Chapter 7


The next day, as usual they do their daily routine of playing the game in the internet cafe. They played beside each other, Sunggyu logged on to his account, but to his surprise he cannot. It notified him that his account has been deleted, furious and confused he can only think of one person who has his account id. 

"Sungjong! I can't believe you did this to me. I thought we are friend!" Sunggyu shouted, ears red with suppressed anger. He shouted so loud that they attract attentions their way.

"What?? But I didn't do any-" Sungjong is confused, because he didn't think he did anything bad to Sunggyu.

"Don't act all innocent! There is only one person know my account and it's you.. and now it's deleted. You know I worked so hard to reach that far and you know it!" Sunggyu rammed his hand into the table hard , making Sungjong flinch and closed his eyes in fear.

"You know what! Forget it! I know you are to good to be true. And I'm already comfortable with you." With that Sunggyu left the internet cafe full of anger. He didn't want to stay longer because he know he will hurt Sungjong somehow if he stay any longer.

That night neither of them had a good sleep because of their conflict. Sunggyu still awake thinking of how could someone as nice as Sungjong do this to him. And he wonder if the reason behind Sungjong getting close to him all these times was because of he want to rid of Sunggyu's account. Sungjong felt sad and confused. He was sure he didn't delete Sunggyu's account, heck he never even log on to it after they logged in together once using the other account. 


The next day, both still awfully sad. Sunggyu fell into his normal routine. He was sleeping most of the lessons and he hung out with Sungyeol more. They went to canteen together and looking like a long time bestfriend in front of Sungjong's eyes. Which made Sungjong extremely jealous. Sunggyu is avoiding him, this morning he tried to sit next to Sunggyu but the latter move seat as soon as he got there. So he got no choice but to move to the other empty seat, Jessica got comfortable sitting next to Hoya so she stayed still after giving Sungjong a look of sympathy and confusion, eyes basically saying. 'you are so going to explain this to me later'. Hoya who was sitting right beside her eyed Sungjong curiously too, and he dejectedly move back to seat at the other side of the class.

Sungjong spend that day with lack of energy. He barely smile at others and was both looking and feeling down. During lunch break he spilled it all out to Jessica and Hoya at their usual spot at the rooftop. Barely containing his tears of frustration of being accused of something he didn't do. Both Jessica and Hoya supported him and told him to be strong and that the truth will come out in the end.


Each day after that day, he got farther and farther away from Sunggyu, and he observed that Sunggyu is getting closer and closer to Sungyeol. Everytime he saw the two hanging out together he felt the need to just slap Sungyeol's face hard. And he wasn't usually like this but he felt so angry. Sunggyu returned to be the lazy bum he is, and Sungjong found out that his grades are dropping too because he don't have enough energy to study. He felt down most of the time thinking of Sunggyu.

It was during lunch break, when Sungjong was buying food to bring to the rooftop with his friends that someone with extremely handsome face greeted and talk to him. He recognized the other being Kim Myungsoo. Jessica said Myungsoo like him all the time but he refused to believe since Myungsoo just seemed to be too perfect to fall for him.

But here they are, Myungsoo stuttering in front of Sungjong

"U-uh... Hi... " Myungsoo greeted in awkward tone.

"Hi.." Sungjong replied. He don't really know what to say to the other.

"I'm Myungsoo... You are Sungjong right?" Myungsoo asked, cursing himself inside his head because he wasn't able to say out the words he had been planning to say when he finally talk to the pretty boy 

"I'm Myungsoo... You are Sungjong right?" Myungsoo asked, cursing himself inside his head because he wasn't able to say out the words he had been planning to say when he finally talk to the pretty boy 

"I know.. hahaha" Sungjong replied awkwardly, not really used to have a conversation with someone he is not close with. 

"Haha.." Myungsoo scratched the back of his neck awkwardly again, and Sungjong just stared at him, not wanting to be rude so he wait for Myungsoo to finish his sentence "So... I noticed that you are buying food but you never eat here at the canteen. Where did you eat usually?" Myungsoo breathed out after he finally finished his question. He muttered a curse at the end of his question for his choice of words 'Good job. Now he know that you are paying extra attention to him. He will surely find me creepy'. Myungsoo thought to himself

"Oh... I usually eat with Sung... ah! I mean Hoya and Jessica at the rooftop.. why do you ask?" Sungjong replied, frowning when he noticed himself still mentioning Sunggyu even when they are at the condition they don't have that good of a relationship now.

"It's just that... Can I join you guys?" Myungsoo asked and Sungjong stared at him, dumbfounded expression on his face. Who would ever ask for these kind of question right?

"Ah! It's just that I'm really interested to be your friend. Please don't find me creepy... I jus..." 

"Okay..." Sungjong replied and he suppressed a giggle at how Myungsoo stumble with his word right in front of him. He is starting to think that the other liked him for real. But he found himself not caring about it. Since he still had his heart stuck with Sunggyu somehow.


They walked together in an awkward silence towards the rooftop. When they reached the rooftop, they met the shocked face of Jessica and Hoya. Again, with awkward atmosphere they sat near Hoya and Jessica.

"Heya guys... Myungsoo said that he wanted to join us for lunch.. is it okay?" Sungjong asked

"Oh sure!!" Jessica exclaimed cheerfully. Happy that Myungsoo made his move in such a right timing. She knew that Sungjong is currently heart broken because of Sunggyu so she hoped that Myungsoo would be able to heal the broken heart and just forget about the jerk.

Jessica and Hoya caught up on Myungsoo's intention. So, they found themselves having a good time together. The awkwardness finally dissipated and they became a quick friend.


Starting from that day, Myungsoo basically followed Sungjong everywhere as long as they are in school. Minus the toilet of course. Sungjong was happy because for him Myungsoo is such a sweet friend and he is funny, though a little bit quiet for his liking. And he also knew the other's feeling towards him. He was afraid if one day Myungsoo would confess to him, because he felt no romantic feelings towards the other at all.

It also don't take long for Sunggyu to notice the sudden closeness between Sungjong and Myungsoo. He kept telling himself not to care for the pretty boy but he can't seem to do that. He always found his eyes glued to Sungjong when the other didn't notice. 

It was during lunchbreak. Sunggyu noticed a handsome boy he never know standing in the outside of his classroom. He paid no attention to him whatsoever and he continue to stuff his books inside his bag.

But what caught his attention was where Sungjong  approached the handsome boy and cheerfully greeted him

"Myungsoo! Hi.. you know you can always meet me at the rooftop instead.."

At that, Sunggyu found himself boiling with anger. 'So he found himself a new friend.. haha why should i care anyway.' Sunggyu tried to just not care. But he still do. He still tried to convince himself that he is angry at Sungjong because of their id incident, but it doesn't seem to settle well as a reason for him.

"Are you done? Let's go.." Sungyeol asked, but met with no response as he saw that Sunggyu is staring at the two boys near the door

"Oh! So Myungsoo finally made his move..." Sungyeol said intentionally, to have Sunggyu's attention and also to somehow make him more angry at Sungjong.

"What?? Who is Myungsoo?" Sunggyu asked, his interest piqued by the random thing Sungyeol said

"Oh.. that boy who is talking to Sungjong. I heard that he like Sungjong for quite a long time now."

Hearing those words Sunggyu's hands clenched hard on the book he was holding. It crumpled and he threw it away to the wall, catching the attention of the whole class. Including Sungjong and Myungsoo.

Sunggyu still don't know why. But he was feeling really angry right now. He quickly finished up his packing and got up

"Let's go." He said to Sungyeol and made his way out of the classroom. He didn't forget to shoulder Myungsoo harshly on the way. Making the other stumble, and finally relieved himself of some of the anger. Though not all.



Hi hii guys~ I'm really sorry I took too long for this chapter please forgive me... hahahaha... but here it is... anyway.. i think i'm going to finish the story soon. Maybe 2 chapters? Hahaha.. This is actually planned for oneshot so im sorry that this story is kind of rushed o.o i hope you enjoy it... 

And good news i think i'm going to start on a new one as soon as i finished this story.. hehehe... i'm torn between writing woojong or gyujong XD what do you guys think? :P

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magnoliafrankie #1
Chapter 11: I enjoyed this story a lot! They made a really cute couple. I'm glad everyone had a happy ending. Thanks for writing this story.
nadisungjong #2
Chapter 11: i like the way sunggyu kiss sungjong tho..kekeke...
mimijjong #3
Chapter 10: Owh..this is cute.their fight cute.i can literally imagine exactly how their fight in my mind.can't wait for your update and woojong story.i'm sure you will do great cause your really good author.^^
mimijjong #4
Chapter 9: I have been waiting for your update.thank you..what a lovely story.owh..the heart thumping.i hope they solve their problem.i freaking love this story.^^
nadisungjong #5
Chapter 9: cliffhanger T_T... anyways, welcome back!!!!!!
7heart93 #6
Chapter 7: Yay! You updated! Hihi but this is sad. I love myungjong as much as gyujong. Well, maybe a little more than gyujong (don't kill me). It's sad to see broken myungjong. Waaahhh! But please please. Make gyujong happen quicklyyy! Because angry Gyu is cute, but scaryyy >.< and gyujong is just so cute!! <3