
Miss Cute | Vmin

~~~xX Park Jimin 

For the last couple of days i've been making space for my new roomie wondering what he looks like. Does he like blue like me? or does he like to eat a lot? and is he chubby or skinny? oh and don't forget! what kind of personality does he have? well i'll find out soon enough. Not only have i been decorating the room over and over again but i also have been spending time with minah, and then less time, and then a little less, and now i'm avoiding her.

It all started when i last saw her. We have been spending less time together because I was very busy with my school activities and keeping some kind of reputation so she wanted to kiss me, and i told her "not now" which caused her to get really upset and she claimed that i wasn't even trying and everytime she sees me she rolls her eyes and walks away. Guess this is the time where i'm supposed to apologize with flowers and a kiss to the cheek. she knows i don't love her, if anything she should be thankful that I at least am trying to fall for her.


"Here!" (thud)

"calm down honey!" (thud)

"No! hurry up and help me pack!"

"yes honey" My parents were emptying my closet, taking out all of my belongings. "God you're so useless!" my mother the witch said kicking my father on the floor just because he was calmly putting my shirt on my suitcase. I was here sitting on a cushion watching that monster throw away my things and i was facepalming with one leg on top the other. "what are you looking at?" she screeched. she looks like ing medusa and her eyes look like they're about to pop out of her eye sockets.

"Honestly i don't know what i'm looking at."

"what! you wanna get fresh with me boy?"

"No ma'am. But you might want to calm down you look old enough." honestly i don't know why i'm pushing her buttons. I guess i don't want to go without a fight. Her face looked calm and collected, but in the blink of an eye she turned to a furious dragon and she walked towards me with her heels clacking on the marble floor, she pulled me by the hair forcing me to stand up. "you motherer!" she said. "i want to kill you." she dragged me all the to the staircase. "Apologize and you won't get hurt." she yelled clutching my hair tight and pulling it more causing me to groan in pain.

"No please honey, calm down!" my pitiful father tried to stop me but he has no power over her, he never did actually. I bet the only reason for why he has her as a wife is because she was a gold digger and now that she got all the money that she wanted she now found a way to control him. "SHUT UP!!!" she screeched again. "Taehyung! say sorry to mommy and you won't get hurt."

" YOU" i yelled through the pain and she gasped. The servants in the house we're begging her to calm down and to let me go but i guess i pissed her off real bad, she was trembling with anger. "i'll let him go alright" she yelled sarcastically to them. she dragged me closer to the staircase while some servants gasped and others begged her to stop. she pushed me from the head tearing off a bit of my hair. I rolled down the marble stairs that felt more like metal, hitting my shoulder and the cuts on my arm again. New wounds and bruises we're being created at every part of my body that i hit and on the way down i hit my scalp causing me to black out when i reached the ground face down. When i opened my eyes one last time, servants were running towards me in horror, some saying "oh my god" and others still shocked, My dad was crying 'no' but hadn't moved from the same spot at all. i bet he was drunk again, and the monster was staring at her success. "That's what you get you bloody child!" she yelled over the stairs before i can finally close my eyes.

"LEAVE HIM THERE!" she yelled at the servant whom i felt at my side.

"but mistress! he's bleeding from the head!"


i supposed the servants said something else but i was too weak to try to stay awake whatever they were saying next became too muffled for me to understand.


When i woke up i remained on the ground and the left side of my head felt wet. i thought it was probably sweat when i noticed that it was actually a puddle blood on the floor. Soon as i tried to sit up, an insanely agonizing pain struck me on my whole body appearing out out nowhere making me cry hard and uncontrollably. My weepings and sobbings were echoed threw an empty lobby because it seems the house is empty and dark and I was all alone. I find it comfortable to release my tears. it was hard getting up the stairs when both my ankles were hurting. I finally reached the bathroom and i took all of my clothes off slowly. i stood in front of the mirror to take a look at my body and i cried more when i saw what was done to it. My body was literally covered with black bruises, my shoulder had gone to healing to broken, i had a scratched up nose, the left side of my head was red and soggy from blood, and my legs were trembling. i looked at myself long and hard in the mirror with fury in my eyes. i'll remember this forever. "LOOK AT WHAT YOU DONE TO ME!!!!!!" i screamed so long and hard that the mirror cracked on the surface and i heard the neighbor's dog bark not minding any of that I took a hot bath to clean my bloody head but as soon as a laid in the tub my whole body started to ache and burn causing me to weep through the whole cleaning time. I cursed god for bringing me here, I have no purpose in life so why am I here? Why did i do to deserve this?


After finding some clothes i limply walked towards the kitchen to grab some snacks, drink, and a walking stick that my grandfather forgot. Once i took what i needed i noticed there was a note on the fridge written in script.

* Hey Taehyung! if you're still alive, i wanted to let you know your mom didn't mean it we went to a restaurant and the servants were fired because of you so it's best that you're not in the house before your mom gets angry again. love daddy

ing bastard!!! He is so shameless of being controlled by that lizard,ape, witch, , gold digger that i'm supposed to call a mother. My anger was boiling up inside and i just had to do something about it. With all the little strength i had left, i broke the vases pushing and smashing them on the floor, the TV, i moved the couches and ripped it with a knife, broke picture frames, and everything that is glass. Cutting the bottom of my foot in the process by accident when i didn't watch where i was going. I slightly groaned of the impact the sharp glass had inside my foot But i didn't care, I could die right here if god allowed it. I continued to walk making the glass bury inside my foot deeper, All the way in until i could feel a little point. "AAAAAAAAAAH ME!!" i screeched breaking the other TV in one of the rooms. While i kept walking around blood footprints were scattered everywhere, following me wherever i go. i reached mom's room and destroyed all her journals,diary,job notes, and everything i thought was important.I ended up finding one of her phones and opened up a tab full of messages to find out she is cheating on my dad with another man. I can't say I'm not surprised. I expected her to do that anytime soon. Leaving the phone on my father's drawer where she could be exposed of her infidelity I carried on and found an empty book and i tore a page, grabbed a marker, headed back to the kitchen. I then started to write in the page

Dear daddy, i'm still alive and very happy now. "I forgive you" and i may have broken some things while trying to walk and the house is all dirty! guess you shouldn't have fired the maids right?

Love Taehyung

I wrote the "love" part with the bold and With the walking stick and the bag of food i headed towards the entrance of the house and i noticed my suitcase was packed and ready. How nice of them. i thought as i grabbed the suitcase and left the trashed house with one shoe. (since he was hurt he couldn't put a shoe on) they would get even madder when they noticed i had also taken money.


I knocked on the door of my boss and on the inside i heard crashing, the sounds of cans being moved,glass breaking, and finally a grumble coming from an old man. When he opened the door he didn't look too happy to see me. "What are you doing here in the middle of the night? aren't you supposed to be in that new school of yours? With the ing dorms?" "well?"

"I will go tomorrow but right now i need a place to stay please?"

"arg." he looked at me in the eyes thinking, and then he smiled looking me up and down like he had 100th time. "Alright. But you gotta do something for me first." he said and i knew what he was asking he always makes me do this but i had my excuse. Hopefully it will work.


"Look i would do it but look at me! i'm covered in bruises! no one will want to take me"

"nah, that's nonsense some of them like girls with bruises. you know bad girls....he..hehehe come in" he touched me on the back bringing me in inside this stinky dirty house. He guided me to the room again like he'd done 100th time and in this room he would always give me girl clothes to wear, puts makeup on my face and any part that doesn't look good, like my bruises for an example. He hands me a wig and once he finishes dolling me up he brings me to a bar and lets me hit on men. the customers pay and my boss dose them with a drug or something. They fall asleep and think i had with them, it's like a win win where boss gets the money and the guy thinks he had with me, although they never once touched me.But where do i fit in? Oh right! I forgot, I'm the hopeless idiot being used.

Of course i didn't find this job because i wanted it or needed it, in fact i wasn't even looking for a job. It all started one day when i was walking on the street and a bunch of males wanted to have their way with me, calling me "tomboy" "cute" "mamacita" "y" and stuff like that and once i told them i was a boy they got mad and pissed and started calling me "gay" "imposter" "motherer!" you know, things people spit when they're mad. i ignored them of course and walked it off but they wouldn't stop bothering me. "hey girly boy! look over here! hey! i'm talking to you" when i wouldn't answer they teamed up to beat me up but damn the moment my ing boss saved me. an old man who calls himself "pepero daddy" ( Don't ask why i don't know what i was thinking in 2015) A ing ert whom i was damned to spend my 2 years with. As soon as i thought he was doing it out of kindness i was wrong. he said he wanted money or he would hunt me down but i would never want to ask my parents for money so he told me there was a way to pay and i did it for 2 years. i know i could have called the cops but this man knew what he was talking about when he said he could find me. One day he visited my apartment without me giving or showing my address. I've seen how much money he collected every day and honestly he could have a neat car and not a ty apartment. You know why he doesn't spend his money for a nice environment? because he spends his money on drugs, alcohol, and . I've tried to get away from him but he always finds me.

"Are you ready sara?" he said to my ear and i nodded. but i wasn't ready, i felt nervous this time like something was wrong. It scared me the way he talked,moved, and smiled. My guess was that he was planning something and didn't want to talk to me. "pep why are you smiling like that?" i asked carefully. "is there a special client today?"

"yes there's a special client today willing to pay a lot for you. so let me make you a little bit prettier." the words he said tried to assure me but his tone told me something else. i felt like i couldn't breathe and that i shouldn't be going anywhere, that i should run away and escape before something bad happens. But i can't run anywhere with a glass buried beneath my foot. Hopefully i'm wrong and that this is just another meeting.

when we walked towards the door i noticed something odd. " Hey where's the drug?"

"What drug?"

"The drug that makes them sleep."

"Oh we won't need that."

"A-are you sure?"

"Uh huh"

"You aren't trying to get me laid? or harm me in anyway right?"

"Of course not sweet pie." he robbed my hair

"Don't touch me." I said smacking his hand away harshly.

"That's right keep it fisty! hahahah!"


Hey chicken tenders and potatoes just wanted to ask ya'll some questions.

1) Taehyung and Jimin haven't met yet. the question is do you think they'll meet next chapter based on the situation? or will they spend another chapter apart based on the situation?

2) Do you feel what tae tae was feeling in the end? do you think this is a sign of something bad happening? or is it that tae is mentally crazy or paranoid?

3) what do you think of this story? i know it's very sad but if taehyung meets Jimin i'm sure he'll be happy very soon.

thx for reading and have a nice day.

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sinfulwishes #1
Chapter 7: Aww I hope tae knows he can trust Jimin. He really needs someone good for him in his life :((((((
junniekai #2
Chapter 6: Oohh....finally taehyung meet jimin. That dion guy was scary he kill pep,, i hope taehyung will save with jimin.
jjangg author nim ^^
nbjLIBRA #3
Please update update!!!!
-------------------7 #4
Aijana #5
Chapter 4: 1)i dont know T~T
2) i hope something good ^_^
3)good good good :):)
Bitaizad #6
Chapter 4: Chapter 4 : god.. i feel so bad for tae.. why is his mom like that?? srsly how can she do such a thing to him?? to her own son?? how can she not feel anything for him?? gosh.. it breaks my heart so much .. ~.~
but i hope jimin and tae meet each other sooner so tae can be happy .. cause he truly deserves that!!
but i am rlly worried tho.. o.o why there's no drugs?? (sth fishy is going on i know >.>)
and abt them meeting each other next chapter.. ughh idk T~T both would be good tho .. i just hope nothing bad happens to tae whether he meets jimin or not..
and this story is pretty good!! i was so glad when i got the notification ^O^
thank u author-nim for updating!!
Aijana #7
Can the boy who likes taehyung be minho from shinee please i really like this story
update as soon as possible if you have time because i really like it :)
Bitaizad #8
Chapter 3: New reader here and i gotta say i rlly like this story so far .. each chapter gets better !!
i hope u update soon
Fighting author-nim!!~
Aijana #9
Chapter 3: Wow love this fic :o
Please update soon :)