Sweet Things

Later that afternoon, Yoongi and Jimin had decided to meet up at Cafe Jellybean, at around noontime. Cafe Jellybean was a hot juvenile hangout Yoongi had been to and have recommended multiple times on his beloved blog. Before he was scheduled to catch a cab, Yoongi made sure to pack all of his necessary things for the expected lengthy train ride: his laptop, wallet, phone, camera, hat, jacket, and first aid kit. You can never be too safe.


Yoongi was so immensely lucky to get his train tickets online for so cheap and have them mail in so quickly. He couldn’t bare waiting another day until he got to see Jimin, this being the first time he’d ever met anyone from online in person before. A shot of electricity went up Yoongi’s spine as he took a cab to the Daegu train station, clutching his belongings in his hands as he tapped his foot to the soothing radio music the driver played during the ride. SNSD’s Gee; a classic. A song Yoongi and Jimin both claimed to love.


Another reason why Yoongi couldn’t dare be late.


What would Jimin think of him if he showed up late? Would he not want to be talk anymore thinking Yoongi was someone who’d bail?


No. he couldn’t have it.


Yoongi left a generous tip to the cab driver, hurrying towards station 9 before it was too late, having went through unexpected red lights during the drive. “Don’t be late, Don’t be late, Don’t be late…”


What? Yoongi head started to ache from rereading the flashing train departure times repeatedly.


“NO! THE WEBSITE SAID 11:30!" Yoongi boomed.


It couldn’t be…


He...missed the train?


Yoongi’d rung for the desk manager 60 times now, gradually growing agitated by the lack of reliable customer service. The day before when Yoongi was ordering the tickets, he made sure of the departure times of the train; knowing the station quite well for traveling so frequently in his free time like this. Now, when he looked at the website, he saw the devastating correction from 11:30am to 11am; HE WAS HALF AN HOUR LATE!


Yoongi hadn’t received any other way of contact with Jimin, putting tumblr dm aside. Jimin wasn’t even online, declared the 84549467365 times Yoongi had checked his phone. Yoongi had now checked the time: 12:00pm. He looked over the next train to Yangsan, wrecked by the sight of the next train coming at 2:55pm. “Sorry sir, for the inconvenience” The desk lady assured, like that helped Yoongi. He shot the woman an insolent glare, soon gaining access to wifi from a nearby cafe before logging back into tumblr.


“Coming soon?”


Thank god, Jimin was online!


“I missed the stupid train, some confusion with time; ugh”


“Oh man...Do you just want me to send a friend to pick you up?


“You guys gonna kidnap me or something?”


“Maybe, if you have snacks we will”


“Okay 8)”


Jimin made certain the name and car model of whom was going to pick Yoongi up. He was an elder of the name Seokjin, who was told to have light brown hair, broad shoulders, and to be driving a white GMC. Yoongi was instructed to wait outside the station until he saw Seokjin pulled up by the newspaper stands. Yoongi couldn’t help but sigh in a sign of relief. He’d been so freaked out about the train, now he’d be able to even meet a few of Jimin’s friends, though Jimin said he’d be at the cafe waiting, and not in the car with Seokjin. Wanting to leave his looks as a surprise.


It took 40 minutes, but as soon as a large white truck of similar description pulled up near the paper stands, Yoongi cheered. “Are you Yoongi? I’m Seokjin!” The elder explained displaying a playful grin as his hands held tightly at the wheel before him. “Hop on in, Jimin’s waiting, Yoongs!”


One word to describe the hour long car ride? Awkward. Seokjin didn’t know much about blogging, nonetheless Yoongi’s food blog. That on top of introvert-specialist Min Yoongi? It was going to be a bumpy ride. Although, Seokjin explained how he was a good cook, and how he loved the color pink and polaroids, lightening up the ride as MAMAMOO’s You’re the Best  played on the radio. “I like eating food, does that count?” Tense laughter was thrown around, right until Seokjin finally came to the stop at Cafe Jellybean. “Here we are, have fun meeting him!”

Him? What does that mean?


Yoongi hopped down from the towering truck, slinging his backpack around his shoulder before heading inside into the recognizable atmosphere of his favored eatery. The downside of finding Jimin in the cafe was how the place was so packed more than usual. Clusters of adolescents swarming around with drinks, and to make it more stressful: out of school uniform. After being slapped in the face by what trouble he was facing, Yoongi instinctively headed straight towards the register. “Well hello, Yoongi! What can I get you today?” Elder Mrs. Choi greeted her favorite customer with an endearing smile. “The usual, please ma’am” Yoongi exchanged welcomes, admiring Mrs. Choi’s delightful handwriting as she named Yoongi’s large coffee cup. “Working hard, Mrs. Choi?” Mrs. Choi giggled at Yoongi’s sportive question. “Of course, of course Yoongi” She passed the cup to one of her younger employees to fulfill the order. “Say, Mrs. Choi, have you served any Jimins today?” Mrs. Choi scrubbed at the marble table with a soapy towel as she processed the name Yoongi provided. “Hmm, no Yoongi, I’m sorry. But if you’re looking for someone, a few singletons are sitting by the TV sets.” Yoongi thanked the elder, striding away with his americano in hand before heading towards the TV sets, like Mrs. Choi instructed. Yoongi was able to find an available table, taking out his computer among other youngers whom surrounded him; hurrily logging into tumblr.


“Here yet?”


“Where are you, I’m wearing the blue long coat”


“I see you! But try and come find me XD!”


Yoongi took a deep breath, reading over the message. He scanned his environment; spotting a group of teenage girls whom seemed approachable.


You got this, Yoongi





  1. engaging in speech.

  2. Something Min Yoongi is incapable of doing without having a heart attack.


Yoongi mentally rehearsed what he’d say to the batch of girls. “Hi, I’m Yoongi. Are any of you Jimin?” It sounded stupid, but he had to start somewhere. He hid away his laptop and stood in his position, slowly plodding towards the crowd.


“Hi, I’m Yoongi. Are any of you-”


“Hey there, mister smart guy”


Yoongi turned around to see before him a younger golden haired boy. “You’re really smart, Yoongi” The boy mocked. The girls seated at the table seemed to giggle at Yoongi as he harshly blushed under bleached trim. “Uh, you’re a”


“A what?”


“A guy…” Jimin was a common female name...what else did Yoongi expect with no help from the url @busanbabe13...


“You, you thought I was a girl? Kinda harsh but I see where you’re getting at”


“I’m sorry, Jimin?”

“Yeah, it’s okay. But you’re a lot cuter in person, so I’ll forgive you”


Yoongi went speechless at Jimin’s mere statement. Seeing the younger beam in his place, wearing grey joggers and black a striped gray-scale t-shirt accompanied by a dark beanie. Yoongi’s never seen anyone wear it better. “So, where are we headed to?” Jimin grinned at the tense hyung before him. Yoongi secured his backpack on, sipping at his drink, and shrugging his shoulders as the population of the cafe decreased; a sign of sundown. “Why don’t we head to the studio and get some food with my friends? Sound good?”


“Your friends?”


“Oh, well if you’re still feeling a bit...reserved, we can just go hangout at the studio, I’d love to show you a few moves!”


“S-sounds, great, Jimin”


“Good, now come on,”


Jimin took a strong grip of Yoongi’s free hand, nearly making Yoongi spill his drink before he quickly waved a goodbye to Mrs. Choi, then heading to the bus-stop: where the adventure really begins.

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Aimz19 #1
Chapter 2: YAAHS~
Aimz19 #2
Chapter 1: HERE HE COMES~