
Notes and Coffee

     Order: Caffè Americano 

        Il Tuo Amore Caffe 

         We wish you a great day!

            Americano with two spoons of sugar.

            You're pretty simple. I like that :)



The Hong kong native felt very confused when he read the first note that came along with his receipt. He thought that maybe it was simply cortesy or a theme of decoration distict to this Café. That's why he crumbled the piece of paper and put it inside the pocket of his jacket and began to drink his Caffè Americano with two spoons of sugar, just like the note mentioned. 


Order: Hot Chocolate 

Il Tuo Amore Caffe 

We wish you a great day!

Today you ordered hot chocolate. 

It must be because the cold weather makes it

more appetizing. Right?I really like chocolate. 

I guess you do too? :)



The second part really camptured his attention for it talked about chocolate. And Jackson definetly loves chocolate. He thought that the tactic of the notes by the cafe was a good one. It would totally would bring in more clientele. What triggered Jackson's curiosity, however, was those two letter after each message. What could they mean?


Order: Caramel Cappucino 

Il Tuo Amore Caffe 

We wish you a great day! 

The Caramel Cappucino has tons of sugar. 

You seemed to be very happy today. 

I am very glad. I hope the rest of the day brings

you endless happiness. I like your smile :) 



That note made Jackson smile. He promised himself to save them along with the previous two. Il Tuo Amore Caffe was definetly becoming his favorite place to grab his daily dose of caffeine...and it wasn't only becuase of the coffee. 


Order: Vanilla Cookies 

Il Tuo Amore Caffe 

We wish you a great day! 

This time you looked sad. Is there something wrong? 

Where is that gorgeous smile from the day before? You 

hadn't ordered anything so I decided to send you 

these cookies. Take it as a gift from me to you. Do you 

like vanilla? Well, anyways, I hope this makes

you feel at least a little better.  



That last note really surprised him. His day became better after eating the vanilla cookies that were gifted to him. Yet, he wanted to know who was taking his time to write him those notes and to send him cookies that changed the mood of his day. It was now more than clear that the notes were not a courtesy from the cafe. Jackson had actually been observing the other clients and none of their coffees came accompanied by notes and they all paid for their cookies. Therefore, he decided to ask the raven hair boy who worked the chashier machine about it. The boy gave him a small smile and clarified that the cookies had already been paid and that the notes were only for him. This confused Jackson eve more so he asked him who the person who did that for him was. The raven-haired boy smirked. "I already said too much. But if you want to know who it is you should reply to the notes. I assure you that whoever sends them will be surprised to hear from you. Oh! And make sure this is a secret between me and you." The boy winked as his attention shifted to the customer waiting to pay. 

Without knowing exactly why, he decided to follow the boy's advice and replied to the note. The raven-haired boy got excited when Jackson gave him the note with his reply and he assured him that it would be delivered to the intended person. 


Thank you for the cookies. It was a very kind gesture.

To be honest, I am a little sad, but it doesn't matter becuase

vanilla makes me feel better. Thank you as well for the previous 

notes. Maybe next time I can return the favor. 

~Jackson :D 


Jackson didn't really know what to expect. For all he knew it could be a prank or something like it. Talkin anonimously with someone through notes in a cafe? He didn't know what could come out of it but he was curious to see where it could go. 


Notes: Hello everyone! I hope you guys like my story. Please feel free to leave a comment :) Anyway, wait soon for the first chapter. 


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Chapter 2: i like it
petshopxoxoxo #2
Chapter 2: Awww... So cute... Those notes and the story... So cute...
It's like too much sugar for my heart :)
Love it, author-nim :)
angelicabq #3
Chapter 2: This is soooo cute
Chapter 1: awhhhh this is so CUTE!!!!!!!!
tymark #5
Chapter 1: Can't wait
ying91 #6
Chapter 1: So cute! Looking forward to the rest of the story :)
darkcinderwolf #7
Chapter 1: Cute, super cute x
Chapter 1: Ahaha this is so interesting! I can't wait to see what "MT" responds with XD