
My Shadowy Figure
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“I’m coming Youngjae,” a creepy voice filled the air.

Youngjae was running as fast as he could through the empty late-night streets. There was no one, but there was someone.

“I’m almost there,” The creepy voice drew closer.

Youngjae was terrified now. He ran faster and faster but the voice seemed to only be getting closer and closer.

“Don’t run from me Youngjae.”

The full moon began to crescent and the street lamps dimmed. If Youngjae stopped running the darkness would completely eat him.

“I love it when you play hard to get.”

Youngjae weaved through the streets and found himself running through an alleyway.

“You can’t escape me baby.”

Youngjae runs until he hits a wall. Dead end. “Help!” he screams.

“I told you you can’t escape.”

Youngjae slowly turns around. The last lamp post slowly goes out and he is covered in darkness.




He wakes up to find himself in- “School? Ugh,” Youngjae groans.

The teacher is lecturing about some boring subject but Youngjae’s head is somewhere else.

Day turns to night as the students are leaving one by one.

“Youngjae can you stay after a bit?” The teacher asks him.

“No Mr. Bang I actually have a thing to go to.”

“Hmmm a thing… Well it’ll only take a minute. Hurry and you can get to this so called ‘thing.’”

Mr. Bang leads him to a storage room. “Help me carry these books to my office,” Mr. Bang instructs.

After a couple trips, they were finished.

“Good job Youngjae. You may head home now. Do you need a ride? It’s really dark out there,” Mr. Bang asks.

“No thanks my house is pretty close,” Youngjae says as he quickly runs. He didn’t feel like spending any more time with anything that involved school.

Youngjae walks out the school. A light breeze brushes past him. “This feels familiar…” He thinks but shrugs off the idea and continues walking.

A sound in the bushes startles Youngjae. He walks faster to reach the school gates which seem to be running away from him.

A snap of a tree branch makes Youngjae run. He hears a shuffle behind him as he exits the school gates. There he sees Mr. Bang in his car. He quickly runs over and jumps in the car.

“Oh my gosh Mr. Bang, I am so glad you’re here,” Youngjae says.

“I told you it was dark. There are many dangers in the night Youngjae, don’t forget that,” Mr. Bang says before he drives to Youngjae’s house.

In fairly quick amount of time, Youngjae is home.

“Thanks Mr. Bang,” he says before getting out the car. He opens his house gate and turns around to wave goodbye, only to find Mr. Bang gone already.

“Hmm that’s weird, I didn’t even hear his car drive off,,” Youngjae thought before entering his house.




Youngjae finds himself in a coffee shop waiting for his friends.

“Hey man,” his friend Himchan finally shows up.

“Always late huh?”

“Always,” Himchan laughs.

They talk about some random thing that Youngjae can't even comprehend.

They order their drinks which seem to come out almost instantly. Though his coffee tasted rather plain to Youngjae.

Youngjae continues talking to Himchan but suddenly he sees a stranger stare at him wide eyed. He tries looking away but suddenly that's all he sees. The stranger is everywhere. Everywhere he looked was the stranger. Staring at him, intensely.

He feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns to see the stranger’s eyes. They were pitch black. Youngjae felt lost looking into them as the atmosphere changes and Youngjae is no longer at the coffee shop.




Youngjae is standing at the doorway about to enter his house. It was like it was last night.

There's no one home but him. He quickly enters and locks his door. He turns on all the lights and makes his way up the stairs to his room.

He sits at his desk and decides to listen to some music. A mesh of music runs through his ears

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Chapter 3: Youngjae's dream gave me a creepy vibee /shudders/
eternalpain #2
Chapter 3: Don't worry I understand what u did, the way u wrote them is amazing.
sanny-isabelle #3
Chapter 3: It's really good and interesting! I hope you'd continue this^-^
RealrecognizeReal #4
Chapter 3: I understand your story! Please continue :)