I need to find him !

The Change In A Businessman Life !
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Jongin was called to his family's house because his father was angry again. Jongin had prepared himself mentally to take the 2 hours of scolding like he always did but what shocked him is that when he arrived he was welcomed by the maid and leaded to the dining table where all of the family his mother, father and little sister were all seated.

" Come and sit down my dear " his mother spoke first.

Jongin did as he was told. He looked around the table looking for anything more suspicious than this silence and he was met with his little sister's smirk. This doesn't make anything better. It's actually means that this time he really messed up, not that he doesn't admit it he does but this weird silent dinner from his family is really suspicious.

" So Kim Jongin " his father finally spoke. Jongin turned to him waiting for him to continue : " Can you explain why I never heard of you having a lover before?" 

" Can you explain why I never heard of a fiancé before?" Jongin challenged because it pissed him of the fact that his dad took that decision for him without him even knowing.

His father hit the table angerly: " That's not important right now Kim Jongin " 

Jongin dropped his spoon and glared at his father : " what is more important than your son's future decisions that HE is supposed to make and not you! "

His father's shoulders dropped as guilt flashed through his face. The mother noticed and finally spoke: " That's not what your father meant my dear. What he meant is that if you told him earlier he may not has arranged that stupid engagement ".

Jongin forced a laugh : " So you do realize that it was stupid ".

" He was thinking of your future. You refuse every woman and close up from the whole world. You need to loosen up and start to love again so we thought that this would be the best for you " his mom reasoned.

Jongin eyes finally softened. He does realize that he had put his parents through a lot. All they wanted was to see their only son settled and happy so that they can finally rest as well.

They all eyed how Jongin stayed quiet and nodded at his mom. She smiled and extended her hand holding her son's hand squeezing it softly and he smiled back at her.

The father smiled too : " All we have to do is to meet that cute lover of yours a few times and then we can start the official procedures ". 

Jongin gave his father a confused look and finally his father took an envelope handing it to Jongin.

Jongin opened it and his eyes widened when he saw some pictures of him when he was kissing the waiter. The sharp girly scream that came from his sister brought him back to reality as she started fa girdling : " Oh my god !! I never thought that you were actually gay oppa! And your partner is so cute with his big doe eyes ...."

" Irene stop it. You never told me you were gay son? " his father asked softly. Jongin tried to protest he opened his mouth but then nothing came out and his father continued: " if I knew I would never set up those dates ".

" Dad it's not like that----" Jongin tried to reason but he was cut off by his mother : " don't worry son we understand, we are not against you or anything you can't control who you fall in love with ". 

Jongin looked at his mother still in shock by his parents reaction.

" Mom look isn't he cute look how oppa is holding him from his waist and kissing him passionately. Owwwwwh so cute I can't wait to meet his lover and future wife " Irene continued her fangirling with her mother.

A weak shade of pink started to

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Never_anonymous #1
Chapter 4: I love you, but you already know that by now <3
Never_anonymous #2
Chapter 3: Yay, another update! Thank you for explaining a bit more about Kyungsoo. Don't worry boo, you'll get your rainbows and unicorns soon enough!
Never_anonymous #3
Chapter 2: This is great! I really like this story! I can't wait for kaisoo to meet again! ^^ Keep up the good work, Author-nim