Grocery Shopping

Some Drabbles/One-shots?

Kyuhyun loves that his boyfriend can cook, and he loves that said boyfriend can cook so damn well. But however much he loves Ryeowook’s god given ability to cook, grocery shopping with him was quite a different experience. They had currently spent the past 10 minutes going over the ingredients in each brand (correction: Ryeowook had spent the past 10 minutes), comparing the sodium and fat content in at least 5 different brands of beef broth. So needless to say, Kyuhyun was getting a bit bored.

Ryeowook felt an arm slide around his waist and felt a head sit on top of his own.

Ryeowook hummed in acknowledgement but made no move to stop looking at the different broths, so Kyuhyun decided to kick things up a notch and started kissing the side of neck.


“What?” he asked innocently.

“We’re in a supermarket!” Ryeowook said exasperated.

Kyuhyun simply kept massaging the other’s hip and pecked his lips again.

“So?” the other asked, now happily immersed with making his boyfriend blush.

“So, that means there are people around. And there are little children running around too! Don’t corrupt the youth!” Ryeowook admonished.

“Excuse me, but I’m not corrupting anyone, if anything, I’m exposing children to love and making the world a more tolerant place. In fact, I think I should be given an award for such altruistic actions”

Ryeowook rolled his eyes and plopped the broth in the cart, pulling a cheeky Kyuhyun to the produce section, so they could finally get the last of their groceries.

Kyuhyun smiled victoriously, but then remembered the last time they were in the produce section and the smile slowly vanished. Ryeowook had spent a ridiculous amount of time comparing eight different heads of lettuce, smelling and feeling at least five different cantaloupe melons for the ‘right’ consistency, and to top it all off (much to the embarrassment of Kyuhyun) he had argued with a housewife over who had rights to the ‘perfect’ melon.

They were about to enter into a dangerous zone, thought Kyuhyun and he would need to do something if he didn’t want a repeat of what happened last time.

“Hey love, I think we really need to get going soon” Kyuhyun said.

Ryeowook turned to him confused, “but we just got here”

‘About a half an hour a go’ but Kyuhyun just kept that thought to himself.

“I know, but I just remembered I forgot to tape your favorite drama and it’s on in 20 minutes” Kyuhyun lied. Of course he had remembered to tape the other’s favorite drama- he’d never hear the end of it if he didn’t. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

Ryeowook’s eyes widened, “Kyuhyun! Seriously?!”


And just like that Ryeowook zoomed through the produce section like you wouldn’t believe, nothing was safe from those slender hands, he expertly maneuvered himself in and out of each section, filling the cart at a rate that Kyuhyun couldn’t keep up with.

“Done, let’s go” the smaller said, pulling Kyuhyun to the check out line.

Kyuhyun smiled, for once he was thankful for Ryeowook’s drama obsession.

While in the car, Ryeowook was nervously biting his fingernails. “Do you think we’ll make it? It starts in 10 minutes…”

Kyuhyun decided to put the other out of his misery, “I may have told a white lie…”

Ryeowook’s eyes narrowed, “Kyuhyun…”

“I set the recording last night, so it doesn’t matter if we arrive late” the other said nervously.

The car was dead silent.

“Ryeowook….honey, talk to me. How mad are you at me right now?”

Ryeowook just sighed and held the other’s hand, “I would have been more pissed if we had arrived late.”

Kyuhyun laughed, “In my defense, you tend to lose track of time when it comes to grocery shopping. I just didn’t want to spend another half hour there.”

Ryeowook pouted, “but I always have fun when we go shopping together…”

Kyuhyun had an internal coo moment, “how about we do something more fun when we get home”.

Ryeowook looked at him, “I know your definition of fun and that ‘fun’ has me sore for three days straight,” the smaller whined.

Kyuhyun smiled at the other’s blush, “so are you telling me you don’t enjoy it?”

Ryeowook just covered his face with his hands, “just drive so we can get home and have some ‘fun’ okay!”

Kyuhyun laughed and sped home, where grocery shopping fun was soon replaced with a whole different sort of ‘fun’.


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Chapter 8: AHAHAHA The last one-shot was utterly hilarious. I loved the last line where Changmin says "IT WAS ONE STRAWBERRY!" I can totally see that happening with Kyuhyun and Changmin though. Lol XD
Chapter 6: AAAAAAH YOU LITTLE WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? Did you come back safely from your vacation? I sure did come back safely! I've missed you and I haven't even given you your letter ;A;

Btw, this chapter seriously is soooo cute! I now demand you to make some HAHAHAHA. I bet, if you ever write , it'll be more cute and sweet than it is hot XD I mean, you're the queen of KyuWook cuteness after all ;)
Chapter 8: *ack*...I reread all these drabbles in one go and now I'm dying from the cuteness overload...X0

But this latest one is by far, the sweetest and funniest one yet. I really love it when Kyuhyun can flaunt Ryeowook in other people's faces. Poor Changmin (one strawberry is still too many!)
Kyuwook's phone conversation was funny and natural, and I love that detail with Siwon's high fiving; like, by now he probably /does/ do it to annoy Ryeowook even in real life. My favorite part was their little "love off" at the end; Kyu's love just can't be topped X)
You slipped in so many tiny character details here, and I'm absolutely fawning over them! Thank you for updating and happy new yer to you too! May this be the year writer's block dies ^^
hohhgoo #4
Chapter 8: Thank you very much It was very cute and fun to read it♥♥
ryeonggunathanlixu #5
Chapter 8: Wow..woe... I like all chap.... Cute... Funny....possesif kyu...
Chapter 5: Holy potato I know I have been too late with this comment but oh my goodness, all of your drabbles are just diabetes-inducing with its sweetness and adorableness! :'D

To be honest, for me, your drabbles are quite cliché. But you know what, these are the good kind of clichés--the ones where you can truly see how good the author is because the way she writes and constructs sentences make the whole cliché some sort of impactful cliché XD (Actually, I don't know what I am talking about right now, but I think you get my point haha.)

Among these 5 drabbles, my favorite is the fifth chapter. And really, the ending sentence just killed me and promptly resurrected me afterwards because asdfghjkl ♡ You know how I really value and anticipate ending sentences and your ending just gave me what I wanted to read. And only a few managed to do that feat enough for me to go "what the holy potato that was just mind boggling". XD

Thank you so much for these drabbles, and oh my cheesesticks I missed you so muuuuuuch!! ♡♡
leunah23 #7
Chapter 5: awwwww awwwww i loooooveeeee all of them!!!!! and poor Gilbert!!!! Belated Happy Kyuwook Day!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️