hearing things

Hearing Things
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I sat back on my chair with a deep sigh, looking at the undone assignments resting on my desk. I would be incredibly happy if they weren't threatening enough to get me stay up till' 3am. The clock was ticking as I awaited the voice to play in my head once more.


"I love you, Jaeum, what are you probably thinking now?"


Almost smiling at the voice, I crossed my arms and relaxed, letting the sentence sooth my stressed mind. "Thinking of finishing my assignments. Though not so soon, i'm getting a little - you know - sleepy." As I replied back, I felt my mind getting a little loose, and sleepiness became nothing. I was energized, instead of tired. My heart started racing, as the voice came again.


"I'll see you soon, Jaeum."


"Wait," There was a dramatic pause in the middle before I parted my lips to deliver my say, "It's been years. Can you tell me your name at least?" I was nervous at that point of moment, fiddling with my fingers as I patiently nodded my head to the silence. "It's okay if you can't answer me. I don't know where you come from, or how you look like, but I want to give you a big thanks for being there for m-"


"I'll read you stories in the night, and sing you songs in the day. You wont feel lonely anymore."


If I could smile brighter than how I was then, I would have probably broken my jaw.


When the voice first came and started speaking to me, I was completely terrified. I was having dinner with my family members when the voice sobbed into my ears. Nothing ghost-y of some kind, but it sounded pretty genuine, and obviously, I was confused to how I could hear things. Yet for some reasons, the feeling of fear started to lose its meaning when the voice kept coming to me on a daily basis.


The voice that I mentioned was gentle, and sweet. A male's voice to be exact. It sounded as breathtaking as the scenery of the ocean blue, giving me many emotions at once. Sometimes, just too much for me to handle. Never had I ever felt secured with his words that would sink in my probably-lunatic mind. I had been open about this matter once - take note, "once". It was during a family get-together when I decided to reveal the 'abilities' to my supposedly close relatives. Remarks from them were nothing but awful advice for me to see a therapist.


Despite all that, the voice didn't stop coming to me. Infact, it got longer, louder and it came to me more often.

Especially during rainy days when liquids decided to pour and splash on my translucent window located just beside my study desk. I could hear my parents quarreling in the living room, something that I really hated whenever it happened. Words of hatred, divorce-matters and other more were exchanged; something that triggered me to just close my ears.


Still, with my ears closed, the voice that was nothing  negative, sounded in my mind and my heart was again, at ease.


"Just remember, I'm always with you."

It stood by me when no one did, been with me through hardships. I was never good at socializing and it appeared that I was practically a loner in school. I did not belong in any form of clique and most of the time, I ate lunch alone - all of the time to be exact. No matter what, what kept my day going was the beautiful voice. The vulnerable me transitted to an exuberant girl almost immediately whenever the said voice came for a visit.


"You look beautiful each time I come to see you."


I started to believe whomever spoke those words to me was an angel.


Even if he was an angel of any kind, I could somehow visualize his features. He even came in my dreams on some nights.


His face was blurry, but his hair was dark brown. The fact that he was standing from the distance made it hard for me to distinguish his face. In my heart, deep down inside, I was positive that he was smiling at me.

And whenever I woke up from that dream, my cheeks were covered in tears.


My relatives called me crazy.


They weren't wrong.




I was sitting in the car, watching as the trees and buildings passed me by. And I watched my visions getting blurred with the same tears. The purpose of me sitting in the car was to leave my beloved father. It had been months, and the thunder between my mother and father was still standing tall. No one was giving in to the argument; they had already visited the court to sign for a divorce.


It had come to a stage whereby I wasn't going to live with my father anymore. No more happy family, and I was only left with a crumpled picture of us squashed in a slide with smiles as wide as ever. One picture, just one picture represented my life. Nothing was going to be the same anymore. I felt the emptiness fill me up, as the lump in my throat made it harder for me to stay silent. I let out a pained sigh, as a tear fall.


Then, I felt warmth in my hand to which in return, the voice came. "You are a strong person."


I was filled

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