
Small Talk
Irene rides the subway every day at 7AM sharp to work. She prefers to sit in the corner because there are less distractions. 
As the new school year starts, empty seats are rare due to passengers crowding the train. The train car is full by the third station. Irene feels a presence next to her. She takes a peek at the person out of curiosity and also due to the pleasant fragrance.
Irene sees the girl reading a book titled Phenomenal Physics.
Irene thinks she must have vomited at least a bit or two in . To her, physics and morning do not match. Her retching noise attracts the girl's attention, and she shoots Irene a confused look.
As awkward as the situation is, Irene apologizes for the disturbance she causes. The girl smiles at her and returns to her book.
Irene gets off the train before the girl does. She glances inside the train car once more before the door closes. Her eyes lock with the girl's. She is also looking at Irene.
The girl's gaze is warm like the sun. She radiates happiness.
As clichéd as it sounds, Irene's heart flutters with joy. Seeing her makes Irene feel joyous, on a Monday morning, nonetheless.
Irene sees the girl on the subway every day. They most likely have same schedule going to work or school. She has thought of starting a conversation with the reading girl, but she does not have enough courage. Irene still considers herself awkward, and that is true. She fears that she will not be able to communicate fluidly and renders herself speechless when she runs out of things to talk about. She has already embarrassed herself enough on the first day they met.
However, even if Irene has not spoken to the girl, she has gathered information about the girl in a absolutely-not-creepy-and-perfectly-normal way. The girl is called Wendy--Irene learns it by looking definitely-not-creepily when Wendy took out her wallet once on the train.
Wendy loves reading books, or at least Irene thinks so. She has observed Wendy for over five days--again, in a perfectly natural way--and five different books has already appeared in her hands. Apparently, Wendy is a quick reader, too.
A week had passed when they finally speak to each other. To one's surprise, it is Irene who starts the conversation.
Wendy is reading one of Irene's favourite books--The Murder at the Vicarage--which her friends have told her that the events happen more slowly than Seulgi thinks or responds, but Irene likes it.
"I know why you like it, grandma. It is slow like your actions."
It is said by an unknown--taller than Irene--girl, who is later found in a state of hysteria, mumbling the phrase, "I'm sorry, grandma," and sobbing like she has seen hell or something more horrifying. 
After Irene accumulates sufficient courage, she taps on Wendy's shoulder to gain her attention.
"Excuse me. I can't help but notice that you are reading one of my favourite books, so i just have to ask something. How are you liking it so far?"
The girl is stunned by her sudden action and stays silent for a few seconds, but recovers quickly and replies.
"I am actually rereading it for the second time. It has been awhile since I first read it. I am refreshing my mind with the characters, which I think you know, can be difficult to keep track of, given the number."
Irene agrees wholeheartedly.
"I am Wendy, and you?"
"I'm Irene. Pleased to meet you."
"Pleased to meet you, too."
Unfortunately, their conversation is cut short by Irene's departure. As much as Irene would like to continue chatting, she has to go to work. They promise to meet each other the next day, however.
As days passed, they talked more. Topics of their conversations vary from books to music, music to work, and work to anything that is happening in life. They talk about anything that comes to their mind.
Irene finds herself enjoying Wendy's company way too much. An obsession for Wendy has formed in her. It is not a bad thing, per se, as Wendy is such a pleasant person to be with, but Irene wants to further progress her relationship with Wendy.
However, they are barely friends at the moment. Irene classifies them as being acquaintances. Some might say they are just strangers that met on the train. It is not wrong in a sense, since they never see each other outside of the subway. 
Irene has no idea how she should approach the topic of wanting to be friends.
Until Wendy suggests something that would bring them closer.
"Irene, I would like to invite you to this event."
September 25th, 2016
11:00 AM @ The Great Gubal Library, 2F
Book Club Event - When Miss Marple meets Poirot!!
-Actors' improv to their hearts' content!
-Readers share their favourite books!
-Readers share their works!
-Have tea!
"I understand if you don't want to go--"
"Miss Marple meets Poirot? That would be interesting! I am not much of an actress myself, but I would love to watch someone portray them! I would love to go with you!"
"Thanks, Irene. Let's exchange our numbers so we can make arrangements for that day."
Irene feels at ease with Wendy.
Pacing outside of the library, Irene begins to think that she might have taken this "date" a bit too lightly.
What if it is just a prank? What if this is an elaborate revenge Joy--who Irene assures you is totally not mentioned earlier in the grandma event--has organized? What if Wendy is actually going to lure her into a dark alley, laugh at her, and beat her up with Joy? Highly unlikely, judging by how sweet Wendy is, but still it is a possibility, because Joy is such a mischievous being, and don't forget the amount of friends Seulgi and Yeri has.
Heck, what if Wendy suddenly does not want to go?
Maybe Irene should cancel this date. It is making her overly nervous. Her stomachache is killing her.
Irene receives a message on her phone. She hopes it is Wendy canceling the plan, because she realizes that Irene is not the person suitable to accompany her to the event. 
Irene, I am a minute away from the library.
Irene has to run now.
It is too late.
Irene greets Wendy with a big, fake smile. Wendy shoots her a worried expression and pats Irene on her shoulder.
"Are you not feeling well? We can cancel if you aren't well."
Wendy is doing that adorable facial expression where she furrows her eyebrows and Irene just want to shower her with love. How can she let Wendy down?
"No, Wendy. I am just nervous. Let's go."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I am really excited to meet the actors!"
The event is way better than Irene has imagined, because she expected the worst for every single thing possible. What can she say, she is a bit pessimistic. More so when it comes would Wendy-related business.
Throughout the event, especially the acting portion, Wendy lets out the most adorable chuckles that Irene has ever heard of. It is rare, as Irene considers laughters annoying distractions. It is worth mentioning that the laughters she usually hears are evil chuckles from Joy and Yeri. Wendy just makes Irene's world better in every sense.
By the way, Poirot's immaculate mustache is worth a laugh.
It is time for them to part. Irene and Wendy sit quietly in a table in the far end of the library. Neither of them wants to part so early, but it is getting late.
"I guess here is where we say goodbye." Wendy speaks first.
"Yeah. I really had fun today."
"We should hang out more often, yes?"
"Yes, we do."
Silence surrounds them. Irene tries to think of topics to talk about. She remembers an event flyer she tucked in her purse on her way to the library.
"Wendy, do you like singing, or more specifically, judging people sing?"
"Yes to singing, why?"
"Go to this singing contest viewing with me."
"Bold, aren't you?"
"I'm a little bossy. Yes."
"I like it."
Wendy's simple words make Irene's heart beat rapidly.
"Wendy, you can't just say things like that."
"I won't say it anymore if you feel uncomfortable."
"No, Wendy. I don't mind it. It's just... I can't explain it."
"It's alright. You don't have to tell me anything."
Wendy smiles, and it is the most beautiful thing Irene has ever witnessed.
Irene is falling in love.
Irene is more excited than nervous for their second date, because she knows they are getting closer. She might really have a chance in pursuing Wendy. Irene really hopes to succeed.
They just have to endure this horrible singer, before they get into any real emotional business.
"Wendy, are you hearing what I am hearing?" Irene is baffled by the singing of contestant number four, if this can even be called singing.
Wendy does not want to be rude, so she just nods upon hearing Irene's question to confirm her suspicion.
Number four is reading the lyrics without a single ounce of emotion. You cannot even determine if she is singing out of tune or not.
"Oh my. How did she even enter the final..."
"I hate to be mean, but yeah. That's all I can say."
Fortunately, the remainder of the singers performs way more superior than number four does.
"Wendy, I want to hear you sing. You have a lovely voice. I know it just by hearing you speak. "
"Seriously, sing for me some day. Record covers for me even."
"One day, Irene. One day."
This time, when they part, they stood opposite from each other on the platform for awhile.
"Good night, Irene." Wendy says as she lets go of Irene's hand.
Irene’s heart sinks at the lost of warmth. They have been holding hands for the majority of the night, and Irene has not even realized it until now.
"Good night, Wendy."
They have said their goodbyes, but neither of them moved. They gaze into each other's eyes lovingly.
Wendy's breath hitches and breaks the atmosphere. She steps forward and closer into Irene's personal space, as if they are going to kiss.
On impulse, Irene hugs Wendy. She fits snuggly in Irene's embrace.
"I have so many things that I want to tell you." Irene whispers in her ear and pecks her cheek.
Wendy smiles, just like she always does, but this time with anticipation in it.
Irene needs Wendy to know her deepest feelings. She will burst with overflowing emotions if she does not tell Wendy.
Irene is not good her words, so she writes a letter.
Wendy will understand her.
It is Monday again. Irene greets Wendy on the train as usual and mentions nothing more. She can see the confusion in Wendy's eyes, just like the first time them met.
The conversation goes on like normal. They discuss books and music. They talk about things going on in life. Their eye contact never breaks. They hold hands even though there is no practical reason for it.
Irene hands Wendy the letter right before she leaves the train.
"I am not brave enough to say it out loud."
"I understand."
Dearest Wendy,
You are always on my mind.
You are so precious. I am lucky to have fallen for you.
I promised myself that I will find my happiness. Will you help make it true?
No matter what happens, I will still be here for you.
Please, leave me a reply. 
The next day is the big reveal for Irene. Wendy appears, Irene has some chance of getting a positive response from her. If Wendy does not appear, well, it is an unspoken farewell.
Fortunately for Irene, Wendy takes a seat next to her as usual. The younger girl's expression is unreadable. 
Wendy hands Irene her headphone, signaling for her to take it.
"This song is my answer."
Irene knows this song, but it is not the version that she is used to listen to. 
It is Wendy's voice. She has sung a cover of a song just for Irene.
"Irene, I really like you. I have fallen for you since the moment we met."
Irene 100, the world 0. She wins everything.
"NO WAY!" Irene shouts a bit too loudly, gaining her angry stares from every annoyed passengers.
Just like the first day the duo met, Irene apologizes for the disturbance she creates.
"But, if you don't mind me asking, why did you say 'LOL' in the end of the letter?"
"I have lots of love that I want to give you."
"I don't think that is what LOL means."
Read the A/N please.

I think this went pretty well. It is a sudden idea I had, and one that I actually finished.

Irene's letter derived from some song lyrics, but the songs are not in English, so you have to leave me a message if you want the songs.

Wendy's song is obviously this: I Really Like You.

I will not write anytime soon, please understand me.

Thank you for reading.

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Chapter 1: grandma joohyun with the 'LOL' 😭😭😭💗💙
Chapter 1: cute ! made me laugh at the “LOL” part
Chapter 1: Sorry to break it granny but 'LOL' doesn't work like that
Chapter 1: Lmao I snorted at the LOL part xD thanks for this cute story!
Chapter 1: This is so cute~
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 1: Cute
16 streak #7
Chapter 1: *squeals* this is soo cute and soft I'm getting the vibe of japanese movie/drama and I'm loving it very much I'm also giving you LOL author nim
Chapter 1: Really rare to get Irene was so shy confessing to Wendy xD usually she just claim her
Chapter 1: LOL to author XD