Chapter 8


"What's with him?" Myungsoo asked curiously to Sungjong, he didn't really remember looking for trouble with Sunggyu. He knew the other because he basically stalked Sungjong, and just a few weeks ago he was really close to Sungjong but suddenly they act as if they don't know each other. Of course Myungsoo is confused, but he was happy with it nonetheless. Since from what he see, Sunggyu and Sungjong seemed to be a little more than just a friend, if they broke it off then he had more chance, right?

"I don't know.." Sungjong replied sadly, eyes looking down to the ground. Honestly Sungjong is really surprised and also confused at Sunggyu's action. He tried really hard not to jump into any conclusions but with the way Sunggyu was acting just now he can't help but think it's because of him. 

Myungsoo noticed the uneasiness radiating off Sungjong and he found the other thinking as he saw that Sungjong was staring at Sunggyu's retreating back. Myungsoo quickly directed Sungjong's attention back to himself to call out Sungjong's name

"Oh... Okay... They must be waiting for us anyway." Sungjong replied and walked with Myungsoo towards the rooftop. 



From that day on Sunggyu kept noticing Myungsoo and Sungjong together. During lunchbreaks, heck, sometimes Myungsoo even wait for Sungjong after all the classes finished. He learnt that sometime Myungsoo is walking Sungjong home. Each day he found his patience growing thin. He want to be angry at Sungjong and tried to shun him from his life, so he ignored him. But when Sungjong slowly walked away from his life, he can't help but feel sad and wanted to keep holding on to the latter. He want to go back to the way they used to be. But here he is, still not making any move to talk to Sungjong.

Again he stared at both Myungsoo and Sungjong leave their classroom together, he wanted to run after Sungjong so bad. But it is just as if something was holding him back from doing so. He finally sighed and stood up. Making his way to the school's garden. Nowadays he spent his lunchbreak there sometimes. When he is not with Sungyeol he'd sleep there, he found it calming and he could definitely get used to this. But it's nowhere as fulfilling as when he's with Sungjong. His life was kind of empty now.

He finally arrived at the garden and just walked to his usual sleeping spot. He really like the garden, all the other students are rarely there. Usually it's just him.

When he neared his usual sleeping spot he heard talking 'Well that's surprising. Who else would spend their lunchbreak here?' he thought. He was about to sit down and ignore the talking. But he can't help but stand up quickly as he recognized the voice. 

Sunggyu walked closer to the source of the voice and was really shocked to find Myungsoo and Sungjong talking about something serious. He quickly hid behind a tree to listen to their conversation

"-for quite a while now... Would you go out with me Sungjong?" He heard Myungsoo talking, and he didn't detect any nervousness from his voice. He took it that Myungsoo was preparing this for quite sometime. Sunggyu felt blood rushing to his head as he felt the upcoming anger. Myungsoo was close to snatching the one he was starting to have feelings for, he asked him out. He won't allow Sungjong to date Myungsoo, and without further thinking he walked to the two.

"What?? Why so sudden hy-" Sunggyu grabbed Sungjong's had from behind suddenly. Making the latter stop talking. He glared at Myungsoo who looked completely shocked. Sungjong turned his back to find a furious-looking Sunggyu and gasped

"I need to talk to Sungjong. Leave." Sunggyu commanded coldly, still gripping Sungjong's hand roughly

"What?? I was tal-" Myungsoo protested. He was in the middle of confessing here! Can't Sunggyu see?

"I said leave!!!! Or I will beat you into pulp here" Sunggyu raised his voice, cutting Myungsoo off. His face got red from anger and his grip on Sungjong's hand tighten. Making the latter flinched in pain

With the sudden outburst, Myungsoo decided he don't want to look for troubles with Sunggyu so he scurried off to leave the garden quickly.

When Sunggyu was sure that Myungsoo already left and out of hearing range, he turned to Sungjong. Grip still painfully tight as he was still in anger.



Heeeyy Guysss!! Finally I'm on a semester break now... I can breathe again. @___@ sorryyyy it took me so long! University is really taking almost all of my time. I barely even have time to myself. But I'm glad It's holiday again! Means I can update and work on stories~ hehe...

And sorry for the cliffhanger. I just feel like that's the most appropriate end for the chapter XD. Anyway I think next chapter will be the last, and I'll start on my new story. And it will be....

WOOJONG. I got the results already XD congrats to those who vote for Woojong :p and for the other, don't worry. Somehow i think i will put a love triangle there. I hope it's okay with you all... Thankyou for your support. Love you all <3

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magnoliafrankie #1
Chapter 11: I enjoyed this story a lot! They made a really cute couple. I'm glad everyone had a happy ending. Thanks for writing this story.
nadisungjong #2
Chapter 11: i like the way sunggyu kiss sungjong tho..kekeke...
mimijjong #3
Chapter 10: Owh..this is cute.their fight cute.i can literally imagine exactly how their fight in my mind.can't wait for your update and woojong story.i'm sure you will do great cause your really good author.^^
mimijjong #4
Chapter 9: I have been waiting for your update.thank you..what a lovely story.owh..the heart thumping.i hope they solve their problem.i freaking love this story.^^
nadisungjong #5
Chapter 9: cliffhanger T_T... anyways, welcome back!!!!!!
7heart93 #6
Chapter 7: Yay! You updated! Hihi but this is sad. I love myungjong as much as gyujong. Well, maybe a little more than gyujong (don't kill me). It's sad to see broken myungjong. Waaahhh! But please please. Make gyujong happen quicklyyy! Because angry Gyu is cute, but scaryyy >.< and gyujong is just so cute!! <3