One Last Christmas...

One Last Christmas...

Last November...

Song Eun's POV

"What were you doing with him, huh? I saw you hug him. You look like a flirt!" Hyukjae shouted at me angrily. "You don't understand," I whispered. "What don't I understand? I saw it with my own two eyes!" he kept on shouting. He knows no one can hear us here on the cliff where we always meet. He was angry at me because he saw me hug another guy, who was my cousin. He really didn't understand. "Let me explain..." I replied. "I've seen enough!" he said, exasperated, and walked away. "Eunhyuk-ah!" I shouted, but he kept on walking.

That December...

Song Eun's POV

"You only have a week to live. Your heart couldn't perform well anymore. Any strenuous activity will exhaust you and use all your energy. I suggest that you just take rest and enjoy the remaining time you have with your loved ones," the doctor announced. Mom was crying. "I want you to spend the remaining days with us. I know you're scared, but we're always here for you," she cried. I just nodded. Death didn't scare me. Living a life without Eunhyuk does.

I tried to call him a hundred times after that day when he left. But he changed his phone number. I went to his apartment, but he always wasn't home. He was really avoiding me. How could I explain? How could I tell him that it was all just a misunderstanding? How could I tell him, now that I only have 7 days to live?

6 days passed, and tomorrow will be Christmas Eve. All I ever wished was to see Eunhyuk again. But my wish will never be granted. Or it will be granted, but only too late. I don't have much time. I wrote everything on my diary.

I wrote the explanation for what Eunhyuk had seen. I apologized sincerely to him. I also thanked him for making the past 2 years the best years of my life. I wrote down everything I had planned with him. I wrote down about our future plans together, telling him that his future plans would soon be granted by another girl. Another girl who is healthy, healthy enough to give him a child he has always wanted. Healthy enough not to die and leave him alone. 

The next day came. I was breathless. My family surrounded me. I told them everything I had wanted to say. I felt my soul separating from my body. But I had gathered enough strength, just enough to give my mother my diary, and tell her to give it to Eunhyuk. She nodded with tears smeared on her face. "Tell him...that I'm sorry. And...that...that I'll him," and with that, my heartbeat stopped. Death had already arrived.

Eunhyuk's POV

"Yoboseyo?" I answered. I was busy working in my office in New York when I received a long distance call. This must be something important. "Is this Lee Hyuk Jae?" the voice on the other line asked. "Yes. Who is this?" I asked. "This is Song Eun's mother," she answered. My world stopped at hearing that name. "Yes. Why?" I asked. I feel the tension in her voice. It's like something wrong has happened. "Can you please come here in our house? Song Eun wants to see you so badly," she pleaded. "But, I'm in New York," I replied. "Please listen. Just listen. A few days ago, the doctors diagnosed her with a serious illness. And she had only a week to live," she explained and stopped. I heard sobbing. "A WEEK?" I exclaimed. I was so shocked that I stood up and  forgot all about my work. "Yes. She wants to see you so badly. Although she never asks us to look for you, we know deep inside that she wants to," she said again. "How many days does she have left now?" I asked. I was about to cry too. "2 days," she answered. And it takes many hours to travel from New York to Korea! "I'll be there," I said and hung up. I immediately called the airlines and bought the next trip to Korea. 

How could I have been so stupid? I hadn't talked to her for a month. A month! I had left her alone on the cliff where we always meet. She called after me, but I continued walking away. I didn't even let her explain. I was so stupid. So caught up with my own jealousy that I didn't even let her explain. And now...she's going to die. I hope I arrive there just in time to see her still breathing.

The flight got delayed for almost 5 hours. Until finally, I arrived in Korea with only a few hours left to see her. I rushed to her house as quickly as I could. But transportation was against me. The bus stop was jampacked with people going to their Christmas vacation. I arrived at her house at Christmas Eve, just her last day. I left my bag on their gate, and ran quickly inside her house. I saw her family crying. I also saw people in black and white. I was too late.


"Before she took her last breath, she asked me to give you this," her mother had said. She handed me a book. It was her diary. I opened it, and the first thing I saw was a picture of us together. On the lower right corner, she had written:  
Death doesn't scare me. A life without him does.
I bit my lip to prevent myself from crying. And I continued reading.
She had apologized for the incident. And explained that the guy was her cousin, whom she hasn't seen in a long time. It was all just a misunderstanding, and I was too stupid not to let her explain. I wanted to shout. I wanted to tell her that I'm sorry. But it was late. Too late. 
I ran back to the cliff, where we promised each other we would always meet. I knelt down, and wished for strength to go on living a life without her.


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magnafiend #1
awww nooo :(
Chapter 1: </3 feels.
Chapter 1: So sad T^T Though it's sad I love it.. T^T
Ishais17forever #4
Chapter 1: *crying* So sad ending.. *sniff* I just love it...
Chapter 1: Crying once again, :'( but love the story no doubt about that.
BangtanCheesecake #6
so sad :'( this is beautiful but i wish it was longer :(
Nice Story..*cries*T_T
EunkyungLee #8
I read this so many times already and tears would just fall down =( <3 Love the story! Please make more? =) <3