
KNK Drabbles, One-Shots

Requested by xXxRei_YuyaxXx

Name: Pil Seoyun
Partner: Seungjun
When Seungjun comforts Seoyun, after she finds out that her boyfriend Insoo the captain of the college basketball team (I just thought that he was perfect for this. He is my favorite member from MyName) was cheating on her with her basketball rival (Ailee) from college. And then confesses his love that he had for her since they were kids.


"Did you see the look on Ailee's face when her ball was intercepted by you?" Yerin giggled as she swung her linked hands with Seoyun. "That was the loudest I've ever cheered."

"Were you the one who shouted 'Pil Seoyun, marry me!'? Because sorry to disappoint, I already have a boyfriend," Seoyun smiled wryly.

"Oh yeah? I'll have you know I'm so much better than that-" Yerin abruptly stopped in the middle of her sentence as she squinted her eyes.

"Yerin?" Seoyun furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She looked in the direction Yerin was staring at and scanned the area. Her heart skipped a beat when her eyes landed on two familiar figures, hands intertwined with each other as the male pressed the female against the wall. He bend down to give the female a kiss, hand running from her waist up under her shirt.

"Seoyun, I'm craving for some ice cream! Let's head back to the ice cream stall!" She dimly heard Yerin saying.

"In...insoo?" Seoyun's breath caught in .

She watched Insoo pulling back and giving the female in front of him a goofy grin, the grin she thought was only reserved for her, the grin she had fell in love with.

Was that Ailee with him? Was this the reason for all the triumphant looks Ailee shot at her for the past few weeks, the reason Insoo had been cold and distant with her?

Fury started welling up in her. That bastard...! Who does he think he is, acting all sweet with her and then stabbing a knife in her back?

She started towards the couple, her vision tunneling only to fit them two. But out of a sudden, a figure flew in and the next thing she knew, Insoo was on the ground with a hand cupped around his cheeks and an enraged Seungjun standing over him.

Seoyun rushed over, in time to catch the last part of Seungjun's rant, now directed toward Ailee.

"-told me to never hit a lady. But right now, all I see in front of me is a two-faced lying . You'll never be the lady your father is."

If the situation was different, Seoyun would have laughed at the insult but right now, she was torn between beating the hell out of her ex-boyfriend or getting out of there. Oh and the fact that the her childhood friend, the teddy bear Seungjun looked like an avenging angel had her rather breathless. An inappropriate time to be thinking that, but she had never seen Seungjun this angry before. His warm eyes now held only cold anger, the often seen broad smile had disappeared and in its place a scowl. Shoulders rigid and tense, he was shaking with fury.

Hot, a small part of her thought but it was quickly chased away by concern when she saw Seungjun's hand. It was bleeding and seeing that, Seoyun made up her mind.

"Let's go Seungjun," she said softly, tugging on his arm. She could see the conflict playing out on his face, whether to stay or to go. "Please?"

With reluctance, he finally turned, shoulders rigid and tense. Seoyun allowed herself a smile, which slipped when she saw Insoo on his feet again. A few steps and she was right in front of him.


"Save it. I'm not going to fight you, I'd rather fight a punching bag than a trash bag." And saying that, she brought her knee up as hard as she could, kneeing him in the place when the sun doesn't shine. He crumpled to the ground, a pained whine escaping from him.

Seoyun stared at the pathetic form wriggling on the ground and wondered what she had seen in him. Indeed, love is blind.


An hour found her later in her room, bingeing on the tub of cookie and cream ice cream and watching Frozen sprawled out on her bed with her head on Seungjun's lap. Tissues filled with tears and snot lay scattered around the room, the bin overflowing with them.

"I'm Elsa," Seoyun sniffed. "I don't need any man."

Seungjun hummed beside her, his giant hand gently her hair.  "What about me?"

"What about you?" Seoyun stared up at him.

"I brought you ice cream," he pouted.

"My heart has no space for anyone aside from food and basketball!" Seoyun declared, waving her spoon-filled hand around.

"Not even for this fool who's been in love with you for thirteen years?"

Seoyun stilled, the spoon slipping out of her hand and clattering on the ground.

"-what?" She squeezed the word out from . Seungjun met her eyes steadfastly, his ears red. 

Silence was all that remained.

"I just made things awkward between us right? Sorry I'll just-"

The defeated look on Seungjun's face was enough for Seoyun to yank herself out of her daze and pull herself together. She grabbed his hand just as he rose up from the bed.

"Wait! Seungjun... I... I don't know what to say. You're..."

"It's okay Yun. Don't force yourself," Seungjun patted her hand gently.

"No!" The cry burst out from Seoyun, startling even herself. "You just had to pick the worst time to confess don't you?" She tried for a grin and thankfully, Seungjun smiled back.

"Won't be me if I didn't."

"Just... give me a few days?" Seoyun pleaded. "I don't want you to think of yourself as a rebound or anything..." 

The answering grin on Seungjun's face lit up the room. "I waited for thirteen years, what's a few more days?"


Romance isn't really my cup of tea so I hope this didn't turn out that badly! Any requests just comment down below :) 

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Chapter 3: Aww it was cute thank you. And it's fine, I don't mind lol. Is it okay to request again?
Name: Pil Seoyun
Partner: Seungjun
When Seungjun comforts Seoyun, after she finds out that her boyfriend Insoo the captain of the college basketball team (I just thought that he was perfect for this. He is my favorite member from MyName) was cheating on her with her basketball rival (Ailee) from from college. And then confesses his love that he had for her since they were kids.