Chapter Three.

The Greatest of All Time
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“Talk? Talk about what? You know no person here in their right mind would want to join your little gang.”


“We're not a gang,” the taller of the pair of men stated, causing Jackson to scoff.


“Still, like I said, no one here wants to listen to you. How many times have you been in here and every other gym in this part of the city trying to pick up people? How many times has JB kicked you out? Do you want me to call the cops on you?”


“Aw now, come on Jackson, don't be like that,” the shorter one said. He faked a pout, trailing a finger along the edge of the counter until he picked up the pen that was laying there and twirled it around in his fingers. “I thought we had a special relationship.” Youngjae immediately stood up and plucked the pen from his hand, mustering the best dirty look that he could towards the other man. The other sighed as he turned back towards Jackson, aware that his every move was being watched.


“Don't pull that with me, Baekhyun, I don't have time for it,” Jackson mumbled.


“Oh? What do you have time for then? Because the last time I checked, you were losing fights and no one was booking you. I heard you had to beg your way in last night.”


The water bottle Jackson had placed under his arm dropped to the floor with a loud crack, the plastic crinkling and contorting, though not spilling open. His hands formed into fists at his side and it was taking all of his strength to not lunge at Baekhyun. The shorter male noticed his mood change and snickered.


“Look Chanyeol,” he said, elbowing the redhead beside him. “I think I might have hit a sore spot.”


“ you,” Jackson growled. “ both of you and your ing gang. You think you know what you're talking about? You think you know-”


“Look at him,” Baekhyun said again, interrupting. His voice grew louder as he stepped closer to Jackson. He was purposefully trying to egg him on, wanting to get a reaction out of him. “You act big and tough but we all know it's not real. It's a facade. You hide behind that arrogant--”


“You piece of --”


“--cocky, all knowing attitude of yours but really you're just a scared little boy who doesn't know which way to go or what to do in life without someone telling him what to do. You need to make some big decisions, Wang, or else you're going to be stuck here,” he gestured out around him, “in one place for the rest of your life. Never going anywhere. Never making it big. Which is a shame, because you do have an awful lot of talent.” With every couple of words, Baekhyun moved closer until he was only a few inches away from Jackson. “Is that what you want?”


Jackson filled the gap between him and Baekhyun, pressing his forehead up against his opponents and keeping his hands clenched into fists at his sides. He only wanted to fight as a last resort. He was doing his best in holding himself in but he wasn't sure how long it would actually last if the other kept taunting him like this. JB had told him to watch his temper and not get into anymore fights if he wanted to be taken seriously about his career choice and so far he had been doing well. But Baekhyun was stepping on a thin line.


“Shut the up and get the out of my gym,” Jackson growled.


Baekhyun let out a laugh in his face. “I don't think it's your gym, now is it?”


Behind him, Youngjae had gotten up and disappeared into the back; his attempt in bringing JB out front to break up the fight because he knew Jackson wouldn't listen to him telling him to stop nor would Baekhyun listen to him in telling him to get out. He only hoped he could get JB or anyone else to come out front to reel Jackson back in before he caused a scene in the middle of the busy gym. He was already gathering stares as the two confronted each other in the front lobby.


“You're not welcome here.” Jackson gritted his teeth, pressing his forehead harder against Baekhyun's.


“You know you could make so much money with us,” Baekhyun said, ignoring Jackson's comment. “You could have so many opportunities you could never have here. Obviously what you're doing now isn't working out too well for you, is it?”


“Not. Going. To. Happen.”


“What about your rent, huh? Still bumming money off your friends each month? Aren't you tired of working two jobs and barely making ends meet? You wouldn't have to worry about any of that.”


The more Baekhyun spoke, the more Jackson actually wanted to punch him in the

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