
No Regrets

‘Do you regret being with me?’, Chanyeol asked out of the blue.

Baekhyun was completely taken aback by that question. He stopped reading his book and looked at Chanyeol with bewilderment, who was staring out of the huge glass window of his villa.

‘Of course no, Yeol! Why would you even ask that ridiculous question?’, Baekhyun answered the redhead and pushed his book aside.

The redhead smiled and turned his attention to the brunette who was sitting opposite of him and Baekhyun felt his heart drop when he saw Chanyeol’s smile. It was somehow sad and broken.

‘Yeol, is something wrong?’, Baekhyun asked softly, getting up from the one sitter and settling himself on Chanyeol’s lap.

Chanyeol took Baekhyun’s hand and caressed it with his thumb, his eyes on their hands.

‘Yeol, why are you acting so strange? Please tell me what’s wrong.’, Baekhyun pleaded and cupped Chanyeol’s face. He lifted the redhead’s face and Baekhyun could’ve sworn he heard his heart cracked because Chanyeol was crying. His eyes were red and hot, fresh tears were flowing down his cheeks.

‘Oh, Yeol. I’m fine. I really am.’, Baekhyun hugged Chanyeol, a single tear slid down his cheek.

Chanyeol hugged Baekhyun tighter, his face burrowed in the crook of Baekhyun’s neck. Chanyeol cried and cried, hugging Baekhyun tighter than ever. Tears filled Baekhyun’s eyes because this was the first time Chanyeol showed his vulnerable side, in front of him, a side he’s never seen before while dating him for two years.


They met at an elite music show where Baekhyun was one of the performers and Chanyeol was the member of the audience that night. Baekhyun played the piano so beautifully and gracefully and it was love at first sight for Chanyeol. After the show, Chanyeol tailed Baekhyun all the way to the hotel garden and he got caught by the pianist. Chanyeol showered Baekhyun with compliments for his performance and Baekhyun got shy and flustered all over, making Chanyeol fall for the brunette harder. Baekhyun didn’t mind that Chanyeol was the CEO of Park Enterprise by day and mafia boss by night.

‘Life is full of adventures.’, Baekhyun winked flirtatiously at Chanyeol before pressing his lips against Chanyeol’s.

Baekhyun then left his music career because he wouldn’t allow Chanyeol to go on dangerous tasks with his men. Chanyeol got hit by a bullet in the shoulder while he was on a night task and Baekhyun cried his eyes out when he saw Sehun (Chanyeol’s doctor) removing the bullet and cleaned the wound.

‘It’s either I go with you or you do not go at all.’, Baekhyun said firmly. They got into a huge row when Chanyeol refused to let the brunette take part in those dangerous tasks but he eventually gave in because he knew Baekhyun was just trying to protect him.

Baekhyun picked up quickly about the do’s and don’ts while carrying out the tasks and soon became very skillful with the weapons. They broke into banks, art galleries and conventions. All his tasks were successful but on the sixth task, Baekhyun was shot by the enemy’s gunman, causing Chanyeol so much pain while waiting for Sehun to clean the wound.

‘I only got grazed by the bullet. The bullet did not enter my body, Yeol. It’s okay.’, Baekhyun smiled, resting against the bedhead looking into Chanyeol’s eyes. They were red but there were no tears. Baekhyun told Chanyeol he wanted to get some rest because it was the only way for Chanyeol to stop nagging him about safety. He woke up in the middle of the night when Chanyeol wasn’t in bed with him. He walked downstairs and saw Chanyeol sitting in the living room, palms covering his face and he was crying. It was his first time seeing Chanyeol cry and Baekhyun went to bed that night feeling extremely bad. Baekhyun made up to Chanyeol by giving him a mind-blowing moment in bed the next morning.

For the gunman, he’s life ended in the most brutal way anyone could’ve imagined.


Baekhyun rubbed circles on Chanyeol’s back, calming down the younger male, whispering ‘It’s okay.’ a few times.

‘I’m sorry, Baek. I really am sorry.’, Chanyeol finally broke out.

‘What are you sorry for? If this is about the cut I got last week-’

‘I’m sorry, Baek. I couldn’t protect you. You got hurt because of me. I’m so sorry.’, Chanyeol sounded so broken. He caressed Baekhyun’s cheek with him thumb, his eyes still red and tears staining his cheeks.

‘Yeol, I really am fine.’, Baekhyun kissed Chanyeol on the lips, a form of reassurance before he continued ‘Please don’t be sorry. I wasn’t careful during the task last week.’

Baekhyun got a deep cut on his right arm last week when he was on a task.

Chanyeol eyed the scar on his boyfriend’s arm. ‘Your life wouldn’t be in danger if you weren’t with me. You wouldn’t be living like this and…and…you wouldn’t have gotten so many scars. You wouldn’t be-’

‘Chanyeol, look at me.’, Baekhyun cupped his face and looked at Chanyeol in the eye. ‘Where is that strong and confident man I know? You wouldn’t dwell about these trivial matters back then. It was my choice to be with you, to live with you and those scars were worth it because I have you pampering and showering me with kisses all day long. I do not regret being with you all these years because I love you, Yeol. I really do.’

Chanyeol pressed his lips against Baekhyun’s. Nobody knows how precious Byun Baekhyun is to him. Baekhyun had been the colour of his black and white world. Baekhyun  was his gem, his life treasure, his everything.

‘Feeling better?’, Baekhyun asked with a smile on his face and Chanyeol hugged him, mumbling ‘A little.’

‘Good. C’mon, I’ll make you your favourite cream soup to cheer you up.’, Baekhyun played with the tip of Chanyeol’s ear before getting up.


Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun in the eye. ‘Be careful, okay? Call me if anything’s wrong.’

Baekhyun nodded his head and Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun’s knuckles, before entering the building. Their team went separate ways. Chanyeol signaled his men to break the code of the alarm guarding the ancient antiques.

Yunjae, the IT professional in his team walked towards the alarm and started breaking the code.

‘Done, boss.’, Yunjae said within seconds.

‘Take it. All of them. Not one is to be left out and-’, Chanyeol’s orders were interrupted by a familiar laughter from the back.

‘Look who made our jobs easier?’

Chanyeol turned around and gave a cocky smirk to his enemy. ‘Hi, Jisung.’

‘Are we that close for you to call me by my name, Park?’, the other male threw his cigarette on the floor and stomped on it.

‘Stop spouting bull and get your sorry out of here. Put some effort into something you want to achieve.’

‘I appreciate your motivational speech, Park. I am very inspired to get that antique behind you.’, Jisung gave Chanyeol a sly smile.

Chanyeol narrowed his eyes.

‘And which is why I’ve put a huge effort into this.’, Jisung said smugly and moved to side, revealing the hostage behind him.

Chanyeol froze at his place, expression turning dark. His greatest fear was before his eyes. Baekhyun was caught and held by Jisung’s men. Baekhyun was gagged, his arms were tied to the back and his eyes were wavering.

‘What’s the matter, Park? Cat got your tongue?’, Jisung smirked and circled Baekhyun.

Jinho traced his fingers along Baekhyun’s jaw and Baekhyun shook his head, glaring at the other man.

‘Ooooh, feisty. I like-‘

Chanyeol fired a shot at the side of Jisung’s leg. A warning shot.

‘ARE YOU CRAZY, PARK?!’, Jisung shouted.

‘Do not lay a single finger on him or I will not hesitate to shoot you.’, Chanyeol warned, eyes blazing with anger.

‘What’s the matter, Park? Can’t live without your sweetie-poo?’, Jisung gave Chanyeol a smug smile.

Chanyeol immediately pointed his gun at Jisung, ready to pull the trigger and Jisung pointed his gun at Baekhyun’s head.

‘You wouldn’t dare to shoot me.’, Jisung challenged. ‘Now hand me the antiques like a good boy and he survives.’

Baekhyun shook his head, tears streaming down his cheeks.

‘HURRY!’, Jisung barked, his pushed the gun harder against Baekhyun’s head.

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun’s eyes before lowering his arm and gun. He turned to Yunjae and his men.

‘Give it to him.’

‘But boss, we-‘

‘I said give it to him.’, Chanyeol cut Yunjae off.

‘Now wasn’t that easy?’, Jisung said while his men started moving the antiques.

Just then, the alarm went off and everyone panicked when they heard the police siren.

‘! Just take whatever you have now and leave!’, Jisung barked at his men.

As Jisung was about to leave the area, Chanyeol fired a shot at Jisung’s leg and ran towards Baekhyun.

‘That bastard!’, Jinho fired a shot at Baekhyun before his men carried him away.

Baekhyun fell to the ground and Chanyeol caught him and ungagged Baekhyun.

‘Baek! Baek!’, Chanyeol called Baekhyun’s name and stopped when he felt liquid on Baekhyun’s abdomen. Chanyeol looked at his palm and saw blood.

Jisung had shot Baekhyun in the abdomen.

‘NO, BAEK! PLEASE!’, Chanyeol hugged Baekhyun, tears flowed down his cheeks.

‘Y-Yeol…’, Baekhyun whispered and Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun.

The elder broke into a weak smile and wiped Chanyeol’s tears away. ‘I will always love you. No regrets.’, he said softly and Chanyeol cried harder.

‘Please, Baek…don’t go…’, Chanyeol cried while hugging Baekhyun’s cold body.

When the SWAT team entered the building, Chanyeol was pulled away and handcuffed. His eyes were blurry and he screamed Baekhyun’s name when Baekhyun was carried away from the area.

His Byun Baekhyun was gone and there was nothing he could do. Maybe he should’ve loved Baekhyun from a distance, then his treasure would’ve been alive, happier and safer.






sorry guys i at writing TT enjoy baes! <3

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174 streak #1
Chapter 1: Oohhh!
Short story that will definitely leave you a little broken hearted 😭