Bedside Manner


Coincidences happen once, fate happens twice, but for them to meet three times, it must be destined for each to be the pillar of strength in times of need for the other. Yixing, Sunggyu and Taek-woon, three more different boys you could not meet. One as innocent as a lamb, another as sly as a fox and one so sombre, you would think he was the reaper incarnate. Unfortunate circumstances surround their first meeting, but a beautiful friendship is their story.



This is completely AU in that any jargon used in the story is, more likely than not, of my own making and imagination. Any actual technical terms have been appropriated and most likely do not even fit their real meanings. Please read without taking anything seriously other than the development of the characters and their story.

This story is is the brain-child after having watched Remembering Lichuan, so there will be visions of this drama in the story for anyone that has watched it.

With appearances from their various OTPs, and related members. This will contain the characters of Kris and Luhan so please, no antis. Slight pairings, but not the focus of the story.

If this story shares any similarities to ones written by xxruin or IMOmusings (they are all my pen names, I’ve just managed to lose the login for all those accounts in the last few years T_T my poor stories).

The timeline may include actual events but not in their correct order. I have taken them and re-arranged them to fit into my own.

Appearances from all of Infinite & their managers, Kris, Luhan, Henry, and various other memebers of EXO, and all of VIXX.

I’ll probably break every rule of narrative writing, but I haven’t written a proper story in a few years, so please bear with me ^.^” 

A work in progress so updates may be rather slow. Constructive criticism is welcome, please, no flaming this poor lamb T_T




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