advice // character profiles (children)

Sebastian's Mind // writing help, plots, and more!

Writing Character Profiles - Questionnaire 2 (Child Characters)

  1. Name:
  2. Age:
  3. Birthday:
  4. General physical description:
  5. Hometown:
  6. Type of home/ neighborhood:
  7. Father’s name, background, and occupation:
  8. Mother’s name, background, and occupation:
  9. Brothers and sisters:
  10. Position in family:
  11. Other close relatives:
  12. Family relationships:
  13. Special friends:
  14. Enemies:
  15. Influential person or event:
  16. Grade in school:
  17. Attitude toward school:
  18. Grades:
  19. Favorite pastimes:
  20. Hobbies (music/art/reading material):
  21. Favorite sports:
  22. Favorite foods:
  23. Dress style:
  24. Religion:
  25. Attitude toward religion:
  26. Relationship with boys:
  27. Relationship with girls:
  28. Leader or follower:
  29. Strongest positive personality trait:
  30. Strongest negative personality trait:
  31. Sense of humor:
  32. Temper:
  33. Consideration for others:
  34. How other people see him/her:
  35. Opinion of him/herself:
  36. Other traits, especially those to be brought out in story:
  37. Ambitions:
  38. Philosophy of life:
  39. Most important thing to know about character:
  40. Will readers like or dislike this character, and why?
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