Lines of a Lifetime

An Angel named Alone

Okay, I couldn't resist. I was working on the plot line for Death Demon and this happened. Someone complained chapter 1 was too short, so here you go, hope you guys like it. This is set a bit in the future, so might be a bit disorienting.




Suho heard Jongin’s scream all the way in the kitchen. With the spatula in hand, he ran to rescue his boyfriend.

“What? What happened?” he barged into the bathroom only to find Jongin face pressed close to the mirror. He had his face turned to the side in a weird angle but otherwise he looked unharmed.

Suho gave him a curious look and tentatively asked.

“What are you doing?”

“Do you see this?”

“See what?”

Jongin pouted at that and let out his trademark whine.


A pulse throbbed in Suho’s temple. He had planned to cook an early breakfast for them both and then make it to the weekend market in time to get the best of the watermelons. But when Jongin started whining, Suho would not be able to do anything even if the God of watermelons descended into their bathroom.

Living with an idol was not easy. It definitely was not easy living with one that didn’t want to grow up in his presence. Thinking back, he had been with Jongin for over 7 years and known him for over 17 but even at 35, he still wondered what he was doing waking up to this man.

“Hyuuuung, you are not even listening.”

“Sorry sorry, what were you screaming about?”


Jongin brought his face so close to Suho that for a moment he thought the younger was tricking him into a head . But the face stopped a mere inch from his face. He would normally find the side view of Jongin’s face irresistible but something told him that he would be in a world of pain if he just kissed the offered stubbly cheek.

So he swatted the younger’s head lightly with the spatula and turned around.

“I have things to do in the kitchen. Your face is not going anywhere. I will deal with it later.”


Exam week just about got over all over South Korea and that meant Suho would suffer the busiest week of his sports business. He would open the shop an hour earlier and close well past 9.00 PM, struggling to keep up with the demands of brats itching to touch every object within reach in the shop. His shop assistant was a college kid who normally part timed and unfortunately for Suho, the kid had gone home to visit his parents for a week. That meant Suho and an infinite number of curious grabby hands within the confines of his shop. Two days after the mirror incident, Jongin surprised Suho late at night at the sports shop. Suho had closed shop but had stayed back to put things away and clean up the mess left behind by hyper kids. One of the criteria for selecting his shop assistant was the fact that the kid was tall. With his tiny size, Suho had a tough time reaching the tallest of shelves. With aching arms, he had just climbed up the ladder lugging around a bunch of footballs wrapped in nets, when he suddenly felt a pair of arms snaking around his waist.

The screech he left would have woken up half of Busan if not for familiar lips swallowing it up in a gentle kiss. Wide eyed and heart still fluttering, Suho allowed himself to be pulled down by a laughing Jongin.

“What the hell Jongin? You scared me.”

“I know, I actually lurked near the door so that I can scare you pretending to be a ghost, but you took so long to come out that I changed my plan.”

“What if I die of heart attack?”

“Then tomorrow’s news would read ‘handsome idol killed pretty cute boyfriend in a prank.”

“More like ‘childish idol who never acts his age finally offed his only boyfriend he ever had in life by being stupid.’”

Jongin’s face fell all of a sudden and he turned around busying himself picking up the balls and placing them easily on the top shelves. Jongin usually was up for a good round of clean banter and it surprised Suho that Jongin let it go. He resolved to himself that he would talk to Jongin soon and find out what was troubling him. But all was forgotten when a tired and dirty Suho was carelessly tossed over his boyfriend’s shoulder and carried up the stairs and straight into a warm bath around which scented candles flickered around.


A few nights after that found the both of them cuddling on the couch watching 300, Suho just relaxed and allowed his body to sink into bliss as Jongin carded his fingers through Suho’s silken black hair.

Normally, nothing excited Jongin like an onscreen blood bath, but that day, he was quiet.

“Are you ok?” Suho asked drowsily.


“Jongin?” There was warning in Suho’s tone.

“Alright, I was summoned to the studio last week.”

Suho sat up. The studio rarely called for the experienced artists and after 30, being called to studio meant nothing good.


“Well, they want me to fix my eyes.”

“Huh? Is something wrong with your eye?” Suho sat up worriedly.

“No, just around it.” Jongin dropped his head as if to hide his face.

Suho pulled Jongin’s face up and stared at a pair of eyes that meant the world to him. But he found nothing more than a few crinkles cutely fanning out in the sides. Okay, he found it cute but he was sure the studio would throw a fit over it.

“And? What did you say?”

“I… I said I will think about it and get back to them.”

Suho had always known Jongin suffered from the trapping of showbiz just as much as any idol. After all, Jongin loved his job and anything that threatened his position as Korea’s ‘Lonely Angel’ was an enemy to him even if it’s his own body.



Suho sighed “You want to?”

“I have to. You know how it works. Everyday younger idols are flooding the industry and I, I am old. My fan base is shrinking and soon even the most hard core of ‘Angel Rescue’ are going to find me ugly. You will find me ugly.”

“Oh, so you think I will think you are ugly just because you have crow’s feet around your eyes? Wow, thanks for such a high opinion of me.”

Suho got up and without a backward glance walked into the bedroom. He felt terrible about leaving Jongin sitting on the couch, but he must do this. Jongin had no problem hurting himself but the slightest hurt he caused Suho and he would forget everything else until he apologised and fixed things with his boyfriend. Suho with a chuckled lay down on the bed and turned around facing the wall. He started counting. And sure enough by the time he hit ten, Jongin was on the bed, forcefully turning Suho on his back and trapping him with his larger frame.

“I am sorry hyung. I didn’t mean it like that. Please don’t be angry with me.”

Suho didn’t say anything.

A few kisses landed on his forehead and nose and cheeks before the dangerous puppy eyes with whining voice was unleashed.


Suho laughed and pulled Jongin down for a tight hug. He just can’t resist the man in his arms. How Jongin couldn’t trust his own attractiveness was beyond him.

“I am angry with you Jongin. Do you know why?”

“um, hum?”

“I am angry because you wanted to do this alone. How about this? I will also come with you and change my face so that I will be attractive to you? After all, I am older than you, and that makes me uglier that you. So if I am expecting you to continue to love me, then I should also fix my face don’t I?”

Jongin sat up in shock. He stared at Suho as if he just shifted his world. With a rough grab, he pulled up Suho into his arms and held him close in a tight hug.

“I am sorry, I am an idiot. You are perfect. I can’t bear to think of changing anything in you.”

“So, don’t you think I feel the same way? You are my perfect Jongin, how can I agree to throw you under the knife.”

“Sorry hyung, but I am afraid I will lose it all.”

“You must lose something to gain something Jonginah. Tell me, even if you fix your eye now, then what? Botox next? Then what, you will eventually grow old Jonginah. There is no shame in growing old. It’s only how we do it that matters.”

“But hyung, I just want you to see me the way you love to see me.”

 “Idiot, I love the Jongin who changed and adapted to live around me. I love the Jongin who refused to let go of me even when his career was on the line. I love the Jongin who treats his fans with respect but never falls at their feet. I love the Jongin who dances with so much joy that it lights up the hearts of people who are watching. I love the Jongin who helped a frail old woman across the street, I love the Jongin who quietly donates to the cancer institute, I love the Jongin who gently carries me to bed when I fall asleep on the couch, I love his kisses, I love his hugs and I love his strong arms that protect me. I want you to love him too.”

Suho felt wetness falling on his back. He gently patted the muscled back as much as he could. Sometimes he wished he was bigger so that he could protect Jongin as good as Jongin protected him, but he suspected that Jongin wouldn’t care much either way.

“How are you so infinitely wise? I don’t know how to say all the things you said, but you are my life. You are my conscience. In front of you, nothing else looks important hyung. So I am ready now,”

“Ready?” Suho playfully lifted an eyebrow.

“Hyuuung, I meant I am ready to grow old with you. I am ready to let go and change.” 

 “Then how about starting with calling me by my name?”

Jongin looked surprised.

“You don’t like me calling you hyung.”

“I love it, but you are my equal now. You have grown up from the kid I wanted to watch over to the man I look up to. The man I trust and admire for his courage. So you can call me by my name. Though once in a while, call me hyung the way you always do.”

Jongin smiled wide.

“I feel so happy hyung, but I want to call you something that only I can. Ummmm…. How about something from your original name? How about Jun?”

Suho smiled.

“Yes, I like it.”

“But remember, no one gets to call you that other than me.”

“Possessive much? What are you going to do if someone else calls me that.”

Jongin frowned and then pounced on the smaller man.

“How about I show you?”


Two Years Later

“So how does it feel to go independent?”

“I feel accomplished.”

“There are a so many studio’s around who are churning out idols. How is yours going to be different?”

“I just have different objectives in mind. I want to nurture talent. I want artists to have a chance because of their talent and not because of a certain way they look or dress. I want to highlight beauty that’s beyond skin deep.”

The MC laughed indulgently.

“Says Jonginshi the Lonely Angel who has just been voted Korea’s iest man for the third consecutive year. What is the secret Jonginshi?”

“People say they like my face.”

“Yes, I must admit, its quiet a handsome face. What is your favorite part of your face Jonginshi? Your fans have longed to know the answer for ages now.”

“Honestly, I love my laugh lines.”

A collective gasp went around the audience.

“Laugh lines?”

“Yes.” Jongin grinned.

“But why?”

“Because they remind me of all the good times and the people who have made me smile. But mostly because someone very dear to me loves them.”














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Chapter 1: I love them so much and this is so good!!!
Salpasya #2
Chapter 1: This is gold
Chapter 2: I love it. How much suho encourage jongin is the line i love it, hiis words really a lot of motivated and make ppl cheering and believing. Jongin really so lucky have suho in his life kkkk~~
Chapter 1: I felt like i cant be like junmyeon in those time but i can felt his motivated. It is really help me to kick out my stressed so far. Thank u for make this beautiful story ~ see how much junmyeon face all his tough life is make me want to do that also in my life. Well done authornim
Chapter 1: Hey girl, you know i love your writing right? and i miss your amazing ff so so much. So i really pray for your comeback.
i love this one bcause it's overflow with emotions, junmyeon character - so soft n yet so kind, and jongin, the big baby, who always so so insecure but yet sincere with his own feeling.
Allow me to sum up your story,
A story where Junmyeon could not make it to be a star. Jongin on the other hand, was at peak of his popularity and a star himself. But, at certain point of time, he was at doom and lonely. Luckily, although a little bit late, he realised, that Junmyeon was his charming star.
Junmyeon is surely nobody, but he is somebody to Jongin. Tada, that the happy ending.
2ndChance #6
Chapter 1: Thank you for mention this topic. It is really important and i think you help a lot of people with you words.
For me it was a wonderful story and i enjoyed it a lot.
Thank you ^^
Chapter 1: I felt goosebumps, on how the softness but at the same time the intensity of emotion is sureal..and I totally lose it at 'because it make me feel happier than thinking about myself..'
Chapter 1: Ohmygod this is so heartbreaking and yet so beautiful ;-;
The ending..... /sobs
The part where Junmyeon brings a placard of Jongin's name and drawing flowers in glitter (probably he also drew silly little hearts littering it), it sounds like something Junmyeon in real life would do.
Thank you for sharing (°◡°♡)
freakadellic #9
Chapter 1: This is beautiful... and waaaay too short. But thanks for writing. It reminded me to be thankful that I get to know a person named Kim Junmyeon existed, and hopefully living his life fully.