My What?!


Heechul's POV

I skipped school today, I got bored, but now that I've realized it, it was even boring having to wander the streets on your own. I went to the nearest playing ground hoping that a swing would help me relax a little bit. And then, there she was.. sitting alone on a swing. Why do I keep on meeting her? I wanted to walk away.. believe me I really do. But somehow, my body acted on it's own and I walked towards her.

She looked so lonely, maybe that's why  I can't stay away. It was actually hard for me to see her like that. She wasn't looking up, and I don't know what to do, I am already in front of her. Ahh, I'm freaking out, why do I keep walking towards her. Since, I was holding a can of soda in my hands, I decided to give it to her.. as an excuse. Then she looked up with her tear-strained eyes, that made me weak to my knees. She looked so innocent and pitiful that it's almost breaking my heart. She took the soda and I took the swing next to her.

"This is actually the first time that I would see you crying," I told her. "Shut up. And you are never gonna see it again," she hissed at me. Then she took out her wallet and then she handed me a handful of money. "That's the money I borrowed from you from last time and also some extra's for the soda," doesn't this girl knows the difference between a service and a friendly gesture?! "I don't want to get paid for something I willingly gave. You don't have to pay for the soda," I told her. "I don't like owing anything to anybody," she just simply said. And because her cold stares are really scary, I decided not to insist on her from taking back the money.

I put the money on my wallet. "So, what was the reason why you were crying a while ago?" I asked, I'm really curious to what made this mighty girl shed her tears. "None of your business," yeah, I expected her to answer that. 

"Oh right. I haven't asked your name yet," I told her. She stared at me for a while. "Since, you don't seem to be scared of me. My name is Amanda Park." What does she means by not scared of her, when I am totally TERRIFIED!! so terrified that I might even run for my life if she tries to raise her hands just to fake punch me.

"And what is your name? I can't actually continue calling you ahjussi,right?" how come whenever she asks me a question, it sounded like threat to my ears. "I'm Kim Heechul. Nice to meet you," I didn't hold out her hands for her to hold, since based on her  personality she might just end up staring at it. "Hey do you remember the first time  we met?"

"Yeah, I borrowed money from you on a shop somewhere,"she plainly said. "No,that wasn't the first time we met. The first time was when you were on a fight and I tried to saved you and you punched me," she thought about it for a while. "Ah, you were that guy. Then it must be fate that we continue to meet," wait, did she just smiled just now... at me? or my eyes are playing tricks on me again? But I think she really just smiled at me. Ah, I think I just saw an angel.

"Anyway, thanks for the soda Kim Heechul. I'll see you around," she told me. I wasn't able to respond cause my mind was still on the restart process. I really want to her smile again!!


Amanda's POV

"I'm back," I called out when I got home. "Amanda, the boss is asking for your presence at his house," that is Jonghyun, one of my father's followers. He's pretty annoying actually. "I'll come over when I want to," I told him. "The boss wants to see you now," he insisted on me. I kicked him in the stomach and he fell down on the ground. "Don't be such a kiss-up!! the old man might like you, but I can still hurt you whenever I want to."

I entered the house where I live in and went upstairs to change. I was about to go to the kitchen when I heard the old man yell my name. "Amanda!" he yelled again. I went to the living room. "Why are you so noisy? I just came back!" I yelled at him. He was with Jonghyun and my childhood friend.. Siwon. 

I looked at Jonghyun's face and saw how irritated he was, it made me want to kick him some more. "Why did you hurt Jonghyun?" the old man asked. "He's annoying," I simply answered. "So what do you want from me?" I asked.

"I want to talk to you about this formally, but since you don't want to... I'll say it here. You are going to marry Siwon," did I heard him right? Am I going to marry... Siwon? as I just heard? WHAT?!! "I'm what?! MWORAGO?!!"

"You heard me. You are going to get mar---," my vision got black and the next thing I knew Siwon is covering my father. I punched him so hard that he spit blood. "You brat! Did you just tried to hit me?!" I could tell that he was really angry... good."Who said I tried? If Siwon didn't shelter you, you're the one who's supposed to be spitting blood right now," I said as cold as possible. But the real thing is, I'm thankful that Siwon was there to block my punch for my father, 'cause it would really bother if I did hit my father. Mianhe Siwon... "You have gone too far!" father yelled angrily. "Like I care!"

I went out of the house, I'm afraid that I'll lose control again... and this time I might kill someone. I drove my motorbike around town again. Then I remembered the playground, and when I reached the playground... Heechul was still there. Wait! that's it!! I'm so smart. "Come with me!!" I ordered him.



Heechul's POV

Amanda came back and she suddenly dragged me to her motorbike."Where are we going? Would you mind telling me?!" I yelled as she continued to drive. But, this was nice, my arms around her waist if only she wasn't a maniac driver, she drives sooo fast, but still it's okay, as long as I get to do this.... what the?! what am I thinking? I shook my head to clear my mind. "Yah! answer me!"

"You're going with me back at my house, and you are gonna help me with something. I don't... well I never asks for anybody's help, but this time you're the only chance that I've got. So help me," she pleaded, and who could even resist her, she's simply irresistible. Why do I always feel weak whenever I'm around her? This is really frustrating!

Then we entered a large residence with lots of houses inside. "Which one do you live in?" I asked her. "The blue one, the others belongs to my father," she elaborated. Wow! talk about rich!

"Why do you need me again?" I'm still confused. "I need you to pretend that you're my boyfriend," did I heard her right? "Mworago?!" I yelp in shock. "Please, I really need your help! Just play along with me, and if it goes well, I'll never bother you again," she pleaded. Eottoke(what to do)? I really can't resist her, specially when she looks so adorable. "No!" ha ha, I finally said it, I finally resisted her... but then, I suddenly felt her lips on mine, it was just a smack.. but yet it felt amazing, it feels like I've tasted heaven.

"Now, would you help me?" she asked, I don't know what to say, I only nodded then she dragged me along in one of the houses there and then we went inside.

"You're back! does that mean that you have already made up your mind?!" an ahjussi asked her. I could swear that I can see him sitting on a throne and that a lot of people were serving him, he's like some king or something.

"Yes! I have made up my mind!" then she suddenly pulled me closer to her. "I am going to marry this man right here!" she yelled, does she mean me? Molla( I don't know), I'm still feeling light headed because of the kiss. Then something breakable shattered and that woke me up from lala land. Then I realized that I was in a gangster's house, more like a territory, and the ahjussi on the throne whom I thought was a king is actually the gang boss, and the people around us are his followers.

"Have you gone mad?!" the throne ahjussi yelled with great rage. "No!" Amanda yelled back, that made her look more crazier in my eyes. Who shouts at a gang boss in his own territory? apparently, not someone normal.. an that would be her.

"I will never let you marry that man! He's so skinny and so pale. At first I thought he was a girl!" the ahjussi said. If only he wasn't a gangster boss I'm really gonna pound him." Fine,if you won't accept him, I'll run away!" Amanda threatened. What's wrong with her? Doesn't she know whom she's yelling at?"Then go! Maybe that will give you enough time to reflect on your actions!"

"Remember what you said," and with that, Amanda dragged me outside. "YES!!!" she happily said.

"What just happened?" I asked her. I'm really confused. "Help me pack up my things," she smiled at me.








Author's note:

Hi to everyone!!

please comment or subscribe!!

I really need the support!!

Well, good day to everyone!!






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Kyu is already gone b4 ff ends:-(
Any way It's my fav one.
Are you gonna update? *Anticipating*
~I love this story, it's exactly like my fangirl imagination!
@theAficionada - yes, FINALLY!!!hahaha<br />
@hellokittyluvr143 - i'll follow you as soon as i can recover my account since i forget a lot of things and one of them are my passwords, hehehe<br />
@ShyShyShy - Heenim is young at heart, wahahaha
WAHAHAHAAAA! Yes Heechul you're still young and 28. Hahaha! Ahjusssshi! Yaaaah! SIWON AND CHUL, you're so dead! Kekeke!
hellokittyluvr143 #5
please follow, i follow back<br />
theAficionada #6
finally, an update! hehe.
@ilovekyu - it's ok. what do you mean by 'ship'?
oh yeah, I remember now. Boom Boom that's right. Uh, sorry for the off topic beast and big bang. Hehe. I miss Kyuhyun in your fic, aigoo. Hey by the way, do you ship kyuyoung? :)
@ilovekyu - actually, it was inspired by the super junior song Boom Boom, but the original title of that song is actually Bad Girl, hence the title of this fic^^<br />
@theAficionada - thanks you sooooo much^^<br />
@shinyiuhan - yes i finally did, hahaha, don't be sad for Kyu anymore, i'm still sinding time to write an awesome fic for him^^<br />
@Myung-DaeLEE62497 - hahaha, so forgetful chingu^^
after reading his chapter, i kept on asking my self, "why isn't there a Kyu part on it?" that's when i remembered that Kyu's already dead here XD <br />
keep on updating chingu! XD hwaiting!~~~