Judgement is Unnecessary

You Must Be Kidding Me



“You guys are over reacting” Yoongi sighed trying to pry Hoseok away from himself as Namjoon latched around his neck “It’s not like I’m dying”

“You’re leaving us” Hoseok whined

“Damn straight” Yoongi nodded “But jeez, I’m gonna be like a two-hour train ride away”

Namjoon raised an eyebrow “Yeah, but you’re gonna make cool college friends and forget us” he frowned

“Aish, why’d I have to be friends with kids like these” Yoongi rolled his eyes “I won’t forget my little dongsaengs, hyung promises”

Hoseok scrunched his nose and let go of his tight hug around Yoongi’s waist, standing up straight “I hate it when you refer to yourself as hyung, hyung”

“I have a problem with the ‘little’ part honestly” Namjoon chuckled “I mean, Yoongi hyung, we’re bigger than you”

“ you both” Yoongi threatened “Maybe I will forget about you”

“Hyung!” they both whined in response and Yoongi laughed

“Bye guys” Yoongi grinned slapping them both on the shoulders as the train came into the station “I’ll skype you or something, yeah?”

“You better!” Namjoon called watching his friend step into the train


“Do I look ok?” Namjoon asked fixing his hair in the mirror  

Hoseok snorted from his spot on the couch “Why do you care?” he asked shoving a handful of chips into his mouth “It’s just Yoongi hyung”

“Yeah ok that might be true, but” Namjoon held up his finger “This is college Yoongi hyung, whom we haven’t seen in almost two months”


“We should at least look decent so he doesn’t think we look totally lame” Namjoon reasoned “We can’t have him replacing us”

“Namjoonie” Hoseok grinned “He used to have a picture of the two of us asleep as his lock screen on his phone, he knows exactly how ty we can look. He won’t give a ”

The skype ringtone sounded a lot louder than it probably should have considering how loud they were bickering about Yoongi’s cool new friends, and Namjoon practically dived for his laptop as Hoseok fell off the couch to scramble over to the desk

It took a moment before it loaded, the rustling on the other end was the only indication that the call had gone through. Soon enough the whole laptop screen was filled with Yoongi’s figure sitting cross legged on his bed grinning at the computer. The image was slightly grainy from his computers crappy camera, Namjoon was sure they looked similar and he wasn’t surprised. What he was surprised by was the fact the Yoongi’s bleach blonde hair was completely gone, replaced by a light shade of pink that could really only be described as bubble gum and even that didn’t sound quite right. Yoongi’s dark circles under his eyes had gotten darker too, he’s noticed but there was a fullness to his cheeks that told them that he’d been eating more which was relieving.

“Yoongi hyung!” Namjoon grinned as Hoseok repeated the name a second later

“Hoseok you look like ” was the first thing out of Yoongi’s mouth

“Told you” Namjoon laughed watching Hoseok slump into the extra chair in front of the desk

“Yoongi hyung you haven’t seen me in two whole months and that’s the first thing you’re gonna say to me?” Hoseok frowned

“I’m calling it like I see it” Yoongi chuckled “At least Namjoon had the decency to make himself look like a person”

“I look like a person!” Hoseok scoffed, defending himself

“You look like you lost control of your life” Namjoon countered

“Yeah, ok” Hoseok rolled his eyes “But that doesn’t make me look less like a person, I just don’t look like I have anything put together”

Yoongi chuckled “Look at you” he grinned placing his elbow on his knee propping his cheek on his hand “Already actin’ like a college student”

“Am I?” Hoseok asked cocking his head to the side

Yoongi half scoffed “You both are” he said with a roll of the eyes “There are two kinda of students here I’ve learned”

Namjoon raised his eyebrows “Oh yeah?”

“Yup” Yoongi nodded “You’re either completely put together and know what you’re doing, or you have no in’ clue and you’re just yoloing your way through with minimal screaming”

“Which are you hyung?” Hoseok asked


“Yes?” they chorused

“I have no clue what the I’m doing at this point” he grinned “But people think I have my together”

“You haven’t changed at all hyung” Namjoon blinked “I was expecting you to be cooler”

“You realize I can literally hang up on you right now Kim Namjoon” Yoongi scowled “Don’t test me I will, I have more friends now”

“No you don’t, what are you talking about Yoongi?” a new voice came through the speakers “You’re a total loner”

“Yah Hyung!” Yoongi frowned looking up from the screen “Let me make my empty threats”

“Where’s the fun in that?” the voice laughed “You’re my only dongsaeng, I gotta tease you”

“Wow Yoongi hyung has his own hyung now” Hoseok blinked, leaning as if he’d be able to see the speaker if he leaned enough “That’s amazing”

“Screw you Jin” Yoongi frowned, narrowly avoiding the pillow thrown at him as he turned back to the screen “Sorry for the interruption by my rude roommate guys”

Namjoon chuckled waving his hand dismissively “Nah it’s fun watching you be teased”

“Screw you too then Namjoon” Yoongi said, sounding like he was trying not to laugh “Anyways, you guys have eaten right? You’re taking care of yourselves I hope”

“Of course we are Hyung” Hoseok grinned “We’re taking care of each other too.”

“That’s good” Yoongi smiled

“That and Noona always texts him to remind him to eat” Namjoon rolled his eyes “Going out of her way even though she’s all the way in Japan right now”

“Yeah, yeah lucky him” Yoongi rolled his eyes “Finding his soulmate in a friggin bowling alley”

“It’s not like I wanted to meet her by saying I’d a pinball machine” Hoseok raised his hands in defense “It just happened”

They heard that Jin guy laugh on the other end of the screen

“What about you hyung?” Namjoon asked “Have you eaten yet?”

“Ah not yet” Yoongi admitted rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish grin

“What?” Jin’s voice boomed making all three jump “Min Yoongi how many times have I told you to stop skipping meals what the is wrong with you”

“Where are you going Jin hyung?” Yoongi blinked eyes seemingly following something

“I’m going to the convenience store” Jin answered “I’m getting you ramen so you don’t die”

“Can you get me an energy drink too?” Yoongi asked smiling after a second “Thanks mom”

“I’m not your mom Yoongi” was the last thing before they heard the door slam shut

“He’s totally my mom” Yoongi laughed “He’ll be your mom too when you guys come here next year”

“Nice” Hoseok laughed “I’ll probably need one next year”

“Yeah no, like” Yoongi made a weird motion with his hand “He literally takes care of everyone, he’s this whole goddamn floor’s mom. I don’t know how he does it. He’s one of the put together students”

“Sounds impressive” Namjoon grinned

“Kinda” Yoongi agreed “, sorry guys I gotta go. I’ve got a test tomorrow”

“Bye hyung” Namjoon smiled waving slightly “Thanks for skyping us finally”

Hoseok made a heart with his hands “Bye Yoongi hyung” he said, voiced raised high enough to be mistaken for a child’s “We love you!”


“Kim Seokjin stop lighting those ing candles around our dorm room” Yoongi scowled glancing up from the computer screen “I’m tired of everything smelling like vanilla all the in time”

“You want your room to smell like dirty socks then?” Namjoon raised an eyebrow at Yoongi, having gotten used to Yoongi randomly addressing Jin during their skype calls

“That guy gets it” Jin exclaimed “Thanks Namjoonie”

“You two haven’t even seen each other yet and you’re already friends” Yoongi scoffed “What the hell? Hyung why don’t you come actually introduce yourself to the kid”

“I’m not dressed” was the response

“You can easily just put on a better shirt right now” Yoongi rolled his eyes “Literally we’re in our room”

“Fair reasoning” Jin laughed “Maybe next time though I gotta get to work”

“Have fun” Namjoon called earning a laugh

“Yeah I can’t wait to make twenty orders of triple venti half sweet non-fat caramel macchiatos and deal with y customers” Jin called back “Bye guys”

“I like your roommate” Namjoon nodded when he heard Yoongi’s door close

Yoongi shrugged “Yeah he keeps me from dying” he answered “Hey, where’s Hoseok?”

“Uh, I’m not sure” he frowned “He mentioned something about how his dance classes are intensifying their schedule or something so probably there”

“Fair enough”

“So tell me hyung” Namjoon grinned leaning forward “Have you found someone yet?”

Yoongi snorted “You mean romantically?” watching Namjoon nod “Absolutely not, just a bunch of meaningless hook ups so far. Thanks for askin’ though”

“Aw that’s too bad” Namjoon pouted

“Not all of us are focused on finding their soulmate as soon as possible like you are Namjoon” Yoongi sighed “I want to finish college and actually get a good job before anything like that happens to me”

“You’re no fun”

“Then why’d ya stay friends with me all these years, huh?” Yoongi rolled his eyes again earing a shrug in response


Namjoon really doesn’t understand why he’s thinking about someone that he knows literally nothing about. He’s spacing out in class, thinking about the tinkling laugh he’d heard the other day through his crappy head phones. A voice and a name, that’s all he knows and yet he somehow can’t get that Kim Seokjin out of his head. It’s weird.

It’s really weird. He’s never spaced out enough to actually not notice the school bell ringing. He’d have stayed there for at least another half hour, he’s sure, if Hoseok hadn’t practically tackled him out of his seat as soon as they’d been dismissed.

“Namjoonie” Hoseok frowned at the younger’s slightly baffled expression “Whatcha thinkin’ bout?”

“Nothing” Namjoon shook his head “Don’t worry about it, I’ve just got a song stuck in my head”

Hoseok hummed, seemingly unconvinced “So are we going to the bowling alley?” he asked changing the subject

“Why do you even wanna go back there?” Namjoon laughed “Yoongi hyung’s not with us, and Jiyeon doesn’t work there anymore. What’s the point?”


“I swear to god Hoseok” Namjoon snorted “I know your girlfriend’s out of the country right now but that doesn’t mean you need go an arcade game”

Hoseok rolled his eyes, ignoring the concerned glances they were getting in the hallway “Why can’t I just enjoy playing pinball?” he whined “It’s fun”

“It was fine up until the point you started calling it baby”

“Whatever” Hoseok laughed throwing his arm over Namjoon’s shoulder


“Yoongi what the ” Namjoon frowned staring at the grainy picture “What do you mean you hate converse”

“I hate them” Yoongi repeated “They’re too hard to take off, Jordan’s look better too”

“Yoongi what the ”

“You said that already Joon” Yoongi chuckled

Namjoon blinked a few times “But have you seen a pair of red converse high tops?”

“! ! owww”

“Uh Jin hyung” Yoongi raised an eyebrow “You ok man?”

“What?” Namjoon could practically hear how dazed he seemed “Oh, uh yep! I just… stubbed my toe. Who’re you talking to?”

“Namjoon” Yoongi shrugged “We’re waiting or Hoseok to get out of dance practice”

“Ah I see” Jin said as a few rustling noises came through the receiver “Hi Namjoonie”

“Hi Jin hyung” Namjoon called back “oh wait Jin Hyung, how do you feel about converse?”

There was a pause before a few footsteps came closer to the screen and a large red converse high top was placed in Yoongi’s lap

“Ah get your stinky foot away from me” Yoongi frowned shoving the foot away from himself

“Thanks Jin hyung” Namjoon grinned as Jin laughed “That’s three against one now”

Yoongi groaned “Shut up”


“You guys should come visit” Yoongi said off handedly one day

“We should?” Hoseok blinked “Really?”

“Yeah sure” Yoongi nodded looking up from his phone “I’ll even treat you to lunch, how ‘bout it?”

“How lonely are you?” Namjoon raised an accusing eyebrow

“My only friend is Jin” Yoongi answered bluntly “I didn’t come here to make friends, but I’ve got a break on homework before midterms, so you both should come visit.”

“ty reasoning” Namjoon joked

“C’mon I’m not gonna beg” Yoongi whined “Jin hyung said he’d like to meet you both too, so if not for me then do it for my dear old mom”

Namjoon found himself laughing as Yoongi was hit square in the face with a pillow

“Alright I’ll come just because I want to see that in person” Hoseok chuckled watching Yoongi pout smashing the pillow down to his lap

“Me too” Namjoon nodded, smile widening when he heard Jin cheer


“Did…” Namjoon blinked “Did you get shorter?”

Yoongi punched his shoulder hard enough to make him groan in pain “No, you ” he rolled his eyes “You just got taller”

“He’s been eating more lately” Hoseok grinned, throwing his arms around his friend’s shoulders “Makes sense”

“Growing boy” Yoongi finished nodding decisively

“I feel like I’m missing something” Namjoon frowned

Hoseok laughed “Growing boy” he repeated

“Anyways” Yoongi drawled lazily “Jin’s got the morning shift at his job so that means free coffee”

“Nice perk” Hoseok grinned


“I’m assuming you guys still take your coffee the same as you used to” Yoongi said as they neared a Starbucks

“Hyung I swear to god if you get me a double shot of espresso ever again a will put tacks in your shoes” Hoseok whined “I was wired for days, and it tasted way too bitter”

“No fun” Yoongi rolled his eyes “Go find a table I’ll get the coffee”

“Thank you hyung” Hoseok called loudly, turning a few heads as he made a heart towards the elder with his hands

 Yoongi sighed, waving the two away as he made his way to the counter. Namjoon laughed at how Yoongi’s ears turned pink as the two of them sat near a window.

Now, of course, Yoongi should have guessed, he really shouldn’t have been surprised when Jin literally yelled when he said the younger two were there

“Wait seriously?!” Jin gasped, loud enough to catch the attention of everyone in a ten-meter distance from him. He didn’t even seem to care about the stares “Where?”

Yoongi blinked, not sure why he was so surprised by his friend’s enthusiasm “They’re, uh” he pointed “Over there”

Jin grinned “Hoseok!” he called waving his hand energetically over his head “Namjoonie!”

Ok wow. Namjoon, felt his breath hitch in his throat because, if Namjoon thought he liked the sweet lit of that voice through the scratchy sound of headphones and computer speakers, the real life sound of his voice was even better.

“Jin Hyung!” Hoseok grinned, calling back equally excited

Namjoon turned his head to wave as well, though admittedly less loud as his friends.  And, holy . Broad shoulders, soft brown hair, plump – oh so plump – pink lips. Namjoon really should have expected that the owner of such a beautiful voice to be equally gorgeous, and sure he expected Jin to be handsome but wow. He really didn’t think that he’d be that ing attractive. Was it even legal to look that perfect?

“Jin hyung’s pretty handsome huh?” Hoseok grinned sitting back normally in his chair “I didn’t expect him to look that good”

Namjoon cleared his throat “Yeah he’s pretty” he nodded “P-pretty good looking, I mean, like, he’s not bad” he stuttered out as Yoongi sat back down

“What’s with the blush?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow “Hoseok what’d you say to him?”

“Nothing!” Hoseok defended with a laugh “He just started stuttering when I said Jin hyung was handsome”

Namjoon almost wanted to kick Hoseok under the table but he instead opted to just shrug, glancing out the window

“Yeah, Jin hyung’s got that effect on people” Yoongi chuckled “Don’t worry that’ll ware off once he starts mom-ing”

“Mom-ing” Hoseok quoted “That sounds interesting”

“It’s certainly an experience” Yoongi nodded “I wasn’t sure how to react the first time he showed his motherly instincts but I learned that-”

“Yah Min Yoongi” Yoongi was cut off by a hand lightly clapping the back of his head and a sweet, yet stern voice “I don’t have a motherly instinct, thank you very much”

“Says you” Yoongi rolled his eyes as Jin started placing three cups of coffee down onto the table

“I just don’t want you to ing die on me Yoongi” Jin rolled his eyes turning to the younger two “Now then, It’s about time I actually met you two”

Hoseok grinned “Jin hyung you’re really handsome” the first thing out of his mouth

“Thanks I know” Jin laughed, nodding his head

Yoongi snorted “Oh boy does he know”

By then, Namjoon had grabbed his caramel macchiato sipping it lightly, watching as Jin huffed resting his hands on his hips grin still planted on his face

“Well, I know you both” Jin grinned, slipping easily into the seat next to Yoongi “And you know me, more or less. So, let’s get down to it”

“Down to what?” Yoongi frowned, concern etching over his brow

And Jin’s smile was mischievous, enough to unnerve Namjoon “Embarrassing stories about Yoongi” he chuckled

Namjoon thinks this could be the start of a beautiful friendship


Jin became a regular during their skype parties, more so than before. He’d pop into the screen or even sit down and start talking with the two of them along with Yoongi, and surprisingly none of them minded, it happened so naturally that they barely noticed the transition.

Namjoon really hated to admit it but the more he talked to Jin the more his mind would wander back to him when he wasn’t focused on something. He of course knew why; he wasn’t anywhere close to stupid but – feelings were not supposed to be a thing until he met his soulmate and he hated the fact that he might maybe have a huge crush on someone that probably wasn’t even his soulmate. It pissed him off, every time he’d find his mind wandering back to that sweet voice or the gentle pull of pink lips into a wide grin. So, as a distraction, he’d study his off throughout the year, earning himself in the top 10% of the country, which made Yoongi scoff when Hoseok mentioned it a week before their graduation after Jin had left for work

“Yeah I know right” Hoseok laughed “But he’s been studying nonstop for like half a year”

“Why?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow “What’re you gonna do with all that knowledge? Become a teacher?”

Namjoon resisted the urge to roll his eyes “There’s nothing wrong with being a teacher hyung” he sighed “I just… find this interesting?”

“Bull” Yoongi immediately called him out “Alright Joon what’s the actual reason”

And Namjoon pouted, crossing his arms having a stare off with the poster on his wall behind where his computer sat until Hoseok started poking his sides, prompting him to tell them

“Distracting myself?” he’s not too sure why he phrased it as a question

Hoseok cocked his head, glaring in confusion “From what?” he asked

If he wasn’t blushing before, Namjoon sure was now and of course, of course Yoongi noticed

“I get it” he drawled “You’ve got a crush, don’t you?”

Namjoon slumped in his chair, a defeated sigh leaving him as he stared at the computer screen “It’s not fair how you know that Hyung”

In that moment, Namjoon doesn’t understand how but the next thing he knows Hoseok is literally half way in his lap, screeching while Yoongi laughs at his baffled expression

“I thought you were gonna wait for your soulmate?” Yoongi says, resting his chin in the palm of his hand as Hoseok cradles Namjoon’s head in his arms

Namjoon whined lowly, attempting to swat his friend away from him “I didn’t sign up for developing a crush, thanks”

Hoseok hummed, patting his head affectionately “Well, look at you. Smart as heck and figuring out love all at once” he cooed “Who is it?”

“Shut up” he rolled his eyes “You guys are stupid”

“Defensive” Yoongi grinned “C’mon Joon it’s just us”

And Namjoon groaned loudly before looking down at his feet, rubbing them against the carpet for a few moments “Your stupid roommate with his stupid pretty face and nice voice” he said, frowning

Yoongi whistled “I approve”

“What?” Namjoon blinked

“I said I approve” Yoongi shrugged, taking a swig from his water bottle that was obviously not filled with water but no one wanted to bring up what was in it “Jin’s pretty great, so I approve”

“Me too” Hoseok nodded, finally detaching himself from Namjoon and clapping his hand over his shoulder “As long as you’re happy”

“You guys are stupid” he grinned, rolling his eyes


“And here you guys are” Yoongi grinned “College”

There was a nervous cheer from Hoseok while Namjoon stood there, half dead because it was seven in the morning and he’d had no coffee and how the hell was Yoongi even awake let alone smiling?

Namjoon readjusted his bag over his shoulder as he followed Yoongi over to the dorms, glad that Hoseok and he got lucky enough to share a room so he could just follow them until he could collapse in his new bed

And about two seconds after his head hit the pillow (Hoseok and Yoongi already sitting on Hoseok’s bed idly talking) the dorm room’s door flew open, startling the three enough to have Namjoon fall out of bed

“Oh good” Jin grinned closing the door gently behind him as Namjoon blinking up at him from the ground “I got the right room”

“Hyung” Yoongi scowled “What the ”

Jin shrugged, striding across the room, sitting crossed legged on Namjoon’s bed while smiling across the room “Had to check which room my new kids are in”

“So you’re admitting to being our mom?” Hoseok retorted, and there goes Namjoon’s pillow flying across the room narrowly missing Hoseok

“Shut the up” Jin rolled his eyes, laughing as he caught the pillow as it was thrown back to him before nudging Namjoon lightly with his toe “You ok Namjoonie?”

Namjoon blinked at him again, trying to process what exactly was happening

“He’s fine” Yoongi answered “Just half asleep”

“Also you knocked him off his bed” Hoseok added “He’s probably a little disoriented”

“I knocked him off his bed?” Jin cocked his head “How?”

Yoongi shrugged “Happens when you startle him” he answered “Hoseok does it all the time”

And really Namjoon wasn’t paying attention anymore, just letting the rest of them talk while he focused on the subtle way the eldest’ facial features changed


Namjoon frequented the Starbucks that Jin works at throughout the semester. Not just because Jin was there but because there was free internet and he got discount drinks, and ok yeah, Jin was a perk. Especially when he’d come over and sit with him during his break.

Namjoon paused the music flowing through his headphones when he saw the elder untie his apron from behind the counter, quickly saving the paper he was writing for his English class.

Jin flopped down in the chair across from him, sighing dramatically as he rested his cheek against the palm of his hand

“You good?” Namjoon asked, pulling his headphones down around his neck “You look tired”

“I am tired Namjoon” Jin laughed, shaking his head “I swear, if I hear the words pumpkin spice one more time today, someone’s going to die”

Namjoon would have laughed – cracked up over that – if there wasn’t a searing sting on the inside of his elbow. He flinched, moving to grip his arm. And there was a pause once it pain had faded, Jin staring at him with wide eyes. He slowly rolled his sleeve up staring at the blank skin of his inner arm before looking up at Jin

And there was a smile on his face, gentle and happy “ing finally” Jin chuckled

“What?” Namjoon blinked at him “What do you mean ‘finally’ hyung?”

“Oh, I’ve known” he shrugged “You said yours like last year, I’ve been waiting for you”

“Well damn” Namjoon laughed quietly, slipping his sleeve back down his arm “Should told me hyung, I’ve been killing myself over this crush on you for months”

“Awe” Jin cooed “You had a crush on me”

“We’re soulmates” Namjoon would have scoffed if he wasn’t so happy, relieved even

And Jin just grinned at him for a minute “So dinner?”

“Sure” he nodded


“The ?” Yoongi scoffed “Seriously? You guys?”

Namjoon shoved him lightly chuckling as he did

“Congrats guys” Hoseok grinned, looping his arms around the new couple’s necks “Looks like Yoongi hyung’s the odd man out”

They all snickered as Yoongi shrugged, scrolling through his phone slowly

“It’s not like I care” he snorted “Imma be someone’s sugar daddy since I’ll have money unlike you es”

Hoseok rolled his eyes “Yeah, Yoongi I’m sure”

“Only if that music thing works out” Jin grinned at him, raising his fist in a ‘fighting’ motion

“If not, what was that thing you were gonna be?” Namjoon asked tone mocking “A what? A… Teach…?”

“A teacher” Yoongi mumbled

“And who hated all of their teachers throughout his life?” Hoseok added joining in on the teasing “Obviously not you”

“Shut up” Yoongi glared at them “I’d be a cool teacher, but only if I can’t make it in music”

Jin hummed “Maybe you could do both, see which way works out”

“Over work myself you mean” Yoongi scoffed

“Like you don’t already do that?” Namjoon raised a joking eyebrow at him

“Why do you even wanna be a teacher at all?” Jin asked “Like if you hate them so much?”

“He’s hella good at explaining math” Hoseok explained “Like I woulda failed high school if it wasn’t for him”

“Back to you guys” Yoongi rolled his eyes “What were your sentences?”

“Oh, oh yeah” Hoseok nodded scooting away to look at the two of them

“I don’t-” Namjoon stuttered, sighing in defeat at Hoseok’s pleading eyes “Something about pumpkin spice and someone dying, shut up he’s the one that said it”

“Namjoonie was talking about converse over skype” Jin laughed at the other’s judgmental stares “I just walked in the room, ok? Blame Yoongi for hating the goddamn shoe”

Yoongi scoffed, rolling his eyes while Hoseok let out a boisterous laugh

“What’re your tattoos though?” Jin asked “Like we all know we’re not each other’s soulmates so you guys gotta spill”

“Noona hasn’t even said her sentence yet” Hoseok pouted, rolling his sleeve up staring at the tattoo only he could see on the inside of his fore arm “Makes me sad cause I said mine like two years ago”

“Well” Yoongi sighed, nudging him with his foot “What is it?”

Hoseok chuckled gliding his thumb over his arm before reading off “Buy me a , I in dare you”

“What the ?” Namjoon laughed “Why would she even say that?”

Hoseok shrugged, laughing “Who knows”

“Your girlfriend sounds like quite the lady” Jin smiled “Intimidating”

“What about you?”  Namjoon asked, wiggling his eyebrows at Yoongi

Yoongi hesitated, glancing down at his arm before looking up “I – I don’t know” he admitted

Jin frowned, nose scrunching slightly “You don’t know?”

“It’s in English” he sighed rubbing his arm roughly as if it’s magically going to change languages “I don’t know”

“It’s in English?” they all gawked, jaws dropping

Yoongi shrugged staring down at the words you’re a bomb teacher in distain wishing he could ing read it  

“But congrats to you guys” he smiled sincerely “I wish you the best”

“You act like you’re not our favorite midget, hyung” Namjoon laughed “We still love you”

“ you” Yoongi scoffed “I changed my mind I hope you all go to hell”

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Haha wow the last chapter sure is taking a while rip


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Chapter 4: This is very good :D
inspirit1231 #2
Chapter 4: Yoonmin content so worth procrastinating studying for my midterm for <3
kulitlang08 #3
Chapter 4: wow...this is really good!!! thank you for the update...finally they are going to uni...and kookie will be going to uni after them...

yoonmin...finally happened!!!

taekook and namjin couple!!! hoseok and his soulmate... :)

looking forward for the next update... :)
meNmylifestyle #4
Chapter 4: i didn't regret waiting!! ?❤
Killuacutie #5
Chapter 3: i enjoy this
Chapter 3: If Tae and kookie chapter was cute I am excited for the yoonmin oneee
Chapter 3: okok i'm really hyped and i love soulmates!au sooooo muchhhhhhh
Garrisonj #8
Chapter 3: AH MUST....HAVE....MOREEEE
taemeetskookie97 #9
Chapter 3: I honestly cantt waittttttt
Chapter 3: Love this. Can't wait for the yoonmin chapter!