
No Words Needed

How did it get to this? Jihoon thought. He was lying on his bed with Mingyu wrapped around him. Mingyu's long arms enveloped his whole body, his hands were at the small of Jihoon's back and their legs intertwined together. Jihoon could smell the scent of the shampoo his dongsaeng was wearing, his head rested on Mingyu's chest comfortably. He felt unusually at ease in the arms of his dongsaeng, he stayed oddly quiet while Mingyu hummed a lullaby.

It happened a few hours ago. Their blankets were in the cleaners and unfortunately, he had nothing to cover himself up. Even if the heater was working, it didn't help that the cold air seeped through the window. Jihoon came in to conclusion that he just have to sleep without any blankets on.. or so he thought. He was trying his best to fall asleep, with his hoodie on and a comfortable pair of sweats, he found it unhelpful to the cold.

Jihoon brought his knees up to his chest as he tried to sleep on his side, but his teeth jittered and his lips were going dry. The next thing he knew, Mingyu was wrapped around him with a silly smile placed on the tall man's face.

"Yah..." Jihoon broke the silence.

"Hmmm?" Asked Mingyu, pulling Jihoon's body closer to his.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jihoon asked in a blunt manner, completely denying the fact that Mingyu's body helped him ease down from the cold.

"I'm sharing my body heat." Mingyu said in response, his voice was hoarse and deep. He kept his eyes closed as he rested his chin on top of Jihoon's head.

"I don't need your body heat." The smaller man retorted, placing his palms on Mingyu's chest, trying to tear himself apart from him, but Mingyu was too strong.

"Yes, you do." Mingyu said in a sing-song manner, "I can hear your teeth jittering from the top bunk."

Jihoon didn't have anything to spit back, he hid his reddened face, burying it on Mingyu's chest. Jihoon was slightly embarrassed but he would never admit it, ever.

"Hyung..." Mingyu mumbled, "If you're going to keep doing that, I will eat you up."

"What did you say?" Jihoon brought his head up to look at Mingyu. Their faces were close, he could feel Mingyu's breath on his skin.

"I said... We should get some sleep... Seungcheol hyung and Jeonghan hyung will wake up if you continue to make a ruckus." Mingyu reasoned in a groggy manner, hiding a sly smile on his face.

"What do you mean make a ruck--" Jihoon almost raised his voice as he stopped midway to hush his tone down, "What do you mean make a ruckus? I'm quiet as can be!"

"Shhhhh If you yell at me any further, Jeonghan hyung will wake up and you know how he is when someone interrupts his sleep."

Jihoon came in to realization that Mingyu was right. Although he was scary himself, Jeonghan on the other hand holds grudges like no other. Jihoon complied, as he kept his mouth shut but he was not liking the fact that he was losing in the argument. His head was filled with different retorts that unfortunately he can't spit fire. He could tell that his body was warming up, his hands were heating up from Mingyu's broad chest and his body melted in the tall man's arms.

His eyes were getting heavier and heavier. Dazed and flushed, Jihoon kept quiet. It's been a while since he had that much skinship with Mingyu. He was always too busy and too snappy ever since they had their debut as a group. Jihoon always felt like he had to be serious, as the burden of the songs always fell upon his shoulders. He didn't realize the gap he made between him and one of his closest friend.

Feeling guilty at the thought, Jihoon slowly wrapped his arms around Mingyu's torso. Without a word slipping out from his lips, he gave Mingyu a tight hug. Jihoon avoided to look up, he was sure that Mingyu had a foolish grin plastered on his face. Jihoon was right, Mingyu adorned a wide toothy grin at the feeling of his arms around him. Mingyu kept quiet, it was hard enough to control himself from the close proximity, but it was harder for him when he feels Jihoon's arms around him.

Mingyu always had a soft spot for his hyung. He was the type to gladly be a fool for Jihoon and it always been that way. But each passing day, they are busier and each passing day, Jihoon would always stay behind to work on their music. Mingyu knew how hard it was for his hyung to be burdened, and from then on he distanced himself. He didn't want to cause any trouble for Jihoon, but at times where he just misses him, he couldn't help but cave in to his own desires. 

Mingyu held Jihoon close to his body. Their bodies melted in each other, and soon enough the two dozed off with the lightest feeling in their chest. Jihoon never felt so comfortable before. Most of the time he would toss and turn and would even wake up in the middle of the night whenever he feels restless about a song. But oddly enough he slept so peacefully. The cold air that tortured him was bearable now..

There was always a special connection between Mingyu and Jihoon. They always brought out the best in each other. Mingyu made Jihoon smile and Jihoon brought out Mingyu's talents very well. Jihoon wasn't good with expressing his feelings, while Mingyu didn't have to ask him to know what he's thinking. They complete each other in the aspects they are lacking.

The night spent in one bed flew by quickly, but Jihoon being Jihoon, he was a hard person to wake up.

"Hyuuuung~" A bright voice called out. It was already sunrise and everyone seemed like they were all busy getting ready for their next schedule.

"Hyuuuuung~" The bright voice called out again, this time Jihoon scrunched his brows together in annoyance. Who was the person disturbing Jihoon's sleep? The small man groaned in annoyance as he tried to ignore the overly loud voice, but his ears twitched and twitched and soon enough, Jihoon gave up and opened his eyes groggily.

"What?" He asked, his hair was in a mess, he barely realized Mingyu woke up as well, looking at the door where the voice was from.

"Hyung, you need to get up. We have a schedule today." Seokmin said with a sunshine like expression, which Jihoon rolled his eyes to. He was about to go back to sleep when he was slightly startled by the tall man beside him. Jihoon's eyes widened and his face turned red, he almost forgot that Mingyu let himself sleep on his bed.

"Good morning, hyung.: Said Mingyu, showing his canines.

"Well, aren't you two, lovey dovey." Seokmin commented, and it just so happened that Soonyoung and Jeonghan were lurking by the door as well.

"I woke up and I saw them cuddled together. I didn't know they had a relationship like that." Jeonghan made a snide comment that caused Jihoon to completely turn into a tomato. "Look, I even took pictures." Added Jeonghan who brought out his phone for Soonyoung to look at.

"As if we had a choice! Our blankets are at the cleaners!" Jihoon reasoned, sitting up. The last thing he wanted was everyone to .

"What do you mean at the cleaners?" Seokmin gave a look of confusion, "Your blankets arrived yesterday morning. It's in the living room all this time."

Upon hearing those words, Jihoon could feel his anger and embarrassment boiled and mixed inside of him. He made his hands into fists as he slowly looked to his side to glare at the guilty looking Mingyu. Mingyu wanted to avoid eye contact, nervously letting out a chuckle as he slowly sat up straight.

"Hyung.... I can explain.--OW!" Mingyu exclaimed.

"YOU ARE MORE DANGEROUS THAN I THOUGHT!" Jihoon kicked Mingyu's legs as his ears continued to turn red.

AN: Mingyu you sly puppy (/ ouo)/ fluff fluff fluff

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fg #1
Chapter 2: How cute ~ waaahhh.. i need more. Those moves mingyu hahaha. Jigyu all the way~ update soon
Balalala1717 #2
Chapter 2: Sly minggu :<