Chapter 2

Can I Love You Again?

    "Hello. My name is Jungkook."

     Those were the first words Jungkook said to Yoongi when he was a freshman in college. They had to pair up for a project at school. They were both from different cities and didn't have a clue about each other. When they had to work on the project, Jungkook would occasionally notice bruises and cuts on Yoongi's body but never said much.
    After the project was finished Yoongi thought Jungkook would just ignore him like the others did but instead, he approached Yoongi. He talked to him every morning before class started and just rambled on about what he did the day before. Little by little, he was slowly becoming attached to his presence and it became his favorite part of the day when he could hear Jungkook talk to him. 
   He was introduced to his friends Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jimin. Before he knew it, he was slowly opening himself to other people and hanged out with them with Jungkook by his side. Days turned into weeks, and those weeks turned into months. 
   There was a festival that they all wanted to go to which happened to be on a weekend. When Yoongi was asked if he wanted to go, he bit his lower lip while thinking for a long time. Since he still lived with his foster parents, he wasn't allowed to be up late. 
    "Um, well if you're busy you don't have...." before Seokjin could finish his sentence, Yoongi replied, "I'll go."
   The night of the festival, Yoongi decided to sneak out through his window and ran to the meeting place. While he was panting and sweating, he saw the others waving at him under a lamp post. 
"Hey Yoongi! Glad you could make it." said Namjoon.

"Uh, yea. Me too." replied Yoongi.

    As they were walking around to look at the different stalls, Yoongi was walking right beside Jungkook. As they were walking, it was almost time for the fireworks. Yoongi was too busy looking to notice that it was only the two of them. 

"Where are the others?"

"Oh I guess we lost them. Well since it's almost time for the fireworks do you want to go somewhere to look at them?"

    As Yoongi nodded, Jungkook grabbed his wrist and started to walk uphill. As they went more up, isolated from the other people, Yoongi could hear the soft yet fast beating of his heart. 
    When they reached the top the fireworks lit up the sky and Yoongi couldn't help but be amazed by it. He's only been able to see fireworks on flyers and usually stayed home all the time. 

"Um Yoongi?"

     As he turned his head to look at the person who called his name, he was meet with a blushing boy who was looking at him straight in the eye. Perplexed, he frowned and tilted his head. 

     The next sentence was what caught him off guard.

"I-I  was wondering if you'd like to g-go out with me. I -Inmean if you don't want to I'm okay with it, b-but you've kind of been on my mind a lot ever since I f-first saw you, and it made me think of how I want to know you more. I-I want to know what you look like when you're happy, o-or when your mad. I want to be the one who knows what you're thinking by just l-looking at your eyes and be there for you w-whenever you need a shoulder to cry on."

 As Yoongi's eyes turned wide, Jungkook looked him in the eyes again and repeated,
"Would you go out with me, Min Yoongi?"

     To his suprise, a tear slipped out of Yoongi's eye.
As Yoongi was wondering what to say. He thought back to how his heart would start to uncontroablly beat faster when Jungkook was near and how he was thought of jungkook's face before going to bed. 

'Maybe. Maybe this is what love feels like,' thought Yoongi

"Yes," muttered Yoongi. 


"I said yes. I'll go out with you." 
  Before Yoongi could think about what was going to happen between them from now on, he was surprised by jungkook's gentle hug. It was gentle, yet it carried so much love and happiness. 

    As they were walking back to their group of friends, they were holding each other's hand while walking side by side. 

    When Yoongi got home, he was greeted with a slap on his cheek. He had forgotten about his foster parents that late night, and got a beating for sneaking out. Even though he was beaten up that night, it was the most magical night he ever experienced.

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Chapter 2: Poor suga, but I'm happy he found kookie... I'm really curious about the rest of the story.
NightKnight2002 #2
Very excited cant wait to see what u have in store