3: The Librarian's Visitor

TaeNy Airlines (One-Shot Collection)

This is as my apology to you for writing an angst. ><

I find library is oddly a romantic place.


Genre: Romance, fluff


She comes again.


That was what Tiffany always thought everytime she spotted that girl.

The petite blonde girl with milky white skin, who usually had a red scarf around her neck.


It was a freezing winter and Tiffany couldn't help but wonder why in such weather would a girl walk through the snow, just to come to a place which -in her opinion- became less interesting after the internet was discovered; a library, where she was currently working.

The place was old but beautifully renovated. From the outside it looked like an old European building. But once people got inside, they would usually be surprised by the modern yet cozy interior. It was one famous library in the town.

Somehow due to the cold weather only a few people visited it, which made Tiffany had nothing much to do but paid attention to her one loyal visitor; the blonde girl.


One thing that made Tiffany grew curious was the girl's action which she thought unusual.

She had been observing her, and she found out that the girl would always take a random book from the lower part of the bookshelf as she wasn't that much tall.

After that she would sit on the seat nearby the wide window glass, few meters away from Tiffany's desk. Then the girl put down the book on the table and opened the page randomly.

But instead of reading it, she always stared outside blankly at the clear window.


As much as Tiffany felt attracted towards the girl, she had never tried talking to her before, because the latter always seemed like she was in deep thoughts. So she kept stealing glances at her. It wasn't seldom that the girl would look up and their eyes accidentally met.

She couldn't help but admit that the girl's onyx orbs were so alluring, and her babyface was just totally lovable.

Tiffany found herself grew likings for the stranger, especially for her smile.

The girl always beamed a warm smile to her which made her weirdly felt like they had known each other for years.

Just like that, the librarian simply enjoyed her visitor's daily company.


That day Tiffany felt something was missing. She still hadn't seen the girl when it was already 4PM; the usual closing time of the library.

So the next day when she met her visitor again, she encouraged herself to ask her.

The wooden door creaked and the girl's footstep could be heard clearly as she entered the quiet library, then headed to the bookshelves.

Tiffany's eyes were glued on her as the girl sat down on her usual seat; beside the window.

The latter looked up after fixing her sitting position, only to find the brunette librarian was staring at her. So she gave her a smile.


Tiffany smiled back. “Were you sick yesterday?"

The girl raised an eyebrow as she tilted her head cutely. "How do you know?"

Little did she know, Tiffany was silently praising herself for finally having a conversation with the girl she had been admiring.

"Well, you are wearing thicker clothes today." she carefully said, trying not to sound like a creeper or something like that. "And you didn't come here yesterday.." she ended with a sheepish smile.

The latter chuckled, making Tiffany's cheeks turned pink.

"Thanks for the concern," she paused. "Miss Librarian."

"It's Tiffany." she smilingly said.

"Thank you, Tiffany-ssi."

"Don't mention it." she shook her head lightly. "You haven't told your name by the way."

"Oh silly me." the girl tapped her forehead. "I'm Taeyeon. Kim Taeyeon." she smiled dorkily, which Tiffany found really adorable.

"Nice to know you, Taeyeon-ssi." she flashed her eyesmile.

"Nice to know you too, Tiffany-ssi."


Tiffany gave another smile before reading a newspaper, while Taeyeon stared outside like usual.

Silence fell between the two before Taeyeon decided to break it.

"Tiffany-ssi," she called, her voice echoing in the quiet library.

Tiffany looked up as she put her black-framed glasses down. "Yes? May I help you, Taeyeon-ssi?" she smiled kindly.

“Can I ask you a question?”


"Why does your boyfriend never come to visit you here?"

Tiffany furrowed her eyebrows at the sudden -and private- question. "Because I don't have any."






She shrugged her shoulders, half wondering why she felt free to tell Taeyeon everything, and half wondering why she still had no one to be called lover. She acknowledged it that she had many suitors, both boys and girls. Truthfully, she had countless ex.

Not that she was a kind of player that only fooled around with others’ feelings. But because she appreciated them, after the first date she would usually break them up as soft as she could. She just didn’t feel the same way as them and thought that they deserved someone better than her.

Then another question struck her mind.

Why did she never feel the same way as her suitor?

One of the boys she could remember, Choi Siwon.

Why did she break him up? He was the college crush, and he came from a good family. He had such a nice attitude.

But his sense of humour was zero and he worried about his ‘prince’ image too much.

Then the next boy, if she wasn’t mistaken, his name was Lee Donghae.

He took her to a candle light dinner and even serenade for her. He was undoubtfully a romantic guy and he knew how to treat a girl.

But romantic didn’t mean loyal. He was a big player.

The next one was a girl. She could still picture her well.

A raven haired girl named Kwon Yuri.

She was as beautiful as Tiffany, and she had a y charisma which made people turned their attention to her everytime she walked passing.

She was really fun to be with, Tiffany admitted. She liked her. But as a friend only.

And then ex by ex, she always had the same ending; break up.

She just didn’t feel anything for them. A smile was just a smile, without any feelings on it.

But this time was different, she had been feeling a strong attraction towards this stranger whom she had just known her name a few minutes ago. She thought maybe it was what people called chemistry.


"Because I haven't found the right one?" she finally said in a rather questioning tone.

Taeyeon nodded as she flipped a page. "I see."

"How about you, Taeyeon-ssi?" Tiffany asked as she left her desk, heading towards the latter's seat, and sat across her.

"Me?" she pointed at herself. "I don't have a lover either."

Tiffany didn't know why but it sounded like a good news for her. Before she met Taeyeon, never in her life she cared about other’s business.


"I mean, why do you always stare out blankly here, everyday? Even in this chilly weather." she finally asked the question that she had been curious to death. "You know, people would prefer lying lazily on their couch to visiting this old library in such weather like this."

"Is my presence disturbing you?"

"No, no. Not at all." she quickly waved her hand defensively. "I'm just curious."

"Well if you ask me why, it's because.." she diverted her gaze from the latter's obviously curious eyes as she stared out again. "I'm afraid."




"It's a pretty long story."

"I have all day."

"Well then.." she took a deep breath and softly exhaled. "So it's because.. I fall for this girl."

Tiffany's heart felt tightened at the sentence. Inside she was cursing herself. Why when she finally started to love, she fell for the wrong person?

She thought maybe it was a karma for breaking her suitors’ heart.

"I've been really wanting to approach her and tell her my feelings. But I'm afraid she doesn't fell the same way as I do." she smiled bitterly. "So all I can do is staring at her from distant, like this."

"Oh.." Tiffany slowly nodded, slightly hurt and brokenhearted inside. "That girl is one lucky girl though." she managed a sad smile.

Taeyeon stared at her questioningly. "Why?"

"Well, see.." she started playing with her fingers. "You've been patiently waiting for her even in this such horrible weather, although from distant." she looked up at Taeyeon, who was staring at her with her beautiful round eyes.

"That means you're a loving and loyal person. Caring too. Every girl needs someone like that."


“Hey you’re a girl yourself, you should have understood that.”

“But I need others’ opinion too.” she chuckled. “Do you really think so, Tiffany-ssi?”

"Seriously. And I think you're cute, Taeyeon-ssi." she blurted out before blushing like mad when she realized that she had just spoken her mind.

“Thank you.” a wide smile slowly formed on Taeyeon's lips. "And you are lucky, Tiffany-ssi."


Tiffany furrowed her eyebrows as she tilted her head to the side. "Why?"

Taeyeon charmingly smiled as she held Tiffany's hands.

"Because you are that girl."


Tiffany blinked several times as the butterflies on her stomach went wild and her heart skipped a beat. She felt like her heart was about to burst out in joy.


"So my beautiful Miss Librarian," she kissed her hand gently and beamed an affectionate smile as she stared deeply at Tiffany’s eyes.


"Be mine?"


Tiffany's face slowly lit up.

A bright smile crept on her face as her eyes turned into perfect crescent shapes.

Winter snow was still falling heavily outside the quiet library.

But inside, both girls felt warm as their hands lovingly interwined.

Tiffany leaned and softly kissed Taeyeon's right cheek before gladly nodding.








Good evening from here. :D

I'm gonna have the school exam for the whole next week, wish me luck. :))

Oh yes and do comment, please let me know what you think. ^^

Spread the love~ <3

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.I really like this story
Chapter 3: Sh** her question and that BE MINE still has the same effect to me after all this years!
23 streak #3
Chapter 2: This is great.. But I was hoping a real time machine.. Hahah.. Just like what I've watched in CIA... There's created a time machine to go back and due with her.. That was superb!
Ancsii #4
Chapter 2: OOo... So Sad!!! But.... I love it!!!! Sooooo
petalsss #5
I love it.. taeny<3
Chapter 6: What a nice story! :-D
Amiraxoxo #7
Hey author.love chapter 3.
Amiraxoxo #8
Hey author.love chapter 3.