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“Will you be my girlfriend, Momo-senpai?”   Momo was taken aback by the sudden question coming out of the Son Chaeyoung. The junior she’s known pretty well since orientation days & also gotten pretty well-known at school. She realized how back in those days Chaeyoung was clearly flirting with her, but she never expected the younger girl to actually hit on her. Especially today, out of the blue…   “A-are you—“   Just when Momo was about to finish her question, Chaeyoung left her immediately, running as quick as possible to avoid the embarrassment. Dahyun & Tzuyu quickly followed after their embarrassed friend, leaving Momo standing there in confusion & awkwardness. The blonde turned around to see if anyone noticed what just happened & glad that no one did, actually except for one person, Myoui Mina. But being the quiet & introverted person, she won’t even bother to ask Momo about it. Even though Momo’s one of her best friend   The three girls then gathered together again, with Chaeyoung hiding her face with the palms of her hand. Dahyun & Tzuyu sat in circle around the baby tiger, worried that she might be upset   “Screw you guys”   “Aw c’mon you know you can’t live without us” Dahyun patted on Chaeyoung’s back lightly, chuckling   “Besides it was only a game!” Tzuyu chimed in   “Alright, alright… it was just a game. I’m just worried she misunderstood”   “You can tell her it was only a dare tonight, pal” Dahyun assured her childhood friend, earning a light nod from the latter   After school ended, the three girls bid their goodbyes to each other & went their own ways. Chaeyoung headed straight home, hoping not to cross paths with Momo due to what happened today. Chaeyoung got home, laid all her stuffs down & huffed. She feels empty inside, she needed something to brighten her flat days. She noticed how weird it is that she feels the urge to feel those now. The feeling to care for someone, fall in love & have all those returned. Oh how beautiful that would be, if only she’s into long-term relationships & serious dating Am I ready for those? She thought to herself, pondering   The day’s getting darker outside, still Chaeyoung feels restless. She felt the sudden urge to see someone immediately. Not Tzuyu, not Dahyun, not Sana… and obviously not Momo. A particular name pops up on her mind, Myoui Mina. Then Chaeyoung quickly took her phone, looked up for her contact & dialed it. She waited… Waited… And waited… Until Mina picked up the call   “M-mina eonni?”   “Chaeyoung-shi, what is it? Why calling me?”   “Look um… do you have anything to do?”   “When, now?”   “Yes, now. Today”   “…no. Why do you ask?”   On the other side, Mina was surprised by the younger girl’s sudden phonecall. Mina IS interested in getting to know Chaeyoung better, but she never thought the latter would give her a call anytime soon. The older girl noticed Chaeyoung’s shaky voice through the call, she silently giggled at how hilarious Chaeyoung sounded.   “Let me get to the point…”   Mina fell silent, curious as to what her point is   “Want to go for a night stroll at the park with me?”   Mina widened her eyes, taken off guard by the shortie’s request. Now Mina’s confused & conflicted, especially after what she just saw today. Is this just one of Chaeyoung’s cheap tricks to get girls? Not just that, she remembered how unhappy Momo looked after Chaeyoung’s confession today. What is wrong with this girl? The redhair thought   “…say something?”   “Uh… I mean—“   “Please? I promise you won’t regret it”   “Why do you insist? Isn’t that a bit rude?” Mina changed her tone   “Sorry if you think that’s rude, Mina-eonni. But believe me, I just want to have a good time!”   The senior thought for a while, this is her jackpot, her chance to get up-close & personal with the short girl. If she says no, is she going to regret it? But if she says yes, will it be worth it? She fiddled with her thumbs, mumbling on her own, being very critical about the simple request   “I guess not, sorry to bother y—“   “Alright, let’s go. Where should we meet?”   ---   After the phonecall, both decided to get ready at 7.30PM. Chaeyoung obviously feels amazing because she gets to go alone with Mina, at night. She made sure to wear a thick leather jacket to keep herself warm, or in case her senior ever need it. Meanwhile with Mina, she somehow feels mixed, on one side afraid if someone she knows caught her going out with Chaeyoung later to the point she can’t even decide on what to wear when it’s not even a date. But due to her complicated thoughts, she wear
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Chapter 4: please update now author-nim T_T
PrincessUnicorniaF #2
Chapter 4: Pffft 'loud girls'
Chapter 4: jy,ny,jh prolly are the loud girls hahahahaha
Chapter 4: Lol I wonder who 'those loud girls" are ㅋㅋ ㅋ
Chapter 4: no rush fellow, we can wait :D
kingdreeey #6
Chapter 4: Im dying for the next chapter huhu
uncelops #7
Chapter 4: I was afraid that Mina will misunderstand but its clear now lol thanks for the update waiting for the next one
Chapter 3: Can't wait for the next update^^
Chapter 3: im very into this story hahaha mina jealous omoo chang u so done: D please update soon
Chapter 3: 'I knew you were trouble when you walked in" hahahaha!!!