Sent From Heaven

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Chanyeol received an unknown letter. That letter was written 1 year ago. At this moment, he is reading that letter and revealed to be that the writer is his someone.



"Chanyeol-ah" his mom called,



"You have a letter!" then she hand him the periwrinkle letter to him.

"Uri Chanyeol received a love letter" his sister tease.

"Aish! Noona! Just mind your own business" and went to his room.


As he laid down in his bed, he was curious who is this sender who gave him the letter and what is the content.


"Nothing gonna be lost if I read it right?" Chanyeol asked to himself.


Due to his curiosity, he opened the letter. It was revealed that the sender was from someone.


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Chapter 1: Did Baekhyun donate his eyes for Chanyeol ❤️
luckeystarz #2
Chapter 2: i like it. both of them.. but its much cuter if its baekhyun.. isn't?