to make you my reality

The One Dream that Can’t be Fulfilled


He had me by the neck, looking at me intensely with those cold piercing eyes. Normally one would already be sweating buckets of cold sweat or struggle for one’s freedom or even question one’s bad luck. However, for some reason, despite how my heart is beating madly, I feel oddly at peace. And weirdly, my heart felt like they’re breaking into pieces instead, as if afraid of what would happen next – not to me but to us.


“I would tell you ‘I love you’, but then I’d have to kill you.” his words, his eyes were cold and soul-less, though he probably doesn’t have a soul to begin with. He probably means it  – killing me – but I can’t help myself from reaching out to him, reaching out to that perfect, porcelain-like face of his.


As he tightens his invisible grip on my neck, as my vision, my consciousness slowly slip away from me, as the sight of him becomes blurry I wonder what his reaction will be like if I tell him…


… to die in his hands is better than facing reality alone?



Ryeowook had always been a dreamer, no matter how many times adults and other kids push reality on his face, he’d shrug every thought aside that is until his parents died in an accident. You could say the once bubbly, optimistic Ryeowook died as well.


“They say the fastest way to happiness is escaping reality.” A young man clothe in black and dark hued clothes said as he float next to him. He was amused since Ryeowook only showed little surprise in his amazing feat.

“Are you the Grim Reaper or something?” the junior high school student Ryeowook asked.

He was even amused at his blunt response. “No. But if you want to die I could give you some ideas.”

Ryeowook stared at the ground for a brief moment. “People can die in their dreams, huh?”

And it struck him, Ryeowook was no ordinary boy. With a playful smirk he told Ryeowook most of the things he need to know.

“If you come into a contract with me, those dreams you’ve had since you were a snotty-faced brat will become a reality. In a way, you’ll be able to control Reality itself.”

“In return, you can step into my world through me.”

The young man nodded and as sample of his powers he picked a piece of rolled-up paper from a fish bowl that suddenly appeared, hovering beside him.


Tomorrow, there’s going to be a surprise quiz in Biology and I’m going to ace it.


“This is what you’ve wanted once to happen right? To make you believe I’ll show you a little of my prowess. You humans always need some proof before you believe it.” the young man said. And the morning Ryeowook woke up, though everything else was normal except for the fact that he was living with his grandparents now, the seemingly surprise quiz in Biology happened. Ryeowook didn’t study for it but he perfected it.


“So? What d’you say?” the young man asked, now wearing clothes in shades of blue, standing inside the mirror.

Ryeowook flinched from surprise when he saw him instead of his reflection.

“I don’t even know you and how could I possibly help you with whatever mission you have? I’m a complete mess.”

The young man grinned. “I don’t know why either, and it may seem harsh but the death of your parents is the final criterion for you to become my partner, my vessel. My name’s Kyuhyun , a dream weaver. And I need your help to bring back the balance between my world and yours.”

Ryeowook was still unsure how he was convinced by this Kyuhyun to become his vessel but one thing’s for certain he was captivated by him.



I wonder how things become like this. I coughed out instinctively when he let go of me. Tears stung my eyes, I wonder if it’s due to the pain or was it because he was walking out of my life?


‘the fastest way to happiness is escaping reality’, huh? If falling in love with a Dream Weaver or whatever they call themselves would take me back to reality, they should’ve made that in bold, capital, red letters in the contract. Or is it because after these six months I’ve become unconsciously happy that it has become my reality?


Kyuhyun… was it just to feed on my dreams? No strings attached, really?



Since the day Ryeowook signed the contract with Kyuhyun, strange things have been happening – dreams fulfilled and other Dream Weavers either coax him to make the contract with them instead or kill him.

“I don’t think you should hang around with that Yesung  kid.” Kyuhyun tells him, while they were in his dream realm.

“Why not? Yesung’s fun to be with.” Ryeowook’s eyebrows knit together.

“Just because he says he likes you doesn’t mean he’s fun.” Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow.

“Just because you’re jealous doesn’t mean you have to ignore the other things he does.” Ryeowook rolled his eyes.

“Just because I’m showing a little concern doesn’t mean I like you.”

“If you’ll say you like me then I won’t see him.” Ryeowook .

“The sun’s rising, hurry up or you’ll be late.” And they could hear the sound from the alarm clock resonating in the realm. Ryeowook stuck out his tongue as Kyuhyun flicked him out of his dream.


The moment Ryeowook stepped out, the bright dream realm he had suddenly changed into a dark one, with vine thorns creeping out from Kyuhyun’s feet and a dark mist oozing from nowhere.

“Heh,” someone said with an amused tone from his voice. “I’m so envious that you’ve found yourself a strong vessel.”

Kyuhyun turned around, glaring at the other Weaver with cold, threatening eyes. The other Weaver held up his hands and leapt off the rock he was sitting at. “Hey now, I’m not here to fight, this is your territory anyway.”

“Really? For someone who could just change the Setting that’s a terrible lie, Yesung.”

“Ryeowook indirectly gives me permission, you know that.” Yesung just appeared beside Kyuhyun, as if clinging onto Kyuhyun and his cheek slowly as if tasting him.

“GET OUT OF HERE!” Kyuhyun’s growl made some cracks on the land.

Yesung just smirked. “You know Kyu, half a year is already a long time contract you’re probably almost overdue. If you don’t want me or anyone else to take over such wonderful vessel as Ryeowook… you know what to do.”

“I’d rather kill all you Rogues.”

Yesung just laughed menacingly as he faded out together with the darkness he brought in.  


“Is something wrong?” Ryeowook asked when he saw Kyuhyun’s disturbed expression from a reflection.

“Nothing…” Kyuhyun replied dodgily.

“Hmmm… really?” Ryeowook eyed him suspiciously.

Kyuhyun chuckled. “Really… I just think, this battle is going to end soon. So I’d be needing a very powerful dream.”

“Ah, is that all?” Ryeowook replied nonchalantly, after all dreaming was his thing, it was a surprise that he was able to keep himself from having wet dreams else it’ll be the death of him.

“And when everything ends, the contract ends too.”

“I see.” But Ryeowook doesn’t feel as calm as he acted to be.



You’ve brought back the life I thought I’ve buried along with my parents... You said the battle’s going to end soon. I didn’t know soon would come so early. You should’ve told me that so I’d have prepared myself.


Knowing that Yesung is actually tricking me doesn’t hurt as much as realizing that you’re leaving me. Having you disturbing us in where I’d probably lose my ity and leave me in a different sort of pain down there couldn’t compare to the regret where I didn’t dare dream of us. If my dreams are what empowers you then even a wet dream you’d have fulfill it right? I could’ve been held by you, even if it was just in dreams…  Even if it was just your work.


“Kyuhyun, if you’re really not as different as you think you say with the Rogues then just kill me instead.”

“If I do that, then that would just devoid the reason for exterminating the Rogues,” You told me, “Dream Weavers exist to create the dreams of humans not eat them or use them against others.”

“Then continue weaving my dreams, stay.” I told you, I probably sound so pathetic right now.

“I will continue, probably but we will never cross paths. Weavers are not allowed to stay in the Real World that’s why devouring humans is a great sin.”

“Liar! Someone told me, once having contact with a vessel you have to leave no trace.”

“That’s what Rogues say to trick you.” you said softly with a wistful smile.

I tried calling out to you but you pushed me down with your aura.


As I watch you walk further away from me, as the scene around us slowly turned white I couldn’t help but shout, “Then if you couldn’t stay, if you couldn’t love me back then just kill me instead or take my dreams from me.” But you walked further and further away and the next thing I know I’m lying on my bed with tear-stained eyes.



“Hey, Kyu,” Donghae said, another unworldly creature said. “You may be a hero but you’re really a bully.”

Kyuhyun laughed at his friend’s remark. They were looking at a puddle that could reflect anything or anyone from the Real World.

“He’ll soon forget about it.”

“You mean after I erase the memories you want to be erased.” He rolled his eyes.

“Pleeeeaaassssseeee!” Kyuhyun begged as cutely as he can.

“Still you’re a bully, he’ll be crying for another week before his memories are erased.”


Humans are bound to forget things but humans without dreams is just the same as not living at alleven if it’s painful this is better.


Ryeowook… I love you Kyuhyun could only say it in his mind as he smiled longingly before he changed the view from the puddle.




Merry Christmas Jinli :3 and to everyone too... hope you'll like it.

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ismary666 #1
Chapter 1: I don't know, jajajajajaa, it's that if R forgot K, it's like the computers, hide somewhere on hard drive is still there, R can no remember K, but R only needs a link to find K again. Ok, it's my happy side brain speaks, I like the happy endings :D
yeah...Bittersweet! :'(
Hmmmm, I don't have any words for this. I like it, don't get me wrong, I just can't think of how to describe it...people are saying 'bittersweet' but I don't really know what that means (could use a definition, but my phone won't let me go on google). Anyway, I like it. Poor Wookie and Kyuhyun, so perfect for each other but unable to be together :(
memoire- #4
The ending was expected but not so sad and bitter. I love this alot. <3
petalcha #5
I want it to end in a different way but your ending's the best. Well, two people from different worlds can't and will never be together. Poor Wookie, well at least he'll forget Kyu. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, will be the one that'll suffer big time, coz he'll never forget Wookie. Ugh~ this is the reality of a fantasy. -.-
Bittersweet. The way I like it. This left me so torn and hopeful and just so in between. I really like this,and Im surprised about the Dream Weaver concept. Its intruiging amd tons better than what I have for the Dream Catcher thing in SSSD. but that aside,i would say i would love a sequel. but actually,its perfect the way it ended. after all,reality is usually more bittersweet than sweet. <br />
<br />
I love this<3 I love you<3 Thank you and merry late christmas!<3 i owe you one *heart shape*
MujaELFClouds #7
Wow it is really good, the message in this fanfic is so good
Bittersweet :' ( <br />
I wish they could've been together...I bet this story would've been an interesting one if you continued it :) haha, but I'm not saying that in hopes to convince you. Just a thought. <br />
Great one shot though!!