5. Excuses


It's been two years since that night when I left you under the sky of fireworks. After that night, I never saw you again. I erased everything about you from my life...or at least I tried to. Everything has changed. I had found a new job in another city and so, I moved there and made many friends. Even though I don't like to admit it, but I also changed after I left you. I was always a workaholic, but now, I'm even worst. I literally spent every second of the day writing papers. Just a year after arriving in this company, I met Jong. He had the same tall height and black hair as you. He always helped me around, cared for me. But I didn't accept him. I couldn't. I was afraid I would love him with the love that was for you. I didn't want to hurt him.

"Taeyeon, you're not coming?" Jisue asked, as she threw a black binder into her purse.

I shook my head.

"Again? Last year, you promised you would come with us this year," Hangeun said, turning off her computer.

"Sorry, I still have works that needs to be done," I pointed to the stacks of paper next to me and gave them an apologic smile. "Next year, I promise."

"Okay, then we're leaving, " Jisue waved and headed out the door along with Hangeun.

Today was another day where everyone is running to catch the fireworks. 

I let out a soft sigh and fall back onto my chair. Work. It's always an excuse. 

I can't stand watching fireworks. They remind me of you.

I buried myself with tons of work was to distract myself from thinking of you. I was afraid that if I put my pen down for even one second, my mind would wonder off to you.

But how could I bring myself to say that even after two full years, I still couldn't forget you?

I've been doing a great job of keeping my mind from thinking of you, but it's always around the firework times, when a new year is about to come that I start to fail. And now, I'm sitting in my office, eyes staring at the clock. One more hour and New Years will be over. I let myself wonder off to you for just a minute. A minute wouldn't hurt, right?


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