violated, there was a dark gleam in his eyes as his eyes raked him from his toes to his head, his eyes lingering on where Chanwoo assumed was his stomach- his abs flexing from the cold (although it might've also been because he was trying to actually curl himself in). 

“I said 10 minutes, let's go” Jiwon sighed suddenly not looking as aggravated as he had just a few minutes ago, when the sharp gaze left him Chanwoo deflated in relief and wrapped the towel around himself properly and took tentative steps outside watching Jiwon throw clothes onto his bed and wiggle his hands at them impatiently. “Put those on, there yours” 

Chanwoo stepped over and looked at them before his gaze went toward where all the drawers were before making a silent plead to pick the right drawer for his underwear because he was pretty sure Jiwon didn't put out any for him. He could fe

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iahm0126 #1
Chapter 1: i know its been long time since youve written this fanfic..but can u please update again..(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)
Chapter 3: I know you made this in 2016 but could you continue this story this actualy so good like i cant predict whats going to happen and the way you write i can imagine gonna subcrivpbe wishing you will continue this
skippingstones #3
Chapter 3: This story is so good! I really like the concept and I always love a story focused on Chanwoo :) I would love to read more!
HAIKAC 276 streak #4
Could you please update TT
Chapter 1: This story is just tooo awesome. I keep on coming back to read it whenever I've got spare time, trying to come up with some theory of what's gonna happen, and what happened between the boys and chanwoo.

This story is fantastic!...Keep up the good work author!
Chapter 3: So hanbin killed someone that chanwoo loved, which is whether wants to kill hanbin. I would think its jinhyeong, his brother in this world, but by the way that donghyuk was making chanu "hand him over" in the beginning I would think that jinhyeong's still alive? I doubt its chanus father. Maybe some other best friend like moonbin? Great story author BTW, always waiting for an update ^^
Queen8787 #7
Chapter 3: Update soon pleasee!!! Will be waiting <3<3<3
Chapter 3: ahhh you've updated T.T

oh this chapter; it must be so difficult for him missing his hyungs, yet having 'them' there. I'm also really interested to know more about the history between this times chanu & the rest of the members bc wow kim jiwon & the hanbin flashback too!! So excited for your next update!

Lucky you on those BTS tickets!! & happy holidays!
Chapter 3: Chanbin chanbin chanbin chanbin chanbin chanbin~~~~ <3<3<3<3
I'm loving this update!!