Figuring it Out

Arranged Love

"Anyways. So you later, fiance. I have a party with the guys tonight." He smiled and left. Followed by everyone else except my friends.

"Dongwoon. Hand me that paper. The one from a few days ago."

He fished through my trashcan and handed it to me.

I turned to the front and looked at the picture of me kissing that guy.

"Does he look like Gikwang?" I asked.

Junhyung came over. "They look alike. But there's no way."

"Well, he was saying something about kissing someone at a ball..." Dongwoon started.

We all looked at each other. "Naaaah." We all laughed.

I just really hope that wasn't him. I shivered at the thought and gagged. I already feel like rising my mouth out with soap.

~~Gikwang's POV~~

"You're so uptight sweety." Li said while rubbing my shoulders. She was good at it.

"Gikwang. This marriage. You're not seriously going through with it, are you?" Yoseob asked.

We were all at my apartment sitting around. Dujun was in the kitchen cooking with his girlfriend. She was like a Omma to all of us.

"Please. it's hardly a marriage. She's giving me complete freedom." I smiled.

Yoseob opened his eyes wide. "I want to marry her!"

Suddenly a spoon came out of nowhere and hit Yoseob in the head. I died with laughter until another on hit the back of my head.

"What was that for Sora!" I complained.

Dujun was chuckling while she was standing there, looking at us with both hands on her hips.

"You shouldn't take advantage of her! She's probably doing all of this so she doesn't have to deal with you!'

"That hurt Sora! You should be on my side!" I whined.

"I'm a woman. I'm automatically on the woman's side!" She finalized and turned back to the oven.

Dujun was smirking at us.

I glowered back.

"What's her name anyways?" Yoseob asked.

I turned to him. "Lee Sohee. She's the heir of her father's company. Super rich." I smiled.


"Eh. So, so. She looks to serious most of the time. It's annoying."

"She could put you straight." I heard Sora mumble but ignored her.

"Hmm. Beatuiful and rich." Yoseob muttered. "She sounds perfect."

"You guys don't have it right in the head!" Sora screeched at them. "Why are they your friends?" She turned to Dujun. But Dujun wasn't paying attention. He looked like he was in deep thought.

"Yo! Dujunie! What you thinking about?" I asked jumping over to the couch.

Yoseob went to Li for a massage now.

"Did you say Lee Sohee?"

"Yeah. What about her?"

"Do you have the paper from a few days ago?"

"Mmm. Check the trash."

He walked over and peered in. After a moment he pulled out a torn paper and folded to the front. He looked at it a second and smirked. "Is this you?" He turned it around and showed it to me.

I looked at the guy kissing Sohee. He looked exactly like me. I wore that mask, actually it was in my room right now...

"NO WAY!" I screeched grabbing the paper.

"Didn't you brag about that night? About how good of a kisser she was?" Dujun teased.

I felt my face heat up.

"There's no way..."

"Way. You're right there! It happened!"

"What are the odds." I said slumping down in a chair.

~~~~Sohee's POV~~~

I was in my office flipping through a wedding dress magazine. It was late at night and everyone else had already gone home. I couldn't sleep so I came back to the office to look at this magazine.

Looking through it made this marriage feel more real. I shook my head. I just need to get this over with. We can be married for a few months and then divorce. Maybe we can make something up about us not loving each other, or something. Anything to get out of it!

I sighed and leaned back dropping the marker I was using for circling.

My eyes went over to the paper with me on the front.

Seriously. What was I thinking that night? I'm such an idiot.

I wish my life was slightly more simple.



Thanks for reading!

Comment replies:

did hyunseung really love her?espescially that kiss
She is so lucky to have beast

Me: If I answer that it won't be a surprise! lol Ah, I know right? Lucky, lucky girl ^-^

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Chapter 27: I also loved your comment replies!!!
Chapter 27: Aww... I loved the BIG twist bit it was an awesome story!!
lcherry13 #3
Chapter 27: Awesome fanfic lol!!!!!!!!!! Tihi

sooooooo UNFAIR huhuuhhuh >;[

WHY did YOU HURT my HUSBAND! [gikwang]
huuuhu TT^TT

i seriously thought hed end up w/ gikwang! >.<
but I LOVE YOU sooooo MUCH for making this story! XD
but one thing though!

YOU OWE ME A GIKWANG FIC with HAPPY ENDING! and hell end up withthe main.OC
<3 U!
make more fics!
ktothepop #5
I thought she'd end up with gikwang. But still it was a cute ending! ^-^
Caitlynheu #6
Aww I thought for once Gikwang was going to win :( but I love the ending
awww what a happy ending well... kinda but it was good!