Don't curse

Don't curse


The way he danced was reckless and graceful at the same. There was fluiduty in his moves and yet each step of the wonderful dance was executed with precision. His black hair fell like a cloak when he bent, hiding his eyes ...and silencing silence itself while arousing magic in the air , like magic was dust and dust would encompass him and enchant you.


After every dance practise,  Jimin would sit quietly by himself ....absorbed in his thoughts,clad in black overalls and lips tinted a rosy red and the sight enough was maddening.

The expression on his face was distant, his eyes mesmerising and depthful and in that moment his aura changed....from a cheerful yellow radiance to something much darker, deeper and mysterious.

Park Jimin was something entirely out of this world when he danced.

Sometimes the members would pass through the practise room and then Jimin would  give them a hard time by distracting them, transfixing their gazes onto himself and stealing their every thought and sanity because watching Park Jimin dance was no differenet than being intoxicated.

Park Jimin is an intoxication and the effects are rather lethal and Jeon Jungkook is well aware. 

"He's honestly too much. Why does he have to ...oh god !"  Jungkook complained one late evening to the leader of the group who looked rather amused at the maknae who was profusely blushing and chuckled.

Namjoon smiled fondly and ruffled the younger boy's hair , grinning .."That's Park Jimin for you."

Park Jimin .

That's  all that had circulated the maknae's mind when he had had the misfortune of happening to witness the said adonis  during a rather endearing dance practise.

"He's shameless, isn't he.." Taehyung had chuckled after bumping into a rather flustered bunny who was running at his bunny pace from the lethal charms of the dark prince.

Oh. His poor heart.

"He's..he..well, he's rather endearing and I swear that I feel like a deer in headlights around him ! He intidimates me so much and the worst part is that I don't even protest now."

Taehyung had just laughed at him and Jungkook really wanted to go hide in his bunny hole. 

Some friend he is.

What exactly was his problem, the bunny never understood. He just knew that being around the dark prince was a life crisis for him. He would become a stuttering mess, forget how to breathe and just endanger his own existence.


The matter was grave. The bunny nodded to himself .


So, it began.


The policy of avoiding Park Jimin because the bunny would rather be cooked than admit that he was hopeless when it came to the dark prince. 

So hopelessly attracted.

"All his damn fault for being so hella attractive.." the drunk bunny admitted one day infront of the care bear, and the elder,  had just shook his head sending the latter to bed while the bunny whined, "Jin hyung ,Wae !"

Jimin was too much.

Yes he was.

The bunny nodded to himself .

And the day he had come home shirtless was totally uncalled for.

"He is so damn shameless !" Taehyung had laughed as Jungkook hid under the dining table pretending to and feed an invisible hidden cat but Jimin being  his cheeky self had ducked under as well and whispered a rather , breathy "Hello Kookie " in his ear and the bunny had short circuited and nearly broke his head against the wooden board above his head which had earned him a disaaproving look from care bear Jin and a chuckle from the stoic Min Yoongi which created history because early in the morn, Min Yoongi had maintained the tradition of not even sparing someone a glance let alone smile.

"Kookie, today it will be just you and me since the other members will be doing their own thing and we"ll just eat those stash of cookies Jin Hyung made ."

What a pleasant shock.

Ah, but I was thinking that I should work on my composing , so...yeah."

Jimin's face had fell slightly but he recovered quickly , sending the latter off with a nod and an understanding smile.

In that moment, Jungkook just wanted to buy a hundred blankets and kick them for the rest of the century because... why the hell did he say that ?

Later that day, something had happened.

Jimin looked rather forlorn and Jungkook felt miserable.

When all the members left waving farewell to the two boys, Jimin just collapsed on their green duvet and stared at space. Expressionless .

And Jungkook's heart had leapt when the latter had sighed as if contemplating life .

Madness. Such madness.

Jungkook gulped before seating himself next to his Hyung who raised his eyebrows at him in question.

" Weren't you going to compose or did you change your mind ?" Jimin asked, rather casually and Jungkook turned scarlet.

"You look upset .,." Jungkook trailed off, biting his lips.

" Why does it bother you ?" Jimin smirked before shaking his head and turning away from the bunny.

Jungkook was rather angry but at the same time trying to get over the mini heart attack induced by Jimin's bad boy aura.

"Why shouldn't it !" Jungkook's voice trembled slightly as anger seeped in .

"Well, let's see..." Jimin smacked his lips mockingly and folded his fingers, leaning in, "You don't talk to me and always ignore me , so what am I suppose to understand from your behavior? "

Jungkook sighed and rubbed his fingers, " You know me, Hyung....I don't mean half the things I do." 

Jimin laughed , no humour in his voice.

"No Jeon, I am tired of trying to defend your actions..."

"Don't say that !" Jungkook stammered, getting up .

"Say what ? The truth ?.."

Jimin being sarcastic was so unusual. 

" Look hyung, I ..I .. well, ..."

Jungkook was at the peak of wanting to dissolve .

Jimin was clearly trying to fight off the smile that threatened to escape.

"Hyung, I .. well, I just ...GAH ! ..." The maknae was on his feet now and positively exasperated . Jimin was trying not to laugh.

"Listen Hyung, don't you dare laugh..just saying because if you do , I'll kill you ...So, yeah..the thing know when you like someone but are afraid that if you get close, your feelings may deepen and well that's to deal with because hell, you don't want to get your heart broken ."

Jimin stood up, his expression unreadable and in that moment Jungkook felt so small,  he wanted to just whimper and close his eyes and live his life a bunny. 

Jimin sighed, very heavily and Jungkook's heart was a staccato. 

"Kookie, don't curse !" And then he leaned in and pecked the bunny before dissolving into a mess of heart warming giggles

In that moment, everyone... Jungkook shivered like the bunny he was and blushed furiously before hitting Park Jimin on the head because...

"God damn it, I just confessed and all you have to say is don't curse... you're something! "














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MidnightWillow23210 #1
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwwwww this was so adoooooorableeee!!!! Ermagawd...I'm a vkook shipper ....why you do dis to me. T^T
Chapter 1: oh my gawd!! this was so cute!! XD