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laboum - 상상더하기

✩ NOTES: i know this c/s looks long and arduous, so just ctrl+f if you're looking for a specific section! a lot of important tips is in here though, so i highly urge you to read everything before applying!


your guide to surviving kyeonghwa high



✩  firstly, the bolded name should be your character's name in hangul!
✩  remember to include who calls your character each nickname in the nickname section! nicknames are not compulsory, and if your character doesn't have any you are free to delete it.
✩  every student in korea takes the standard korean and english, so unless they were born outside of south korea, i would expect these to be automatically in - though the fluency of them would vary, of course! please include these in.
✩  appearance and style honestly aren't that important of sections, so it's fine if you only spend a sentence or two on them. i'm not stopping you if you want to write a whole paragraph, though!
✩  characters' ages should be from 16 - 18. take note that unless it's a special case of being a transfer student or something along the lines of that, those aged 17 and 18 would be the ones who were there when the previous batch of cheerleading seniors led the team. the number of 16-year-olds would probably be a lot fewer than the number of seniors considering how most would be deterred from wanting to join the club now that it's fallen so low in status!
✩ i'm really sorry, but for this story i will only be allowing characters of korean ethnicities! do take note that ethnicities and nationalities are different!
✩  i'll be accepting idol and actress fcs only, as these tend to be the ones with more pictures and gifs available! no racebending, so yes, i will only be accepting korean fcs. aoa's seolhyun is taken as an fc for seorim!


✩ for the personality section, i honestly don't mind whichever style you'd like to write in. you don't have to give me the usual traits + elaboration format although that's the way that i've provided since most people seem to be comfortable with that! however, no matter what, please do not give me a character overly perfect. i get that this is just a story, still, i'd like to this story to be as realistic as possible.
✩ background can be as long or as short as you want it to be. i do like reading up on characters' backgrounds though, so! just dropping a hint.
✩ what is the lifestyle section? just basically a bit on how your character's everyday life is like. do they wake up early? wake up late? attend all classes? skip all classes? etc. do look at seorim's example app for a reference if you need one!
✩ trivia is unlimited! go wild, loves.
✩ you may include as many relationships as you'd like as well, i honestly don't mind! do note that not all of them will be written in, though!



✩ this should be pretty simple. you're free to write this portion in either first person or third person.


✩ again, replace the big words 'love interest' with your love interest's name in hangul.
✩ love interests should be ocs - i'd find it weird if this story was comprised of ocs and suddenly a bunch of idols showed up, so. fcs can be, again, any actors, actresses and idols.
✩ yes, i accept all forms of love. do note that if you do opt to go for the route less taken, you'd have to include how it's usually a disapproved action in the south korean society!
✩ personality can be as long or short as you want, as long as i get a good enough gist of him or her.
✩ love story is where the real meat is at. i love both ends of the spectrum, fluff and angst, so give me some good stuff to make me swoon, guys!
✩ status is where they're currently at right now. denying their feelings for each other? sworn rivals?
✩ you can leave their ending up to me (i suggest not.... i wouldn't wanna let you down rip) or you could write one of your own!


and that concludes the app! any questions, feel free to pm me! the p*ssword is a song that you think describes your character, or if not, one that your character would enjoy! vice-captains and other positions in the cheer team will be decided by me after all apps are submitted. i do hope you guys have fun applying! oh, oh, and yes, personally my nonexistent coding skills so you are free to tweak the app however you'd like. 



✩  firstly, the b

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ㅤ✯ CHEER ㅤ / ㅤok i realized it might not be clear what the story's storyline is abt so if u're confused check out my reply to Infinite_sunggyu666's comment!


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Chapter 1: I was wondering if we were allowed to add your character to our app and if we were then I was wondering if we could have more insight on her like her daily lifestyle or maybe bits of her background or anything that would explain her more?
Kpoptothestar #2
Chapter 1: are you sure we can't have idols? because I mean, it is au and like they won't be idols because it's au and and and I just really want their name not just their face....... (does that even make sense?)
question: what kind of plotline would you expect? i mean like characters lol xD
it's just i don't want to write a character that doesn't go into the story well
because well... imma tad bit confused about the storyline ><
this looks cool :) (Y)
can we apply more than once?
asking for a friend ha ha
ur authors note made me sad.......
don't get disheartened!!!
bc i love this concept so much i love cheerleaders tbh!!
omg so i was all psyched for this story right like wow damn FOREWORD
and your authors note... got me so sad...
you don't need to apologize for the layout!!! never apologize!! have confidence bb you'll do great