
Lost and Found
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I'm sorry for the late update, school was stressful this week and I wanted to upload the second chapter of my other Jikook fic so I worked mostly on that.

Thanks again for reading, and I hope you like my story!



Jungkook went to bed early the other day. During the night, he dreamt of a practice room and music and a boy he didn't knew was dancing to it. Jungkook wasn't able to make out the face of the boy, but he became the feeling of closeness towards the dancer. His dream began to blur and faded into something else, a different dream. In the morning Jungkook had lost any remembrances.


"Jungkook!", roughly Jungkook was awaken from his sleep. "Jeon Jungkook!" He blinked. Once. Twice. Than he sat up, figuring out what was going on. Today was Saturday, there was no need to get up early so normally his parents would let him sleep in, so why was his mother shouting his name? Jungkook cleared his throat. "Y-Yes?" "We are meeting your father's colleagues today, so we're leaving now! Take care, don't destroy anything!", and with that the sound of the entrance door being closed echoed through the house.

With a sigh Jungkook let himself fall back onto the bed and tried to gain some more sleep, but it didn't work out so he got up a few minutes after his mother had left. He opened the huge wardrobe and searched for something he'd wear today. As always, it ended up to be a plain white shirt and blue skinny jeans. One could think he didn't have anything else to wear.


He was munching his muesli, while reading the newspaper his dad had left on the table, but his thoughts soon wandered onto another topic. His birthday had only been yesterday, and yet he already felt great with having such a strong connection to someone. Still, there were a whole lot of questions left. Differently from Taehyung, who'd had 'the talk' with his parents about a month ago, he didn't know anything about the whole soulmate-thing. His parents hadn't bothered to explain anything, so the only information he got was from picking up snippets of conversations from other people about the topic.

Jungkook leafed through the paper, when a small journal fell out and on the floor. He reached for it with his hand, and while picking it up he read the title. 'The Struggles with the Soulmate Relationship' He couldn't remember that something like that ever got delivered to their home, but in this case Jungkook was ve

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Litz12xx #1
Chapter 5: This is too good amd cute. Please update soon!
Chapter 5: That was so cuuuuute
Chapter 5: so jimin tops... that's cool
GGumdrops #4
Chapter 5: Plz update soon
myloveforjimin #5
Chapter 5: I love this fanfic omggg!<3 please update soon
Chapter 4: Omg your story is very good ! Update soon please ! Fighting
Mellopuff #7
Chapter 2: Update soon!!!