A Prolapse Doesn't excist


Well where do I start. Sersiously, i dont know what i'm writing..? I could tell y'all about the stroy where my fell out? Yeah, i'll do that. 

Last year, around september, after recently begining university, the year of partying began. A year of exploration, fun, and excitment. Everynight had something in store, a party, a chilled one with my hoe, a busy one with my hoe, a chill one wth friends, a night with the xbox. You never knew what would hit you. I had a room mate who wasn't very sociable. He was a hermit . You know the type, one to play gorilla video game all day, reading books about zoo shootings. But we connected, a few weeks after beggining. As he lived on my floor we had no excuse not to talk to eachother, constantly bumping in to eachother. But it was great, we really got on. Honeslty can say he is my best friend, which is awesome. You know someone you can just sit beside and not have to talk to, because you share telapathy? Yeah like that.

But one evening, we decided to crack open a bottle of wine. Stick on a movie in his room, drink and chill. Sounds like the perfect evening right? I thought so too. We began the night by drinking the whole bottle, there was a little competition between us not gonna lie. So after about 15 minutes we were feeling the famous tingles..We then procceded to go on without the movie. We kept drinking all sorts, from vodka to rum. We kept doing games, like who ed who's mum the hardest, and did daddy really leave. By 1am we were well and truely drunk. Which is when it started.

Jack leant over, and my face. I was puzzled, taking a second to kind of comprehend what had just occured. My brain was slow, taking for ever to see past the blurriness before me. I forgot all about it... he did it again, only this time he didnt stop. He just wouldn't. I didn't stop him. We , just, kept, going. After the kissing, his hand slowely moved down my body. Removing my belt, it was so delicate. He my neck, gently, smoothly; i was in heaven. Slowely and gently kissing my sensitive warm skin, all over my body. He then forcefully rammed his up my tight little arse hole; which had been untouched to this moment. A scream is little compared to what came out of my mouth. Apart from the vomit that came spewing out, i let out a noise that shattered not just his window, but every window in the world. Seriously. I'm not kidding. He kept pumping me like i was a toddler. Like mr lostprophets. It felt like endre the giant was tring to open me up, to eat my sweet sensitive core. Blood started to emerge from my not large . More like an square, than a hole. I could feel the warm blood dripping from my down towards my chest, soaking the sheets that we lay upon. I begged for him to stop, but in my drunk state, i couldn't resist his strong force he had against me. What a . He finished in me. I could feel the present he left for me inside of me. Gushing into my belly, i'm pretty sure it got in the egg. Wait no, thats not how it works. Oh well, my backspace is broken, it. As he pulled out, he brought something with him. I could feel something coming out. I turned around to see what it was. It was a shiny gold ring. I knew exactly what it was as soon as i saw it. Daddys ring. From when he was still at home. 15 years ago. I remember he used to do things to my bottom. Putting his fist up there must have been one of the things. Untouched i must have been. I stood up, to realise something even worse. My just feel out of my . Everything just seemed to plop out, like thoes slimy toys you would hold at the top, then they would slip through your hand? I gathered my remains and tried to stuff them back in. But it wouldnt work. I would not be known as mr prolapse. Or that guy with the problem. Or diaper boy. This day, is a sad day. I can never sit down, i can never have peace. Kill me please. i beg of you. 

But yeah thats the day my fell out.





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omg so emosh 11/10