From High To Low

Love- A Weakness or A Strength?
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Things had been going well on the holiday. Better than just well. The boys had become familiar with each other once again and they seemed to be leaning towards the bros end of friendship. After all they did address each other as 'Hyung' and 'dongsaeng' quite often and Seo Woo, as she had never had any friends who were boys, assumed that this was a good sign. Everything was going perfectly, everything was going to plan until their penultimate day in Hawaii.

Going to the beach and staying there until the sun had set had become a habit of the three as they enjoyed the never ending heat of the sun mixed with the coolness of the waves. Every day was the same, they would meet up at 11 on the beach and then eat lunch or do whatever they had planned. However, today was the day Baekhyun actually wanted to look good in front of his girlfriend and he had planned something really special for them that night. It was going to be a romantic dinner on the pier with the horizon out beyond them whilst the stars shone, contrasting the blackness of the sky. No, he meant navy blue, Seo Woo liked to keep facts correct. Anyway, the point was that tonight was the night that he would really express how just how much she meant to him. She was the one who made him pull himself out of his shell of timidness and she was the one who had showed him new ideas and that there was much more to the world than books and music and finally, she had shown him a friend. Although he didn't warm up to Oh Sehun at first, this dongsaeng proved himself to be a funny, loyal guy and someone very familiar, though he couldn't seem to place exactly where he had seem him...

'Hyung, what's taking you so long? Hurry up, she's waiting,' grumbled an extremely bored Sehun who had been sitting on the bed for an hour already with nothing to do.

'Patience is virtue, virtue is grace, Grace is a little girl who wouldn't wash her face.' reply the elder not taking much notice of Sehun.

'What's with the rhyme? God, just hurry up!' 

'Shut up and you are meant to show me more respect. As my eomma says, your elders will lead you to the correct path so listen to them so technically, you should listen to ME!' scolded an even more annoyed Baekhyun. He was preparing for his surprise and he wanted everything to be just perfect.

'Exactly what kind of correct path are you leading me onto huh?'

'Look, if you really can't wait, just go down and have some fun until I come okay?' There was no reply. Baekhyun turned around and found the bed that his dongsaeng had been sitting on empty. He sighed. Typical Sehun.

For quite sometime now, Seo Woo had been wandering up, down and around the same patch of sand looking incredibly stupid. Why weren't they here? Were they purposely trying to make her look silly? Well, if they were, then she would had all the more reason to kill them later. A minute turned into an hour, an hour turned into two hours. Only then was she starting to get worried. Where

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Chapter 32: Awwww....the end already? ?huhu... I'm so happy for them!! Wish to see an epilogue of their future.
Chapter 32: Woahhh finally !
Chapter 30: Seowoo doesn't really love u, Chan. XD
Chapter 29: Oh no, pls don't end it like this, author-nim...huhu
Chapter 28: Oh its been almost a month, author-nim. Its only now she realized. Ouch.
Chapter 27: Oh no!! Just 3 more?? huhu.. I'm gonna missed this so much. But before it ends, hope their moments would be highlighted the next chap.. ;)
Chapter 26: Just let her go, Baekhyunnie. Yes, she likes u. But, her heart doesn't belongs to u.
Chapter 25: Slowly but surely getting there....
Chapter 24: You are a hella stubborn too, Han Seowoo!! Don't deny ur feelings anymore!!
Chapter 22: Ya Han Seo Woo, jeongmal nappeunyaaaa!! How dare u hurt our Sehunnie like that!! You are soo gonna chase our Hunnie once his eyes set onto another girl. Hmp.. XD