
Being a Klutz is a Charm, After All

“Ah, what’s wrong with me?”

Those words seemed to engulf in my head once after I walked away from the person that I’ve been secretly eyeing on. No doubt that I stuttered my words through when I apologised but making a fool out of myself in front of the staffs, especially in front of him, had finally granted me the title of a walking disaster. How much of a klutz can I be?

I plopped myself down on a chair in front of the dresser and allowed the coordinators do their job, in hopes that the incident could slipped off my head as I get ready for the show. I’ll be seeing him once again, after the tiny encounter earlier, but this time, in front of an audience for a performance. I was so buried in my thoughts of what happened earlier without even realising that the PD had been trying to signal me in getting position for the show as it was about to start in 10 minutes’ time.

“Ji-Eun-sshi, are you ready? The show’s about to start and you need to get in position,” my manager called, tapping me in the shoulder as she said.

“Ne, Unnie. We can go off now,” I said, adjusting the bowler hat I was wearing. I took a last look at myself in the mirror and mentally reminded myself to be careful of what I was doing. I don’t think I can survive another embarrassing moment in front of crowd this time around, especially during a recording.

Stepping out of the room and being ushered straight to the side of the stage to wait for my cue, I craned my ears to listen to the current performance that was going on. Only being able to watch from afar, the tall lanky figure, coupled with his beautiful fair skinned tone captured my attention almost immediately. The melodious voice of his was haunting as he belted out ‘Start’, in fact, surprising me with such warmth as he hit the high notes in the last part of the song that I couldn’t help but to let a smile creped at the corner of my lips with the thought of hearing his voice.

When the song ended, almost immediately, applauses broke out from the audience, greeting the room. There he was, graciously standing at the stage with Lee Byung Woo sunbaenim with a light hearted conversation; I anxiously paced myself to and fro, waiting to be greeted to the stage and took my turn to perform.

“Ah, I heard you invited a girl who is younger than me. She is the trend now, right?”, he said.

Having him mentioning that phrase alone caused butterflies to rumble in my tummy. Not that I was nervous to perform but to hear someone like him, no, someone that seemed to hit near perfection of a what I would deemed as my ideal partner, instantaneously made my heart palpitate at such a plain compliment.

“She’s a trendy young girl, so let’s hear it from IU-sshi,” he said again, and with that, I felt a slight push from the back to head over to the stage for my turn. Carefully taking my steps up to the stage in my patent heels, I mentally took note of myself to not trip in front of him, again. It would be another embarrassing moment if that were to happen, oh goodness, even worst of it all, captured on tape with the presence of strangers.

I meekly bowed down at the sight of seeing him, greeting him with my mousy voice with a little flash of smile and quickly rushed to his other side to stand in the middle of Byung Woo sunbaenim and him.

“Annyeonghaseyo Kyuhyun-sshi, Byung Woo-sshi, thank you for inviting me today. I’m honoured to be here,” flashing my white pearls to Byung Woo sunbaenim. I can’t help but to steal a glance at the other person standing beside me.

He may only be a mere feet away from me but his presence alone caused me to giggle like a silly girl. Not literally of course, which I assumed will be hounded by death glares from everyone around me. When I was told that I would be appearing Music Garage alongside with Kyuhyun from Super Junior as guests for the show, I couldn’t hide my contentment and started spazzing around, only having me to almost hurt my ankle after knocking my leg to a furniture. I never knew why I was so careless in taking care of myself; probably my carefree behaviour took the best out of me. That’s how I am clearly as a person, I could be so silly at times that I have never bother to pay extra attention to myself.

And knowing that it was Kyuhyun from Super Junior who would be appearing as a guest for the show, I tried my best to put upfront a good image of myself, only to ruin it with clumsiness when I tripped and spilled the drink that I was holding in front of him earlier. Luckily, he didn’t take in any offence to my inelegance behaviour; he could have thrown a fit at me for being such a dork. I swear at that moment, I was going to die from turning too red like a boiled lobster.

Kyuhyun took his leave from the stage, and with the amount of strength I have managed to gather for myself, I sang in tune to the song of ‘On the Day’.


Trudging my feet back to dressing room after the show was over, I couldn’t wait to immersed myself in the comfort of my sneakers. Although I have gotten used strutting around in heels for performances, I always ended up making a fool out of myself by tripping. I guess I will never be able to get used to the idea of wearing heels as part of my fashion sense without ruining my image. I slipped off my heels and with an aching heel; I walked barefoot to my room.

I barged in to my assigned room, not knowing that there was an unfamiliar figure waiting for me. Placing my heels at the corner of the room, I plopped myself on the sofa, only to realise a presence of a pair of eyes burning through me. I looked around the cluttered room to find, Kyuhyun sitting by the dresser, watching me intently of every move that I make and gave a muffled laugh. Immediately, I sprang up and adjusted myself, ensuring I was looking as decent as possible in front of him.

“Oh, Kyuhyun sunbaenim, I didn’t know you were here. What brings you to my room?” I looked at him with a pair of curious eyes that immediately made him smile and nod his head down.

“I’m sorry for welcoming myself in without permission. I just came to say good performance you had. You have a very nice voice, IU-sshi.”

“Kamsahamninda, Kyuhyun sunbaenim. You have a nice voice too. I’m a big fan of yours, if you might want to know,” I said, causing me to burn up in redness.

“Glad to know that. Call me Oppa instead, you don’t have to be so formal with me”

I was caught off guard upon him telling me to call him Oppa. Never had I thought I would be meeting him in person, yet alone calling him Oppa seems surreal for me. I gave him a sheepish grin in return and nodded.

“Ah Kyuhyun Oppa, you don’t have to call me by my stage name. Just Ji Eun will do,” I immediately said, letting him know that it would preferred for him to call me by my name.

“Ne, Ji Eun-ah. I have to go now since I have another recording to do. I’ll see you soon?”


“Ya Ji-Eun, you spilled your drink on me earlier, do you think I would let you off easily?” Kyuhyun retorted, only to make me form creases on my forehead with him exclamation. I didn’t know that he was going to take it seriously; in fact, I thought he had forgotten all about it, considering he seemed insistently polite when telling me it was okay when the accident happened. I saw a smile form at the corners of his lips, leaving me even more confused of the situation.

“Do you have any schedule planned for you this Wednesday?”

“Huh?” That was the only thing that came out from my mouth.

“Silly girl. I’m asking if you’re free this Wednesday. We could go grab a bite and get to know each other. Besides, you owe me, you know” Kyuhyun smirked.

I stood there, frozen. Of course I completely know what he meant by ‘soon’. I didn’t know this would happen, and it’s all coming down on me on such a great impact. Here I am, a girl who has a biggest crush on Super Junior’s snarky magnae and there he is, asking me out. Is it for real?

“Are you okay, Ji-Eun-ah?” Kyuhyun nudged me on the shoulder. I snapped out of my daze and gave him the chirpiest smile I could afford right now to him.

“Ne, Oppa, I’m fine. And yes, I’d like that. Dinner will be on me, araso?” I modestly told him.

He awarded me with a grin upon giving the answer that he was expecting and handed me his phone to punch in my numbers so that he would be able to keep in touch with me.

“I call you soon to plan ahead, alright?”

I nodded and watched him slide his phone back into his pocket after storing my number in his phone. He gave me a tap on the head and slowly headed for the door, only to turn around to give me a wave of goodbye before finally disappearing out from the room.

I slumped back on the sofa that I was resting on, closed my eyes and with a smile plastered on my face, I secretly wonder whether this had to be the best day of my life.


A/N: This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic! I know it's kinda long for a one shot but I just can't help it. Please be nice. Hope you all like it. Would love to get feedbacks from everyone. (:

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