I Don't Want Mr Right


Taeyeon nibbled on her chicken. Baekhyun had just woken up, last night was tiring. He had been living with Taeyeon for some while. It was fun being around her. Baekhyun had made new friends, been on some dates, seen the sights. "Wanna peice?" She held a bbq chicken wing out to Baekhyun. "No thanks, I'be gotta go to lessons". Taeyon smilled. "OK, text me if anything, tell Luhan I said hi". Baekhyun grabbed his keys. "Will do".

When 2 months after Baekhyun moved in with Taeyeon, the relized the house she lived in was to small for two people, so they brought a flat in town. Baekhyun wallked down the stairs, he was a new person. Going clubbin, seeing guys, having on-night stands. He was a new person. But his heart was the same. He missed Chanyeol. One time, Taeyone woke him up in the middle of the night, asking him why he was crying. He acted as though he did'nt know what she was talking about. She let it slid, being his new bff. Baekhyun had gone up a step, fufilling his dream. He had been studing to be a paramedic. All he wanted to be was a paramedic and help people. Working as one was tiring, but Taeyon kept him going. He still had a few more lessons to do, before finally graduating. "Done". He placed his pencil on the table. "Woo, let's celebrate". Taeyone pulled a bottle of wine out the cupboared. "I don't drink". She smilled. "Want a coffee?"

Chanyeol was sucsessful too. Finishing his exams earlier then expected. He had joined the army, flying to poorer countries and helping refuges. He's been on a few dates, but they were nothing special. He acted like he was as happy as could be, but reall he still missed Baekhyun. Chanyeol had changed over the months, he quit smoking and drinking, consentrated on his health and fitness. "Wanna nother game?" He shook his head. "No thanks Jimin, I think I'll head home now". Jimin smilled "Alright, be carfull, it's pretty dark out there". He high-fived Jimin, before setting off home. The walk was quiet long, but Chanyeol did'nt mind. He took his  time getting home. The air was cold, being december. Chanyeol walked past the train station and shops, like usual. It was like any other night after work.

Baekhyun watched Taeyone fall asleep on the couch. He giggled as he covered her with a blanket. She was such a loud snorer, like Chanyeol. Baekhyun stopped, feeling sad. He went upstairs to take a shower. The water was warm, like useual. Baekhyun closed his eyes. How he missed having Chanyeol around. Even though Chanyeol hit him alot, it was'nt everyday and night he'd be abusive. Baekhyun always remembered the good stuff.

9 Months ago.

Baekhyun giggled. "Did you think I could'nt hear you?" Chanyeol laughed, stepping behin Baekhyun, soaking his shirt. "Whatever". He kissed Baekhyun's neck, rubbing the soap on his back in circles. "Mmm, I need somthing over then this". Chanyeol laughed, turning Baekhyun around. "Like what?" "Oh, I don't know, maybe this". Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol's balls. "Mmm, your so dirty baby". Chanyeol picked him up, pushing him against the wall. Baekhyun smilled as Chanyeol kissed him. Moments tater, Baekhyun's moans were drowned out by the sound of the water. "More, give me more". He gripped Chanyeol's hair. Chanyeol moaned even louder. "Yes, Baekhyun yes". Baekhyun never wanted it to end. 

The tv was off. Baekhyun had snapped out of his memory. "Baek, lets go to bed". Taeyone rolled off the couch. "Yeah, I'm coming". Baekhyun stood up, switching off the lights after him. He climbed into bed. They nights were lonley. He missed Chanyeol's arms wrapped around him, which he should'nt. Chanyeol hurt him more then cared for him. But somthing kept them conected. "Chanyeol, I know your not good for me, but I don't want Mr.Right".

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Beau1996 1374 streak #1
Chapter 18: I'm not sure how this ended??
Beau1996 1374 streak #2
Chapter 1: What is happening??
Chapter 18: Ahhh im crying coz of this story.eventhough chanyeol has a bad temper he still loves baekhyun a lot .loving is all abt to let go.we should have a big heart to do that.thank u for this beautiful writing
26 streak #4
This story looks good but I'm so weak at this kind of genre after reading 10080 I tried hard to stay away from this kind of genre but this ~T_T~ looks really good to read eotteoke?!!!
Chapter 13: Oooo.. I start to ship Baek and jungkook. They look so cute together :)
Chapter 11: I like so much this story.... Aand... Can u tell me what FWB means? (it's my first time seeing it)
40 streak #7
I love the words in the forward
40 streak #8
I love this is so nice
Chapter 5: Such a jerk, I really hate Chanyeol here.
And the one night stand with jungkook was a first for me. I never thought at kookbaek :)
But they look good
I'm so curious to see how long Baek will resist Chanyeol