An Intense Researcher a.k.a. Stalker


Eeteuk likes a junior. he's followed him everyday, everywhere, any time. He keeps notes or tabs of what he does. Eeteuk probably knows more of what his junior has scheduled for the day. Eeteuk calls himself - a reasearcher. Siwon, the school prefect and his friend calls him --- a stalker which probably is a more appropriate term.



Date: December 19

Time: 7:00 am

Place: secret

Subject is currently having breakfast. It’s his usual favorite cereal. 



Time: 8:00 am

Place: academy


Subject is seen yawning at his seat. Probably thinks the subject is boring again. 



Time: 5:30 pm

Place: at the Metro station

Is sitting at one of the benches waiting for his train, exhaustion written all over his face. 

“You’ve got to be careful Eeteuk hyung. You don’t know when crazed ed up stalkers would pounce on you. I hear that when they’re finally at their limit they could lose sense of reality and well… do things to their stalkee.”


Oh, Kyuhyun if only you knew how much your words pain me... 

fic requested by: Evil_angelELF

i'll apologize in advance, i don't know if this is comical/crac enough. >.<

and  Merry Xmas! this is my present for you too hehe...





Comments are LOVED. Critiques are ACCEPTED.




due to my fickle-ness. that i've transferred fics continuously from one blog to another. my current livejournal is still under construction. meaning, re-arranging/re-uploading and trying to find the stories that i actually hadn't saved in my laptop and re-upload them. re-link and whatnot. so if this fic ever comes out in other sites, under someone else's name, unless i happen to give them permission to translate smthn which doesn't happen often then... that's probably an illegal, unauthorized copy of this one. though i doubt i'd find this or any others of mine getting that maltreatment. and i hope will never have.


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Chapter 1: Cute~
The cutest Kyuteuk Ive ever read so far~
GreyOrul #2
Daebak!!! This is cute!! Awesome!!
This is sooo cute! ^^ specially the ending! XD
memoire- #4
Ahhh!!! I love the part at the Han river!!! They are so sweet! Love this a lot!
sashi91112 #5
HAHAH lol that was really GOOD! THEY WERE SOOO CUTE!! and the stalker idea was really interesting too! :D thanks for the story :)
Lol I really enjoyed this story and I gotta say Stalker Leeteuk is just funny to me!!!XD lol "Stay Away from me!" Lol<br />
Omigosh, I love this story a lot!!^___^ It's funny and cute!!^^
mello_marshmallow #7
nah... that was really good<br />
i cant even write as good as that
hae_ki #8
thank you everyone who's read and commented.. makes me know i didn't totally fail at crack/comedy XD
HAHA this is so damn adorable and hilarious XD I can totally imagine Leeteuk doing that XD