Chapter 7

Cruiseline Love

Their morning in Osaka was unlike any other, they were woken up by Yuta’s older sister telling them that breakfast was ready. They would usually wake up late but being in their friend’s parents’ house they had to adjust. The dining table wasn’t big enough for them to fit so some of them ate in the living room and cleaned up after, thankfully that during their training they were thought some international languages so that they won’t have any trouble communicating with their guests that’s why speaking in Japanese with Yuta’s family wasn’t that hard for them.


They started their first day in Osaka with familiarizing the streets if ever they want to go out on their own, Yuta had everybody divided into pairs. And though it seemed like Yuta had schemed for all of this or not, Johnny and Taeil ended up together. “See you later hyungs!” WinWin smiled at the two of them and they started to walk off. There was only silence and the sounds of cars occasionally passing but none from them, the two of them seemed to be in deep thought and neither wanted to start a conversation.


Another turn to another corner and they found a novelty shop, both of them decided to check it out. From trinkets to toys to Japanese sweets and other unusual things, Taeil was amused and curious at how some stuff would work or if he were to buy it where would he use it. He needed to be practical since he didn’t have his pay yet; the only money he has was from working at Johnny’s for an entire month. He needed to be careful. Johnny on the other hand was busily taking notes on how the older’s reactions were with the stuff in there, he wanted to buy something for him because he saw the hesitation in Taeil’s eyes when he wanted to buy something so bad but he just backed off and headed out first. Johnny took the quick liberty to buy the small totoro plush and stuffed it inside his bag quickly before jogging back to Taeil’s side.


“Hyung, do you wanna eat?” Johnny asked and the older nodded slightly, “do you want to spend a fun lunch time?” Taeil raised an eyebrow, “what do you mean, Cap- I mean Johnny?” he asked out of curiosity. “Let’s just have street foods, okay? Let’s try them” he grinned and Taeil just let out a tiny nod, “hyung are you not in the mood to eat? Or you just don’t want to be with me” Johnny bluntly asked startling Taeil. “I…uh…I-“ he stuttered and Johnny started laughing, “I was kidding hyung! Geez~ don’t wet yourself” he smiled and Taeil let out an awkward smile.


Starting from Yuta’s recommendation, they started with Takoyaki then to another stall that was selling Tomokoroshi and another one where they sell Yakisoba. Johnny refused to let the older pay even when Taeil insisted that he should pay his food with his own money. They ended up sitting on the bench where they all were supposed to meet and they came an hour early. “I’m so full~” Johnny patted his bloated stomach and then looked at Taeil who was still finishing the strawberry crepe they had bought to share. “Aaaah~” Taeil opened his mouth to instruct Johnny to do the same, when the taller opened his mouth the older quickly placed the remaining piece of the crepe and Johnny ate it despite of being full. “I ate too much~” the older whined then slumped down on the bench. They watched the passersby in silence for almost an hour until they saw a few familiar figures trudging their way towards them, as they could make out who those people were, they were their four Chinese friends with shopping bags on their hands “we bought a looooot~” Chenle said in a sing-song voice while grinning from ear to ear, his eyes disappearing. He sat on the space between Johnny and Taeil causing WinWin to just stare at the young doctor, he and Kun just looked at each other then sighed before turning their attention to Renjun who went to the nearest Takoyaki stall.



When they all got back to Yuta’s parents’ house they went straight to their rooms where they had to check everything they had bought and stored them inside their bags. Taeil smiled seeing how his friends had bought whatever they wanted, he really wanted that Totoro plush but he had to be really practical. When he opened his bag, he saw the exact same Totoro plush that he saw in the novelty shop, he got the toy out and stared at it thinking about how it got there or did he accidentally place the plush inside his bag but he could have sworn that he placed it back on the shelf. He got up and walked towards the living room holding the plush, that’s when he saw Johnny who’s currently on his way out of the house and in the small Japanese garden. He followed Johnny quickly closing the door behind, “Johnny~ did you put this in my bag?” he asked holding Totoro in front of the taller, Johnny just smiled at him. “I saw how you really wanted it so I bought it for you” he explained, “why would you buy it for me?” the taller just looked down at the koi fishes as if they were the prettiest beings in the world, a blush crept on his face as he answered “I like you hyung~” Taeil seemed flustered more than shocked.


How blunt could he get?



“You’re joking, right?”



Please tell me that you’re not



“How can someone like you, like someone like me?”



Tell me please~



Johnny took a step closer but Taeil took a step back, “I really do like you. I like you for being you” he smiled but the older kept on taking steps backward. “No, Johnny…we can’t be together” he tried giving the plush back an arm length from Johnny. The taller just looked at him, he really wanted Taeil so bad but he can’t understand him. Jaehyun had told him that Taeil hated him for a reason unknown that’s why Johnny took brave steps to be closer to him despite Taeil pushing him away at times. “We can be together hyung, you don’t have to suffer” Taeil’s back had hit the tree and now Johnny was just inches away in front of him, the shorter bit his quivering lip and looked away, “we can’t” was his final word before Johnny bursted out.


“Tell me why can’t we be together? Why are you being so distant to me? I don’t understand” Johnny held onto his shoulders, “because you’re Wendy’s ex-boyfriend…my best friend’s ex and it was a huge mistake for us to get closer” Taeil was now on the verge of tears. And that’s when it hit him, the day of Taeil’s friend’s wedding when he asked about his previous relationship and how Taeil grew quiet as if he was thinking deeply.  “What does Wendy have to do with us being together? Taeil hyung don’t lie to me! I’ve seen it in your eyes…you long for me, you want m-“  “I’m in love with you Captain Seo. What should I do? It’s not like I can dictate my heart who to love and shouldn’t love. As much as I hated you at first, I began to fall in love with you. I fell for the trap that you’ve set out  and I couldn’t get myself free” Taeil was now crying, “I can’t be with the person who broke her heart but I can’t stop my heart from wanting that bad and selfish person…for wanting you. I want to stop this feeling! Tell…me…please~ What should I do?” the older hit Johnny’s chest over and over again not minding about the people who were going to hear them. “Follow your heart! You can never stop things from happening and you can never stop us from falling for each other!” Taeil looked at Johnny, fear evident in his teary eyes. He gripped on to the taller’s shirt and buried his face on his chest while letting out uncontrollable sobs. Johnny his hair gently letting the silence engulf them for a couple of minutes before he spoke up, “please~” Johnny’s voice was breaking. “Give us a chance… I promise I won’t hurt you” another minute of silence before he felt Taeil move his head, more like a nod though. Sadness was soon replaces with happiness from the two with their smiles reaching their ears, Johnny leaned in to kiss the older but Taeil placed a finger on Johnny’s cutely puckered lips “ya~ you have to ask permission before you kiss me, Captain Seo~” he said in a teasing manner. Johnny crossed his arms cutely and turned to look at the older. “May I kiss you?” he asked while holding Taeil’s hand, the shorter nodded and smiled “yes, you may~”. Johnny eagerly cupped his cheeks and planted a chaste kiss on Taeil’s lips and after nearly pulling away; Taeil wrapped his arms around Johnny’s neck and kissed him as well.


The two decided to stay outside more, looking at the stars with their fingers intertwined as they shared stories with genuine smiles on their faces. Although Taeil was still awkward, Johnny helped him feel comfortable throwing away a few of his worries bit by bit. When the new couple went back inside later on, they saw their friends with their arms crossed and with huge grins plastered on their faces. “Soooo~ how was your date?” Kun asked in a teasing manner, “w-what date? We weren’t ev-“ Taeil stuttered and paused when Herin gestured at their hands that were holding onto each other’s. The two quickly retracted them and looked down trying to hide the obvious blush on their faces. “D-don’t tease!” it was Johnny’s turn to stutter right now.


Yuta stood up and walked behind the two placing a hand on both of their shoulders, "don’t worry. Because we’re your friends, we will definitely tease you!” he claimed causing a roar of laughter from their friends.


Johnny would just pray that the two of them would get some alone time before they go back to the ship to head to Portland where the new couple would rarely see each other due to their work areas being quiet far. But they know that they’ll always find loopholes around, they just have to work on it.

With this fanfic coming to an end soon, I have started writing another fanfic but it's a TaeTen and the Lee family as the main characters. If you wanna check it out, just click the title link below:

Fall down 7, Stand up 8

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Chapter 9: Asffghjbhhhh okay i love this :D finally i read it haha :) better late than never.
Chapter 9: I love you captain seo
I love you chef moon
Chapter 8: Yassssssss, finally Johnil yass yasss yassss. Johnny should pop the question soon hehehehe
Chapter 7: Jealous captain seo detected!!
Chapter 6: Aw aww, kiss on the check is a good start, yeayyyyy
Chapter 5: Aahhhhhh my heart is swelled by this fluff
Chapter 2: Ughh why i'm smiling when i read the end part, and Johnil finally hug yeayyyyy
Chapter 9: Awwn so sweet
Chapter 9: Awww sooo sweetttt *-*
Chapter 9: Johnil declaring their love for each other on the ship reminds me of Titanic movie! They are a cute and mellow couple in NCT. <3
Savage Yuta and sassy Ten really added the fun part to this story. :D
Thanks a lot for writing johnil beautifully!