Beginning troubles

Smile thru the pain


I watch as Jongin, my best friend, is hugging Kyungsoo. There faces are so close. I don't know why this time I'm jealous. Every single time Jongin flirts with someone I usually don't mind him. But this time I'm JEALOUS. Strange. I rarely get jealous."Aawww is your face turning red my beautiful baby boy?" He is my beautiful baby Jongin Mine . . . All MINE." Please stop..."Jongin just stop leaving him alone. He is innocent unlike you." "Fine Chanyeol hyung. . .*whispers to Kyungsoo* we'll continue this somewhere private. Maybe in the bathroom."He leaves Kyungsoo alone. But I wonder what he whispered into Kyungsoo's ear " We'll that was awkward Jongin you need to stop being all touchy that will eventually that will get you into trouble." "fine but look at him he is so attractive" I turn to look at Kyungsoo his face is red. I then look at the rest of the boys they are glaring at Jongin. Next I look at they students in the cafeteria they are glaring at Kyungsoo. Two of the popular boys in school stand up and walk over to our table. "Kyungsoo do you mind if we talk to you?" Kyungsoo shakes his head and stands up walking away with the boys.


I follow the boys to where they're leading me. The boy's bathroom. One of the boys grab my arms. While the other locks the door. He then walks over to me. And he punches me. I yelp I might be abused and all but I can't deal with the pain. "Stay away from Jongin." Then the two boys being to kick me. After a while they stop and walk out of the bathroom leaving me hurting.

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Kitty_cat75 #1
Chapter 1: Change the color pleaseeeee
Chapter 7: Change the color's really annoying..
Chapter 5: Eeekkkk??!! What the-?? Jongin! Chanyeol! What the ???!! Omo! Babysoo!!