C5~And we meet again

Left behind


1 1/2 years later 
Nobody Pov
A girl with long auburn brown hair, big round glasses that masked a lot of her beauty but not enough to consider her ugly walked into the auditorium filled with girls her age. This girl was 18 years old and had a one year old child.

Kim Hana Pov 
I take a deep breath and start my talk.
" stand up if you have ever been bullied" 
They all stare at me in shock, some roll their eyes. I wait a few minutes and slowly girls get up. I smile at their bravery. Slowly around 30 of the 200 girls have stood up
" keep standing if your bully is in this room" 
Most of them keep standing.
" I was bullied for three years. I have a child. I'm adopted. Right now almost all of you think I'm a and that I deserve it" I say as I stare at what I assume are the Queenka's off the grade.
Whispers erupt throughout the all and I wait for them to finish.
" stand up if you've ever been " 
No one stands up
" stand up if you've ever been assaulted" 
A few girls stand up.
" now stand up if you've ever been called any of these words ( insert words that are used to shame girls)" 
More than half the room stands up.
" keep standing if you believe you're that word" 
Everyone sits down. I smile.
" good job. I want you to repeat after me. I am not and will not ever tolerate being called something I'm not. Why? Because I know and you know I am not that" 
They repeat it.
" Hi, my name is Kim Hana. I'm eighteen years old. I have a child whose name is Kim Sungjae. I was not . When I was sixteen, we were both drunk and it happened. It was my first time. In fact before that I had never had a boyfriend. To this day I've never been kissed. So according to the English ( Korean technically) language I am not a yet I am considered one since I have child" 
 They nod interested 
" I'm here to talk to you about Bullying and teenage pregnancy and how  you can deal with it. How did I deal with bullying? I let it happen. Every day for three years. I let them ruin my books, personality and ultimately my happiness. How did I deal with my pregnancy? I quit school and started a night one. I was too scared to talk to anyone including my adoptive parents. I was scared that they would think I was what you think I am. I didn't talk to anyone for  two whole months. Until one day I met a 21 year old girl who helped change my life. She helped me cope with it, I made friends at the night school and their the reason I was even able to have my child. I went into labour at night school. So really I can't tell you how to deal with it. So I'll tell you how I want you to deal with it. If you're being bullied I want you to stand up to yourself. You don't deserve it. If you are pregnant I want you to know that it's not the end of the world. There are plenty of people who will support you. They might not be your closest friends. They might be the person you've never talked to in class. So never think that it's your fault. I want you to know this. I want you to realise that you are not what the world thinks you are." I finish breathless 
They clap loudly and I remember why I love doing this. I love changing their mindsets. I love making them see that people like me don't deserve their hate.
" any questions?"  I ask curious.  Everytime I do this talk I get the same questions but sometimes there's a surprising one.
A Queenka puts her hand up 
" yes" I ask a bit scared she'll say something ignorant. As much as I preach about not caring what people say to you in the end their comments will forever remain with you. 
" is the father still a part of your life?" She asks 
I shake my head " I never told him"
They all look a bit shocked 
" I know, he had a right to know but I didn't. He was one of you. A Kingka. A person who has a successful life set out for him. My school had a competition. Who was going to me first. He and I were both drunk but I like to believe he knew about the competition and might have done the same thing sober. I don't want anyone like that in my life. I don't want a person like that as a father for my child." I say 
They look pitiful, sympathetic and some look guilty as they try not to stare at a girl in the corner. She must be like me.
" I bet you've done something like that to someone in this room" I say 
They look guilty 
" honestly, what did she or he do to you? Did she step on your foot by accident, push you? Did she say hi to your boyfriend or just annoy you for no reason?" I say 
" are those really reasons to ruin her life " 
" remember this, the way girls act around girls show boys that they can act the same. Treat a girl with respect and they will too"
They nod 
" thank you" I bow and walk outside 
Their claps  grow louder and louder and once outside as I release the breath I was holding. I was scared, terrified even. Every single time I do this talk I get scared that someone will argue with me, not agree with me, not care.
" sunggy" I call as he and Ha Won watches tv. She makes no gesture that she saw me. I giggle. Sunggy looks very bored.
" umma" he says trying to walk to me 
I giggle at his cuteness, I don't know who he takes after. He has Sehun's looks but neither of us are as cheerful as Sungjae is. 
" do you want to go to the park?" I ask him.
He nods and I smile. I get the stroller ready and then get Sungjae ready. Ten minutes later, we're walking to the park. 
" do you want to go on the swings" I ask 
He shakes his head and points at the slide. He's never been on the slide before. I nod hesitantly. Sliding was a two person job. I need someone at the bottom just in case. Oh well. I put him on top of the slide and he looks positively terrified. I laugh at his reaction.
" ready " I ask 
He shakes his head and screams clutching at the slide 
" sunggy " I laugh with tears pouring down my face.
" in 3,2,1" I laugh 
We go down the slide at the slowest pace ever mainly because he turns to his side and watches me as I slide him down with fear.
" fun?" I ask at the end
He nods cheerfully.
" want to go again?" I ask 
He shakes his head. I giggle again. 
" swing" he says pointing at a tree holding out his arms for me to carry 
I shake my head amused and do as he says but take him to the actual swing.
" Wheeee" he cries as I push him.
" wheeeeeeee" he shouts louder and louder each time.
I smile at him.
" isn't that Kim Hana" I hear someone say 
" Yeah, I heard she had a child and does talks about it" 
" I heard she's actually quite pretty now and heaps of boys like her"
I curse to myself and keep on pushing Sungjae.
" Hana." a voice I recognise makes me turn around 
Sehun. And his friends. They'd be in senior year at high school now.
" Uhh hi " I wave awkwardly. 
He looks at me like I've grown another head. He comes closer and closer and grabs both my shoulders. I stare into his eyes and he into mine.
" where did you go?" He asks gruffly 
" I had my child " I state stubbornly, at least I try to say it stubbornly.
" Wee Wooo Wee Woo..  Call 0-0-0" I hear my baby say behind me. 
They all look at him confused while I try to remember why he said that.
Oh yeah i told him too. I said yell the world 0-0-0 loudly if you ever see something bad happen.
I start laughing at his wee woo wee woo and I crouch down laughing.
" I'm sorry" I say while laughing 
" is he your son" sehun's asks fondly looking at the child 
" nah he's just a stranger I met a minute ago" I say poker-faced
They look at me silent 
I sigh " yes he's my son" 
" oh " they all say 
" so are you still in school " Bomi asks 
" aha, I do night " I reply 
" don't you go around schools talking about us" Kaja says with a mix of spite and genuine curiosity 
" mhmm I even earn money because of it. So thanks" I smile 
They don't say anything and I turn to go 
" who's the father" Sehun says suddenly. 
I bite my lip hardly till I draw blood.
" you" I think 
" you don't need to know" I say picking Sungjae up and quickly walking away.


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k_nana #1
Chapter 5: Hi, I'm a new reader here. Ok, not gonna lie, I'm so excited for the next chapters cuz i wanna know what's gonna happen next n yeah, keep up the good work!