First impressions

Early Bloomers

       Chapter 3: First impressions

"I'm sorry come again," I say slack jawed to the smirking woman in front of me.

"I said you will be working with Astro," she repeats this time a bit louder as if she thought I was just deaf and not in shoke. She seems to get my drift though when I continue to blankly stare at her. "Listen," she says seriously, "Astro is just starting to reach their potential as a huge k-pop group but their starting to hit a bit of a well... stand still, but that's where you come in. You will join Astro as the first non-asian mixed girl in a boy group!" She said her voice becoming louder with each thing she listed. "Not to mention you being a foreigner and speaking multiple languages makes you very appealing to international fans and your cultural differences, as long as you keep it polite, will seem funny and endearing to most fans," she says as if she is just noticing all the potential I had to sky rocket Astro's fame.

"There is just one problem though," I say quickly before she can start talking again, "I never agreed to do this! I want to make it on my own see what I'm made of not just use Astro for their fame!" I say standing my ground. A soft chuckle escapes her lips as she looks me up and down again. 

"Listen," she says leaning forward her glasses slipping forward down he nose, "You aren't 'using Astro' all your doing is helping Astro and at the same time helping your own career live up to its own potential. Come on! This is a no brainer! You help out Astro and Astro helps out you. See everyone wins there is no down side! So what do you say are you in?" I hesitate, bitting my lip anxiously. Dang this lady is convincing! She did have some good points too...and after all it did seem like it was benefiting everyone...

"Ok!" I say decisively, "I'll join Astro's group," I add this time with a smile happy with the decision I made.

"Great!" Came the swift reply, "Bow all we have to do is sign something's and it will be official! Astro will have its newest member!" I couldn't believe what was happening it seemed to good to be true honestly my dreams seemed to finally be coming true! It seemed to good too be real!

It was to good to be real. I should have known nothing this good comes this easily. I take my time wheeling my bag through the parlor I noticed it was more worn than I thought when we first pulled up. The dorm seemed very old and worn and it looked like it had definately seen better days. I look up at the man who had been escorting me around the dorm looking for some sort of explanation to what was going on. He looked down on me and cleared his throat.

"Ok Miss down that hallto your left is the kitchen. On your right is your bathroom. Further down this hallway to your left is your room. If you head through this little archway to your left you will find the  living/entertainment room. Finally to your right is the hallway that has the boy's rooms. You are to never go down there understood! We dont want there to be incidents ok?"  the big guy says quickly turning slightly pink at the last instruction. I couldn't belive my ears! First they invite me to be apart of this group that to their, apparent, knowledge was made up completely of guys and then try to warn me about setting foot in their dorm rooms! As if this was some how my idea! I decide to swallow my indegnation and instead I turn to the man and smile sweetly. 

"Of course!" I reply quicly, "You definately don't need to worry about anything like that!" I finish quickly while nudging him. My seemingly unembarrased answet almost embarrassed him more than the intial question.

"Good," he says finally coughing awkwardly into his fist. "I guess I'll be taking my leave then! Oh, and the boys will be here soon so be prepared," he quickly tells me before speed walking out the door so fast it would put a speed walking olympian to shame. Startled by his sudden exit I stand in the parlor for a few moments before wheeling my stuff to the direction of my room. 


"That's better!" I think to myself as i put away the last of my things. I stared at the room around my proud of what I had done in such a short amount of time. I had cleaned my room, put away my belongs, and even decorated a little bit. "Man these guys are taking forever," I think looking at my watch. "Maybe I should shower or something," i contemplate to myself considering first imperessions are  so important. I look down at my hastily put together jean and T-shirt combo and decide i should definetaly clean myself up a little. I grab a towel and head for the shower. I steo inside and just relish in the warm water for a few moments. I didn't realize how tense this whole day has made me until i got a second to relax. I start to soap up my body and hair and before I know it the water is starting to get chilly. I the thought of having to take a cold shower i hurry up and rinse myself off. I grab the towel quickly drying myself before i wrap it around me and head back to my room. I open the door only to discover six very confused boys staring at me. Let me just say, int their defense, that at least the look of terror on their face from discovering me in my toweled state seemed genuine. Screaming i quickly shut the door and rush back to the bathroom  and firmly slam and lock that door. Well... I think it was safe to say first impressions were definatley out the window at this point. 

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