Chapter 1

I Need You


Hyungwon is busy these past few days,they had a Schedule in China for The Heroes of Remix and fly back in Korea ,Hong Kong then Thailand
When he gets back home ,he will eat and go to sleep .. Im worried about his health
When I saw him sleeping on our bed ,I felt a pang in my chest .. It hurts me to see him like this
He's working his bones off for us ,and I'm just here ,in our house doing nothing
Cleaning and cooking is nothing compared to Hyungwon's hard work
I feel guilty ...
I wanted to help him , I can work too
But Hyungwon didn't like that idea 💡
He said he's the husband here and his responsibility is to take care of me
"staring is rude"
I was shocked when I hear him ,is he awake all this time ? Oh gosh that's was embarrassing
"Uh.. I thought you're asleep"
"obviously no..come here"
He opened his eyes and stared at me intently ,i walk towards him and gulped
Why am I nervous?!
I took a deep breath and lay beside him
"are you scared? Don't worry I wont eat you"
He laugh heartedly,and it makes my heart melt ,his laugh is one of the reasons why i fell for this man
"Yah!Im not scared!"
He wrapped his arms around me and pull my body closer to his ,I can feel his body heat .. It's comfortable as always
"Im sorry"
He whispered with sincerity in his voice ,I closed my eyes and hid my face in his chest
"its okay,I understand you"
We stayed like that for an hour ,hugging each other like there's no tomorrow until our eyelids gets heavier and fell into a deep sleep 💤
I opened my eyes and saw there's no Hyungwon at my side ,I sigh
Maybe he left already ,they're going to China again ,filming the Heroes of Remix
I stand up and encourage myself
It's going to be a long day
It's been 3 days since Hyungwon left,they're in China I'm sure..
But the thing was ,he didn't call or send me a simple text ,saying he's okay or what.. But no ,he didn't
I was getting worried at the same time mad 😒
At least send me a 'im doing okay,how are you?' Text
I miss him so much,being alone is no fun
Hyungwon ah where are you?! Did you eat already?! Ughhh!!
I hate you for making me worried !

Hyungwon POV
"Good job guys!"
The choreographer said as he gives us a thumbs up 👍
I panted and take a seat at the corner of the practice room
"Hyung ,did you tell your wife we'll staying here for a week?"
I.M asked ,taking a seat beside me while handing me a bottle of water
I opened it and drank it in one go
"no,I haven't"
Im so tired 😫 to the point that I can't even touch my phone and tell Joy were staying here for a week in China .. I leaned      
Onto the wall and closed my eyes
I hope you're doing good,joy .. Goodnight,  I love you

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