Strawberries and Cream

New Beginnings

          "Good morning class!" It's the beginning of yet another term, which means a fresh start. After breaking up with Byunghun a couple months ago, Lynn is ready for a new beginning. Rushing into her favourite class in university, she hurriedly greeted her new culinary arts professor. Oh crap, she thought, why the hell does my alarm hate me that much? I just hope I'll be sitting next to a cutie. Lynn looked around the room, saw a single empty spot, and started walking towards it. When she got closer, however, her mood deflated. Next to her seat sat an…odd person. He had on an oversized pair of sunglasses and a thick, gigantic circle scarf, both which covered up most, if not all, of his face. Great, I'm sitting next to the class weirdo. Why do I always seem to have the worst luck in the beginning of terms? As she sat down, her neighbour turned to look at her. Although she turned and managed a slight smile directed towards him, he just looked away and played with his phone.

          "Hi, my name's Lynn. What's yours?" She asked out of politeness, seeing how they're going to be neighbours for the class.

          "…Kibum. The name's Kim Kibum." He muttered. Hmm…he doesn't seem to be the sociable type. Why are so many people called Kim Kibum anyways? There's Kibum in Super Junior, U-Kiss's Kibum, and Key from SHINee as well. She slightly bowed her head and gave her attention to the teacher at the front of the room.

          "Since today is the beginning of a new semester, let's have some fun today. You are going to make a dessert of your choice with the ingredients in this room. As you all know, the person you're sitting beside will be your partner for the semester. Call me over when you are finished making your dessert, and I will evaluate them based on taste and appearance. Good luck!" The professor clapped her hands, and all the students started to work.


          "Um…aren't you going to take off your scarf and sunglasses?It will be kind of hard to cook with those on." Lynn looked Kibum over, questioning his choice of accessories.

          "I suppose. Just…don't freak when you see my face." He started unwinding his scarf.

          "Why, is your face that ugly that it needs to be co---" She stared at the person who's supposed to be her partner, her eyes widening. "Y-you…you're…" Lynn took in a breath to calm herself.

          "SSHHH!" He took the closest food items, a few strawberries, and stuffed it into to prevent her from screaming. Lynn bulged out her eyes, his actions clearly taking her by surprise. She coughed and spat out the strawberries.

          "Yah! Are you trying to kill me or something? Gosh, did you think I was going to scream, 'oh my god, it's SHINee's Key!'?" She questioned him, narrowing her eyes at him.

          "That's….a possibility. Who knows what you fangirls think anyways?" Key's voice trailed off, embarrassed by his own actions.

          "Pfft, okay, so I'm surprised that you're Key, but it's not as if I would announce to the world that I'm partnered with an idol. If I did that, I'm pretty sure your fans will kill me in their rush to get to you. I value my life, thank you very much." Lynn rolled my eyes. "So, since we got strawberries, some which you oh so kindly fed me with, how about we make a strawberry shortcake?"

          "Sure! I love strawberry shortcake!" He eagerly nodded his head. Seeing him act like a little kid, Lynn had to suppress the laughter that was about to bubble out of my mouth. As they started on their cake, an idea for revenge came across Lynn's mind. She quietly opened the fridge, scooped some whip cream into my hand, and sneaked up to Key's side.

          "You know, you're actually pretty cute, but I bet you would look even better with a little something." Lynn said, putting on an innocent tone of voice.

          "Thanks…so what's the 'something'?" He asked, and when he turned to look at her, she quickly smeared the whip cream onto his hair. Key, in turn, blinked and looked surprised. He slowly reached up, wiped off some cream with his finger, and stared at it. Looking at her, a smirk slowly formed on his face. Uh oh. Looks like he has something evil in mind. Lynn quickly backed away to the other side of the counter.

          "You. are. so. dead. No one messes with my hair and gets away with it." Key took the bowl of batter he was mixing and started chasing me. Sensing danger, she booked it and scrambled out of his way.

          "YAH! What do you two think you're doing?" The two troublemakers stopped in their tracks and slowly faced the professor. Predictably, the professor looked really pissed off and if looks could kill, they would probably be dead by now.

          "Detention, both of you. Stay after class and wait for me. Clean up the mess you made and finish whatever dessert you were making before you started your…food fight." With that, the professor sharply turned and clicked away on her heels. Lynn and Key stared at each for a few seconds before bursting into a fit of laughter, trying to control themselves as the professor twisted her head back in their direction.



"You're actually pretty cool. Wanna be friends with a y idol like me?" Key grinned at Lynn. Hmm…I think I just found my new beginning.

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Omg omg omgg!<br />
Thanks love for the present! I really like it!<br /> i wish key would be my partner in reality. I would spazz non stop!<br />
I love strawberry shortcake! But i've never made one before :/<br />, my ex is L.joe? O.O<br />
I wonder what happen, why did we broke up? Wae? <br />
<br />
I would to see a sequel! Can i?<br />
Hehe..thanks again love!<br />
Totally made my day!