
The Promise

A/N: unbeta-ed. pardon any grammatical and spelling erros.

“Joon, is something wrong?” asked Yixing as they cuddle up on Yixing’s bed.

“What makes you think that there’s something wrong?” Junmyeon stops his ministration on Yixing’s hair.

Yixing sits up and lean against the headboard. Something’s been bothering Junmyeon and he needs to find out or both of them won’t be able to sleep.

“Well, for starters, you look awfully quiet tonight.”

“I prefer to be quiet sometimes, you know that.”

“And you’re fidgeting. Like there’s something you wanted to say but too afraid to let it out,” added Yixing.

“Trust me. Nothing’s wrong.”

Yixing arch his eye-brow while looking at Junmyeon scandalously. His boyfriend is being stubborn and it’s only makes him even more curious.

“Joon, look at me please,” said Yixing while lifts up Junmyeon’s chin with his finger. “I know you Joon. You may good at putting on a mask in front of our fans but not me. There’s something bugging you. Tell me please.”

Junmyeon pouts. Stupid Yixing for knowing him so well and being a caring boyfriend.

Yixing waits patiently for Junmyeon to talk. He’ll wait all night for Junmyeon as long as he tells Yixing everything.

Junmyeon chews his bottom lip. He decided to just tell Yixing the truth.

“It’s just…about the…charity night you’re going to attend this Friday.”

Yixing takes Junmyeon’s hands and hold it firmly. “Are you worried that I might turn my back on you if I see him?”


“If it makes you feel any better, I will not talk to him. I’ll get my manager to make sure of that.”

“Now you’re being silly Xing. I don’t mind if you want to talk to him and I think our members are fine too.”


“There’s something that I need you to do. For me.”

“What is it?”

Junmyeon gets off the bed and go to the chair where he put his jeans earlier. He takes out a small pouch from the jeans’ pocket and return to the bed, sitting up against the headboard next to Yixing.

Yixing eyed the small pouch in Junmyeon’s hand. He has a feeling that he knows what exactly inside the pouch and he has the slightest idea of what Junmyeon wants him to do.

Junmyeon opens the small pouch slowly and just as Yixing predicted earlier, there is a ring inside the pouch. It’s not just a normal ring but the wing-shaped ring that Yifan gave Junmyeon a few years ago. The ring that Yifan claimed as the symbol of their relationship and love towards each other. Yixing has been wondering about the ring for quite some time because he hasn’t seen the ring again after Yifan left. Not until tonight.

Junmyeon leans his head against Yixing’s shoulder before he speaks. “Can you find a way to give him this ring, Yixing?”

“I thought he said this is yours. He has the other pair with him, right?”

Junmyeon lightly punch Yixing. “Do you think I still want to wear this ring after what happened between us?”

“Don’t you want to keep it? As…a memory of you and him?”

Junmyeon chuckles at Yixing’s words. “Are you not jealous Xing?”

“Why should I? What you have with him is only a memory. I have you now. Unless…”

“I love you. Don’t you doubt that.” Junmyeon kisses Yixing’s cheek as he said so.

Yixing smiles. He never doubts Junmyeon’s love for him. He knows Junmyeon loves him as much he does.

“You sure you want me to give this ring back to him? For what reason? In case he asks me.”

Junmyeon nods. “I don’t want to keep it anymore. Tell him that.”

“That’s all?”

Junmyeon stays silent for a few second. “You know we never had a closure of our relationship. He…left me hanging with no words from him. Tell him to consider this as a closure. And it feels like a burden for me to keep this ring.”

“And what if he says that he still loves you?”

“Just tell him that I love you now, with all my heart and that you love me too.”

“Alright. I’ll get my staff to arrange a private meeting and give this ring to him.”

“Thank you so much Xing.”

“Anything for you Joon. Now, let’s get some sleep, shall we? I need to get to airport early tomorrow.”

“Can I send you to the airport?”

“You’ll attract the fans Joon. It’ll look weird if you go to the airport only to send me off.”

“I’ll just stay in the car while waiting for manager hyung. Please Xing,”

Yixing knows that he can’t say no to Junmyeon so he just nods his head and that’s enough to get Junmyeon smiles happily.

Junmyeon puts the ring on the bedside table. He lies on his back, waiting for Yixing to do the same. Yixing grabs Junmyeon gently and hug his waist as soon as he too, lies down. The leader then puts his head on Yixing’s sturdy chest and closes his eyes.

Yixing immediately hums one of his songs. It became a habit by now, Yixing serenading Junmyeon until he falls asleep with a smile gracing his face.

Yixing stays awake after that, holding Junmyeon tightly in his arms. It would be a lie if he says that hes not jealous of what Junmyeon and Yifan used to have. They shared great memories together as lovers and leaders and Yixing determined to build more memories with Junmyeon. He’s been thinking about giving Junmyeon something that would makes the slightly older man to remember him when he’s not around. He’ll be busy with his solo activity in China soon, and Yixing thinks he should probably get something that Junmyeon would always see…or wear for that matter. Maybe he should get himself and Junmyeon a pair of watch. He knows both of them rarely wear watch, unlike Chanyeol or Sehun and that’s probably why he should get one. Fans wouldn’t notice that they wear the same kind of watch and even if they do notice it, they would probably think it’ some kind of gifts from one of their endorser. Yixing thought his plan is brilliant.




“Close your eyes,” said Yifan.

Junmyeon stared at his boyfriend for a good few seconds. “Why?”

Yifan rolled his eyes and urged Junmyeon to close his eyes again.


Junmyeon closed his eyes and he can feel Yifan’s hand holding his.  Then he felt something cold and tiny placed on his palm.

“Open your eyes now, Myeon.”

Junmyeon opened his eyes slowly and the first thing that he saw is a wing-shaped ring on his palm. A very familiar ring that is.

“Yifan…this is yours right?” Junmyeon asked.

“It’s actually came in a pair.” Yifan lifted his other hand and show the other ring on his finger.

“But why would you give this to me?”

Yifan smiled before he continues. “I want us to have something that we share together. Something to symbolize our love. I know it’s not that much but this wing-shaped rings pretty much describe us as a couple, don’t you think?”

Junmyeon hesitated for a few moments. “But this is your fans’ gift. I don’t feel right wearing it. Your fans’ would probably upset if they see me wearing this ring.”

“When I opened the box, there’s a card inside it. It said that I can give the other pair to anyone I want and I want you to have it. We don’t have much couple-y things and I want this ring to be something special and only we can understand the meaning of it.”

“And what’s that? Junmyeon requires.

“I think you understand the meaning, Junmyeon.”

Junmyeon smiled and nodded his head slowly as he looked at the ring again. “Can you put it on me then?”

Yifan took the ring from Junmyeon’s hand and slip it on his index finger. He took a few seconds to admire the ring and then lifted Junmyeon’s hand and kissed it.

Junmyeon blushed at Yifan’s actions. Even after few years of being together, Yifan always manages to make him blush like a teenage girl.

“This ring is really beautiful Yifan and I have to admit that I kind of wanted to borrow it from you.”

“Well, we’re lucky that this ring came in a pair, aren’t we?”

“But, why didn’t you give this earlier.”

Yifan stiffened at that and push his mind to work harder to give Junmyeon an acceptable excuse.

“The thing is, I got this gift when I was in China. I left one in my home and I forgot about the existence ever since. It was my mom who told me about the ring.”

“I’ll make sure to keep it carefully when I’m not wearing. Thank you so much Yifan.” Junmyeon leaned up and kissed Yifan whole-heartedly.

Yifan hugged Junmyeon’s waist tightly and speak against Junmyeon’s mouth “let this ring guard you, Junmyeon.”

Junmyeon laughed at Yifan’s cheesy words and soon he let Yifan kissed him again and they spent the night like that, cuddling with occasional kissing until they fell asleep.


Yixing steps out of his car and look around. There are of course a lot of reporters and fans lining up, waiting for the celebrities to arrive. Bazaar Charity Night was deemed as the biggest event of the year and to be invited to this charity night is a big opportunity for someone like him to mingle around with some of the biggest name in China’s entertainment industry.

Today he decided to bring along one of his male staff aside from his secretary. Yixing needs him to arrange a private meeting with Yifan. Yixing had briefly instructed the staff of what he needs to do. His staff frowned a bit and Yixing convinced him that he only needs 15 to 20 minutes to see Yifan. The staff only needs to make a contact with Yifan’s manager or staff. If Yixing’s judgment is right, Yifan will see him. It’s been two years after all.

He walks down the red carpet confidently and try to look as dashing as he can be because he knows someone in Seoul would catch up with his update. The said someone whined about how much he wanted to see Yixing in today’s suit and Yixing told him to catch up with the updates instead. He could imagine the pout on Junmyeon’s face when Yixing refused to send a picture of him.

After the red carpet event, Yixing sits at his table. He’s kind of nervous actually and to make him feel slightly better, he talks with his Huang Bo-ge, who luckily was set to sit next to him. He waited patiently for his staff to text him if he’s able to arrange a meeting with Yifan or not. Not soon after, he sees Yifan walking towards his table, which is a table away from Yixing’s. Yixing secretly laughs at Yifan’s style today.

Yixing glances towards Yifan’s table and coincidently Yifan is looking at him as well. The said man gives him a small smile and a slight nod, a gesture that says he’s agree to meet Yixing after tonight’s event is over. Then Yixing’s phone vibrates, indicating that a he receives a message. His staff texts him the details of the private meeting and he lets Yixing knows that they have limited time since Yifan has to rush to the airport to fly to Shanghai. Yixing heaves a relieve sigh and he focuses his attention back to the event that is about to start in any minute.

Yixing has mixed feelings as he watches his ex-leader performs on stage. Yixing noticed how much Yifan’s vocal had improved and he looks more confident standing alone and performs on stage. He’s happy for Yifan, he really is but deep down inside he can still feel the hurt that he and his brothers felt when Yifan left them. But all in all, Yixing is actually proud of what Yifan had achieved so far. He smiles discreetly, so that no one would notice it. Why? He doesn’t have the answer for that.

The event finally ended after three hours.  Yixing immediately leaves the hall after saying good bye to Huang Bo and other artists. His staff then tells him that Yifan would only see him after he’s done with his interview. Yixing asks his secretary to get the car ready as he won’t be long. Then his staff takes him to Yifan’s waiting room.

Yixing is about to knock when the door suddenly opens and revealed a man who he believes is Yifan’s manager. The man lets Yixing in and there he sees Yifan sitting on a chair. Yixing stands in the middle of the room awkwardly, not knowing what to say to get Yifan’s attention.  Yifan’s lifts up his head as soon as he noticed Yixing’s presence.

“Hei Yixing.”


“No ‘ge’ now?”

Yixing remains silent at Yifan’s remark.  Yifan who noticed the younger’s passiveness, urge him to immediately talk.

“I believe you know that we have limited time. So, if you want to say anything, just say it.” Yifan doesn’t mean to sound cold, but he really is running out of time.

Yixing immediately takes out the small pouch containing the ring and put in on the table in front of Yifan.

“I think you know what’s inside the pouch, Yifan.”

Yifan looks at the pouch and of course he knows. He looks at Yixing and the younger man could see a hint of sadness in Yifan’s eyes.

“Junmyeon said that there’s no use for him to keep the ring with him. Keeping it makes he feels burden. Plus, he said it was yours at the first place. He thinks it is better for you to have it back. It’s also some sort of…” Yixing sighs before he continues “closure for him.”

Yifan frowns at the word ‘closure’. “What do you mean closure? I never said that our relationship is over.”

Yixing’s eyes widen at that. “You left him Yifan. You left him without words. He waited for you for months, a year even but you never reply his messages. If only you could see how miserable he is after you left. Everyone knows he’s hurting and it hurt us even more to see him put up his mask on stage just to show the fans that he is fine when he’s actually not. Do you know how much his weight dropped? Do you know how skinny he’s become? We were worried sick about him and it took us months to get him back to his usual self. You know you’re more than just a co-leader to him. You’re his lover, his partner, the one who he expects to understand him the most. You’re supposed to be his pillar but you left him just like that.”

Yixing’s in rage at the moment and he needs to calm down. It was hurting him to see Junmyeon in such state and he always tries his best to be by Junmyeon’s side to heal him and to let him know that he’s always has people around him who cared so much for him.

“I…is…is he happy now?” asked Yifan.

“He’s a lot happier now. Happier than two years ago. So, just take this ring back and I consider my job’s here is done.

Yifan takes the pouch and opens it slowly. The memories between him and Junmyeon flooding his mind.  Junmyeon’s beautiful face, his bright smile, those kittenish eyes and the cute pout that adorns his face. The one thing that he remembers the most is Junmyeon’s soft and gentle voice, the voice that he’s not tired of listening to. He still keeps some of the voice messages that Junmyeon left him when they’re still a couple of lovers. It’s all only a memory now and Yifan knows it was his mistake and he has no right to blame Junmyeon or anyone else for how their relationship has to end.

“Is he seeing someone new?”

Yixing is about to say “yes, it’s me” just like how Junmyeon had told him but he decided to just tell Yifan that Junmyeon has someone who loves him as much as, probably more than Yifan did.

“I think that’s all Yifan. I should go. You have a flight to catch after all.”

“It’s you isn’t it? You are that someone.”

Yixing stops on his track and turns around.

“I’ve love him since forever Yifan. I fell for him the first time I met him. If only I confess to him earlier than you are, he probably wouldn’t have to suffer so much.”

“I know and I don’t think no one else deserves him other than you. Take care of him Yixing.”

“Of course I will.”

To be really honest, Yixing didn’t think that Yifan would accept the news that well. He kind of expecting Yifan to demand more explanation but that’s all that Yifan said.

Yixing makes his way to the door but Yifan stops him again.

“Good luck for your concerts and say ‘hi’ to the guys for me please. Are they still mad at me?”

“I think they’re fine now, but I’m not sure about Jongin, Minseok hyung and Jongdae though.”

“I deserved that, didn’t I?”

“I’ll say ‘hi’ to them for you. I think they’ll be fine soon enough.” And Yixing gives Yifan a small smile, the first time since he stepped into the room a few minutes ago.

Yifan smiles too, knowing very well that Yixing’s smile is genuine and he really means what he said.  It’s Zhang Yixing, the resident ‘angel’ of EXO. No matter how angry he is, he would always finds it in his heart to forgive.

“See you around, Xing.”

“See you around, Yifan-ge.”

Once Yixing steps out of the room, he smiles widely and immediately sends a message to Junmyeon: MISSION ACCOMPLISH, Joon. He can’t stop smiling even on the way back to the hotel. He’s glad that he’s able to finish what he needed to do for Junmyeon.

Before he sleeps that night, he looks at a pair of watch that he bought this morning. He thinks the watch with black leather strap would look good on him and especially Junmyeon. He can’t wait for tomorrow to come and catch his flight to Bangkok and meet the love of his life and also his brothers.


Back in the waiting room, Yifan stares at the ring. The special ring that only he and Junmyeon knows the meaning of. He actually lied to Junmyeon. He told Junmyeon that the ring came in a pair but he actually only received one. He thought that the wing-shaped ring would look good at Junmyeon’s finger. Furthermore, wing is something that they both ‘invisibly’ wear as EXO’s leaders. Junmyeon used to say that Yifan owns half of the wing and the other half is his. Damn! They even draw half wing on their signature.

Back to the story of the ring, Yifan decided to buy one more ring that resembles the one he owns. He checked for the details online and he was lucky enough that there’s exactly one left in the stock. He immediately placed the order and managed to make Junmyeon believes his words.

But now, the ring is back to Yifan. Yifan himself no longer wears the ring as he’s not sure the status of their relationship. Yifan chuckles weakly. The ring that used to symbolize his blooming relationship with Junmyeon is now used to officially end their relationship.


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Chapter 1: I'm having mixed feelings now TT lil bit sad and happy at the same time><
Chapter 1: Those awful photos of our sweet Junmyeon when he was so stressed and poorly thin :( Yixing is right Yifan neglected him, not only him but the group. Junmyeon leaning and being with Yixing was the right thing. The ring was only a sign of their former love. Angst :( I hope that they meet again one day not now but at the right time.
Gyu2su #3
Chapter 1: I'm a Krisho lover but in this story, Kris hurt/ignored Joon and nobody hurts him! Lay was indeed the right choice :3
Chapter 1: Im sad and have mixed feels
Chapter 1: You definitely ARE the devil !
I really like what you did here, it is a bit nostalgic of course but I loved it anyways ^^
And Yixing's CHARISMA here fits him so well
Yifan u little piece of trash <3

Hope to see you around with more tragic krisho fics since they are really good ^^

luv luv author-nim ♡

- wertehfukistao
OH MY GODF !? ASDFGHJKLM ¡¿!! Are you the devil ? xD